Pranic Healing Workshops - Sydney 2008

Suburb / Postcode
Telephone / H / W / M

YES Please, Enroll me NOW (within 14 days of receiving my information pack) – so that I can receive a FREE Bonus Twin Hearts Meditation and Healing CD (valued at $35)*This CD is guided by Master Choa Kok Sui and is an easy and yet powerful mediation technique to cleanse, re-energize, strengthen and rebalance the energy field. Done regularly it has a transforming effect on the body and emotions uplifting you and filling you with energy and light.

Early Bird – Full Pranic Healing Series Rate (Due by Jan 25th 2008)

Full ‘Fast Track’ Pranic Healing Series including Levels 1- 4: Basic, Advanced, Pranic Psychotherapy and Pranic Crystal Healing with Bonus Pranic Facial Rejuvenation workshops. Valued at $1540, Package Price $1295 (SAVE $235)

Early Bird –Pranic Healing Series Rate (Due by Jan 25th 2008)

First three levels in the ‘Fast Track’ Pranic Healing Series: Basic, Advanced, Pranic Psychotherapy workshops. Valued at $1,050, Package Price $890 (SAVE $160)

Individual Workshops:$330  Basic Pranic Healing  Advanced Pranic Healing

 Pranic Psychotherapy  Pranic Crystal Healing  Pranic Facial Rejuvenation ($220)

* A minimum deposit of $100 towards workshop fees is required to secure the Free Bonus Meditation CD offer

Reviewer: $55: (please specify workshop)______

Total Payment of: $______

Personal Cheque Bank ChequeMoney Order Direct Deposit Credit card
All payments to be made payable to Light Streams
Direct Deposit toLight Streams Bank Account: BSB: 063 498 Acc #: 1029 7733
Please notify us via email when your payment has been made and your payment details
Payment Plans are available on request please contact our office and we’ll arrange this for you.

Name on Card: Expiry Date: /

Signed: Name:

Please complete and mail, fax or email together with payment to Light Streams:

Mail to:PO Box 6106, Doncaster 3108 Phone: 02 9011 7993 Fax: 03 9841 4723


Workshop Dates and Times:








Level 1
Basic Pranic Healing / Sat & Sun 16th/17th Feb 2008 / Sat & Sun 9th/10th Feb 2008 / 10am - 6pm
Level 2
Advanced Pranic Healing / Fri 14th & Sat 15th March 2008 / Fri 7th & Sat 8th March 2008 / Fri 6pm-9pm
Sat 9am-6pm
Level 3
Pranic Psychotherapy / Sat 15th & Sun 16th March 2008 / Sat 8th & Sun 9th March 2008 / 7pm-10pm
Level 4
Pranic Crystal Healing / Sat 5th & Sun 6th April 2008 / TBC / 10am-5pm
Pranic Facial Rejuvenation / Sun 6th April 2008 / TBC / 2pm-5pm
Psychic Self Defense
(prerequisite Pranic Psychotherapy) / TBC / Sat 29th & Sun 30th March 2008 / 10am - 6pm


Brisbane – The Watermark Hotel, 551 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill

Sydney – TBC

Cancellation and Transfer Policy

Light Streams reserves the right to cancel or reschedule workshops if insufficient registrations are received. If Light Streams cancels any workshops, a full refund or transfer will apply based on the individual participant’s wishes.

More than 14 days from the workshop commencement:

Cancellations will be accepted and fees will be refunded only on receipt of written cancellation request.

Transfers will also be accepted and fees will be allocated to another date or workshops without penalty.

Less than 14 days from the workshop commencement:

Cancellations will not be accepted. Fees will not be refunded but may be transferred to another workshop.

Participants who fail to attend a workshop without advising Light Streams will be charged the full workshops fee.

* A minimum deposit of $100 towards workshop fees is required to secure the Free Bonus Meditation CD offer.