International Association

Of Lions Clubs

District 23A Region II

Cabinet Meeting Report 0f


Dear District Governor Lion Mark Lyon,

Since our last Cabinet Meeting the Lions Clubs in Zone 3 and Zone 4 have gotten off to a great start.

Zone 3 Chairman Lion Rich Krodel reports:

The Monroe Lions Club has added a new member, conducted an eye screening, put up Xmass baskets for the needy, attended joint club and zone meetings, contributed to the Spooner House Food Bank, Raised moneys for their scholarship fund and even gave a hand to North Bridgeport Lions Club’s Toys for Abused Children Program for the second year in a row .It is an excellent effort, done by excellent Lions, in an excellent Club. Club President Lion Marie McCarthy has the club well on its way to fulfilling the 100% Club Award.

The North Bridgeport Lions Club is being led this year by Club President and Zone 3 Chairman Lion Rich Kordell. Not enough can be said about his effort. To highlight this;

1. Lion Rich has established new Lions Clubs in Huntington and Westport with Lions 2nd VP Lyn Meyers.

2. Laid out groundwork with NBLC Membership Chairman, and Regional Chairman, Lion Tom Veneruso, for NBLC’s membership drive in the North Main Street commerce corridor on January 11, 2010.

3. Laid out similar groundwork with the Regional Chairman for the membership drive for the Stratford Lions Club to be done in Stratford’s North End on January 25, 2010. North Bridgeport‘s Associate member, Lion Jerryl Veneruso, is currently working on the Stratford brochure and will be finalized for approval after the first of the year.

4. Lion Rich has also laid the groundwork with NBLC Membership Chairman and Regional Chairman, Lion Tom Veneruso toward the establishment of a University of Bridgeport Campus Club. The University is very receptive toward the club’s formation and at a recent NBLC eye screening done on campus, 32 students who took part in the screening said they would join. The future is very bright.

The NBLC has held successful candy and wine tasting fundraisers, a successful Toys for Abused Children drive, an eye screening as mentioned above, with another to be held on January 18th 2010, Dr. Martin Luther King Day at the University of Bridgeport Campus.

Lion Rich has the NBLC looking forward toward a 100% award this year.

The Stratford Lions Club has attended a Zone and inter club meeting held at the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport and is looking forward to partnering with the NBLC in a new membership drive to get underway on Jan. 25th 2010. The Bridgeport Host Club aided Stratford in the annual Stratford Day Fair to raise money for the Stratford Lions Club’s Scholarship Fund. Progress is being made and spirits for the Stratford Lions Club have risen. Keep in mind the Stratford Lions Club was chartered on November 22nd 1929 and is celebrating it’s 80th Anniversary this year.

The Trumbull Center Lions Club is off to a great start holding two “Shake The Can” fundraisers for LLVC, a wine tasting, and participated in the West Haven Walk For Diabetes. They are currently waiting on District Governor Mark Lyon to install a new member for them. (I couldn’t resist the shot). The TCLC Leo’s club also is going great guns participating in as many events as they can with a huge amount of energy that only youth can bring.

The Trumbull Lions Club

The Bridgeport Lions Host Club started the year by helping the Stratford Lions Club with it’s Stratford Day Fundraiser. They deserve a great deal of credit for continuing this effort each year

Zone 4, Chairman Joe Persico reports:

The Beacon Falls Lions Club has done an excellent job for LLVC, obtaining two CCTV’s.

Oxford Lions Club

Ansonia Lions Club President Joyce Rosito is holding the new club together. Anyone who has sat as president of a small club knows the problems that occur. In Joyce’s case it is also a new club in a depressed economy. Patience, and help from other clubs is needed, but a new plan of attack has to be developed. The Regional Chairman Tom Veneruso, Guiding Lion Rose Marie Spataffore, and Zone Chairman Joe Persico will be working together with Lion Joyce to develop a revised plan.

Bethany Lions Club President Walter Briggs said the October Eye and Hearing Screenings at Bethany Town hall went off with a hitch, and the membership committee will be giving their report on new members at the next club meeting in two weeks.

Derby/Shelton Lions Club President Tony Terrasi said the club’s October fundraiser was a success. The club’s membership is in their 80’s so enlarging the club is needed but difficult to do. The club’s spirits are high for a great 2010.

Naugatuck Lions Club

The Seymour Lions Club President Frank DeLeo has attended both Zone 4 meetings and PSTM session,