Please read these notes carefully before you complete and submit your WorkForUs! application form.
Thank you for your interest in working for the National Trust for Scotland. You should find attached to this Guidance Note a WorkForUs! application form and a copy of the Job Description/Person Specification for the post you have requested more information about.
Please read these notes carefully:
1) Completing and submitting your WorkForUs! application form
¶ Please complete the WorkForUs! form clearly and in black ink only – we may have to make several photocopies to distribute to the Selection Panel and need these to be as legible as possible.
¶ Please submit only the WorkForUs! form – do not submit a CV or covering letter – if you submit a CV or covering letter this will be destroyed without consideration.
¶ Please read the Job Description/Person Specification carefully and think how your own qualifications and experiences match what we are looking for – you may increase your chances of being invited for interview if the Selection Panel can see clearly from your WorkForUs! form how you are a ‘good fit’ for the job.
¶ Please give full answers to all the questions asked or information requested on the WorkForUs! application form. If you feel that something does not apply to you, please enter “Not Applicable” in the appropriate space – if you leave a space blank we may assume that you have accidentally missed out an answer (you should note that incomplete forms are generally automatically rejected).
¶ If you have been sent an electronic copy of the WorkForUs! form and chose to type in your details/responses, then you must ensure that there are defined page-breaks between the main part of the form – each part of your application is separated on its receipt and only certain parts are copied or forwarded to others. If your WorkForUs! application form has not been submitted with each part clearly separate then we will not consider it.
¶ If you choose to submit your form electronically and have not hand-signed the “Declaration”, you are still bound by it and, by submitting your application we will deem you to have agreed to it. If you are invited to interview, we may ask you to hand-sign your application before the interview begins.
¶ Your application should be sent to the People Department (Recruitment), The National Trust for Scotland, Hermiston Quay, 5 Cultins Road, Edinburgh EH11 4DF.
¶ Please note that, because of the sheer volume of applications we receive, we cannot acknowledge receipt of your WorkForUs! form, and if you have not been invited to interview within 4 weeks of the closing date for the post you can assume we are not pursuing your application further (and you have not been successful).
2) Being invited for interview
¶ If you are to be invited for interview we may contact you in whichever way we feel is most appropriate – by letter, telephone, or email – so please ensure that your postal address, telephone number(s), and email address are stated accurately and that you regularly use/check these in case we have contacted you.
¶ Because of the logistics of bringing together the Selection Panel for an interview date, if you are invited to interview and the date does not suit you we cannot guarantee to be able to offer you an alternative and your application may then be suspended – you should make every effort to attend the time and date we offer.
¶ Interviews are normally held at (or as close as possible to) the normal place of work of the post for which you have applied – this allows you to get a ‘feel’ for the office/property/locality in which the post is based.
¶ If you are invited for interview you will be asked to bring:
- Proof of eligibility to work in the UK – usually an EU passport (or non-EU passport supported by visas/permits), National Insurance Card or birth certificate.
- Proof of the professional and educational qualifications you have stated on your WorkForUs! form (i.e. original certificates, membership cards etc).
- A hand-signed copy of the WorkForUs! form and Reference Slips if you submitted these originally by email or fax.
If you cannot provide us with these then we may not be able to offer you a job if you are successful after interview.
¶ If you are invited for interview, the Selection Panel will expect you to be able to elaborate on the information you have provided on the WorkForUs! form, demonstrate (by giving examples) how your experience and qualifications match the Job Description/Person Specification, and demonstrate that you know about – and empathise with - the aims and objectives of the National Trust for Scotland.
¶ If you are invited to interview you should follow closely the instructions you will be given as some interviews may also involve tours of sites/offices, practical exercises, presentations etc.
3) Our decision making
The Selection Panel’s decision to accept or reject your application, to invite you or not invite you to interview, and subsequently to offer or not offer you employment is final and by submitting your application you are thereby accepting the Panel’s decision. The provision of feedback about your application or interview is entirely at the discretion of the Panel.
4) Data Protection
¶ The National Trust for Scotland takes Data Protection very seriously. We have designed the WorkForUs! Application Form, and the administrative procedures for handling applications to protect the information you provide. This will mean, for example, that only the People Department will know your name and address throughout the selection process, and the Interview Panel itself will not know your name until the day of the interview. After the selection process is complete we will destroy the details we hold about you unless you are the candidate we wish to offer the job to in which case some elements of your application (e.g. your name and address and a note of your qualifications) will be used as the basis for your Employee Record. We destroy all data relating to unsuccessful applicants within 6 months of the conclusion of the selection process.
¶ As an applicant you have the right under the Data Protection Act 1995 to request to see any data we hold about you – including notes made at shortlisting and interview stages – and we are obliged by law to provide you with this. (But remember that if we are not pursuing your application we will have destroyed your WorkForUs! Form and records relating to you.) We will make a charge of £10 for this service and should you wish to make a request you must do so in writing to me at The National Trust for Scotland, Hermiston Quay, 5 Cultins Road, Edinburgh EH11 4DF
5) Equal Opportunities Statement
¶ The National Trust for Scotland is committed to equality of opportunity and as such it is the policy of the Trust that all employees and potential employees should be treated equally in relation to employment opportunities, training, compensation, promotion and all other such conditions regardless of sex, marital status, racial group, religion, national origin, age or disability. The Trust will implement the policy ensuring that:
- Equality of opportunity is considered an integral part of good recruitment practice and that all recruiters understand the possible areas where discrimination may occur in the recruitment process.
- Individuals are considered for employment, training, promotion and transfer on the basis of their relevant skills, aptitudes, abilities and qualifications.
- Employment practices and procedures are developed and maintained which ensure equitable treatment for all.
- All employees are encouraged to develop their potential and to use their skills and abilities to their fullest extent.
¶ The Trust meets all its legal obligations as laid down in the legislation dealing with equal opportunities.
Craig Ferguson
People Relations, Policy and Engagement Manager – The National Trust for Scotland
Send your completed WorkForUs! application to: or by post to People Department (Recruitment), The National Trust for Scotland, Hermiston Quay, 5 Cultins Road, Edinburgh, EH11 4DF.
/ Applicant name(initial + surname only)
Job Title of post applied for: / Please provide / In which location? / Please Provide
First Name(s): / Surname:Contact address:
(including postcode)
Tel (day): / Tel (mob):
Tel (evening): / Email:
If you are invited to interview you will be asked to bring certain proof with you. Please tick (þ) to confirm that you can provide:
Application Form (cont’d) / Applicant name (initials + surname only)o photographic proof of your identity o proof of your eligibility to work in the UK o proof of qualifications
The job description will state whether or not the duties of this post mean that a criminal records check will be necessary.
Do you consent to the National Trust for Scotland pursuing a criminal records (Disclosure Scotland) check where this is appropriate to the post? (Please tick þ) / o Yes / o NoIf the post for which you are applying requires a criminal records (Disclosure Scotland) check, you have the opportunity to “self-disclose” to the Trust any criminal matter that may appear on your record that is relevant to this post. Have you enclosed (in a separate, sealed envelope) such a “self disclosure”? / o Yes / o No
STATUS (please tick þ only one of these statements):
o I am currently employed by or volunteering for the National Trust for Scotland (or have done so in the last 6 months) and therefore recognise that I am an “internal” applicant
o I am not currently employed by or volunteering for the National Trust for Scotland (nor have done so in the last 6 months) and therefore recognise that I am an “external” applicant
Provide the names and contact details of two referees – one of these must be your current (or most recent) employer.
Referee 1 / Referee 2Name
How does s/he know you?
Address (including post-code)
Tel. (day)
The National Trust for Scotland is a registered data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (registered number: Z8526377). The National Trust for Scotland respects your privacy and will not disclose your personal data to any third party without your consent. Our full Privacy Policy can be found on our website signing below:
1. I consent to the National Trust for Scotland processing any personal data (including sensitive personal data) that may be collected from me for the purpose of my recruitment.
2. I consent to the National Trust for Scotland: pursuing references at the agreed timing, medical report, criminal records check (where this is relevant to the post(s) applied for), seeking proof of my eligibility to work within the UK, seeking proof of the educational/training qualifications, seeking proof of membership of professional bodies/societies/organisations that I cite in this application before confirming any offer of employment, and that any offer of employment may be withdrawn if these are not found to be satisfactory to the Trust.
3. I declare that the information on all parts of this Application Form is correct to the best of my knowledge, and understand that the National Trust for Scotland may withdraw any offer of employment, or any subsequent employment if this information is found to be incorrect or deliberately misleading in any way.
Signed:______Print Name:______Date:______
CURRENT (or most recent) EMPLOYMENT
Name & Address of Employer:
Please provide a summary of your Job’s purpose:
Who else is in your immediate team and how does your role relate to them?
Who do you provide service/support to in your role (internal and external)?
Why do you wish to leave (or did you leave) this position?
Notice period required:
Please list these in reverse order [i.e. most recent first]. We may seek to verify these details direct with these employer(s) without further recourse to you. Please account for all your employment.
Date from / Date to / Job Title / Employer Name & Address / Reason for LeavingPlease list any other activities other than employment that account for any gaps in your employment history (e.g. attending college/university, ‘gap year’, family reasons). We may seek verification of these details.
Date from / Date to / Activity or ReasonQualifications (include technical/vocational/professional membership certificates)
Please list only your qualification/training certificates that are relevant to the job for which you are applying.
Qualification obtained with subject and/or professional membership / Training provider or awarding/examining body / Date awardedIf you do not possess the qualifications noted in the Job Description, briefly explain how your knowledge or experience is equivalent:
The Job Description will state whether or not being able to drive is a requirement for this post.
Do you hold a valid driving license for driving within the UK? / o Yes / o NoThis post requires you to be self-sufficient and proficient in IT. Please indicate your experience: