County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing
RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2
RFP No. 901463
Automated Materials Handling System - Fremont Main Library
Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Mandatory
Networking/Bidders Conference
Held on June 1, 2016
This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB, please ensure that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFP Addendum will also be posted on the GSA Contracting Opportunities website located at .Alameda County is committed to reducing environmental impacts across our entire supply chain.
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RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2
Page 1
County of Alameda, General Services Agency-Procurement
RFP No. 901463, Addendum No. 1
The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.
Page 3 of the RFP, “Table of Contents (ATTACHMENTS)”, has been modified as follows:
Please see attached Exhibit D –Annual Check-in List.
Page 14 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS) Item 9.k., has been revised:
Physical maintenance support (parts and labor) shall be available from not more than 90 minutes driving time from the location of the AMHS at the San Lorenzo LibraryFremont Main Library. The Bidder shall respond with the office locations of this support. Service personnel residences do not meet this requirement.
Responses to Questions:
Q1)Does the County have preferred Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) vendors that prime contractors should work with?
A)You can search for vendors in Alameda County's small local emerging business database at: . You can search for SLEBs who are certified small and emerging and also by NAICS codes.
Q2)Is the prime contractor allowed to use more than one SLEB sub-contractor?
A)Yes, prime contractor is allowed to use more than one SLEB sub-contractor with a combined total of at least twenty percent (20%) of the total bid amount in order to be considered for contract award.
Q3)Are there any labor or additional provisionsfor a contractor or doing work onsite?
A)No, other than that described onPage 24 of the RFP, Section L. (PRICING), Item 12 which states:
Prevailing Wages: Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq., Contractor shall pay to persons performing labor in and about Work provided for in Contract not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the Work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work in said locality, which per diem wages shall not be less than the stipulated rates contained in a schedule thereof which has been ascertained and determined by the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations to be the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute this contract.
Q4)Can bidders come back to the Fremont Main Library (FML) to take measurements of the proposed area for the Automated Materials Handling System (AMHS) and the classroom?
A4)No additional time will be allotted for bidders to measure the space for the AMHS. The measurements of the space for the AMHSare approximately 42’L x 20’ W. The distance from the third induction point inside the lobby to the right wall of the space for the AMHS is approximately 42’.
Q5)Does a sub-contractor to the Prime bidder need to register on the Strategic Sourcing Portal?
A)No. The prime bidder is responsible for registering to the Strategic Sourcing Portal.
Q6)If a bidder does not have any former references, can the bidder provide any other types of references?
A)Bidders must state the reason why they cannot provide any former references in the Exceptions, Clarifications, and Amendments on page 12 of Exhibit A. If a bidder cannot provide former references, then additional current references should be provided.
Q7)Can the County please clarify whether a bidder’s references can be based on quality of service and quality of equipment?
A)References can be based on quality of service orquality of equipment. The County recommends bidders not to list any Alameda County employees as references.
Q8)Are bidders able to modify the items in the bid form to reflect optional equipment or omit installation hours for example?
A)No. Bidders shall not modify the bid form. Bidders may state modifications in the description of proposed services section of the bid proposal. Modification of the bid form may be grounds for disqualification.
Q9)The contract start date is listed as September 1, 2016. When does the County expect the AMHS to be installed?
A)The County is proposing to have the AMHS installed within 90 days or earlier after the contract start date of September 1, 2016.
Q10)Would the pricing include the three year warrantyand installation?
A)Yes, the pricing includes the three year warranty and installation. Please fill out all pricing fields located on the Bid Form.
Q11)What is the maintenance agreement for the AMHS for this RFP? Does the County expect for any additional years for warranty and maintenance?
A)This RFP is a three year contract, with an option to renew for two additional years for a total of five years.
Please refer to page 26 of the RFP, Section O.2. (WARRANTY), states:
“Warranty will be for a minimum of three years from the date of system acceptance and will include all service including labor, parts, materials, and preventive maintenance for operational hours. For the purposes of warranty and maintenance, operational hours shall be defined as Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Warranty is defined as Bidder fully absorbing the cost of parts, labor, travel and/or transportation to repair or replacement of any defective part(s) in the system, including all hardware, software, cables, etc. and maintaining the system in an operating condition for a minimum of one year. Warranty shall include at least one preventive maintenance visit per year.”
Q12)Can the County please clarify if there is a CAD file supplied for this RFP? If not, will the library be supplying high quality blue prints with measurements of the proposed AMHS location?
A)There is no CAD file available. The Fremont Main Library (FML) was built prior to CAD systems.
Q13)Does the County have blueprints and measurements for the rooms where the proposed AMHS location will be built or the distances between the induction points?
A)The County does not have blueprints. The measurements of the space for the AMHS are approximately 42’L x 20’ W. The distance from the third induction point inside the lobby to the right wall of the space for the AMHS is approximately 42’.
Q14)What are the sizes of the bins and totes for the sorting system? Does the County have a library size or capacity requirement for any of the bins and totes?
A)The County prefers that bidders should specify the type(s) and size(s) of the bins and/or totes that will work with the system they are designing. Currently, FML uses 21-1/2"L X 15-1/4"W X 9-5/8"H modular nesting containers manufactured by Buckhorn design to transport material
Q15)How many bins and totes does the FML use in the entire system?
A)FML estimates there areabout 700 of the modular nesting containers in use in the system.
Q16)Does the County require bins and totes for the sorting system as part of this RFP?
A)If the system designed by the bidders use bins and/or totes other than the modular nesting containers already in use by Alameda County Library (ACL) and FML, the County will require that the bidder provide totes or bins, and that the cost of the totes or bins be included in the cost of the system.
Q17)If the County is requesting for bins and totes for the AMHS, can the County please clarify the type of design requested? (e.g. ergonomic or generic designs).
A)The County prefers that bidders propose a design that will work with their proposed AMHS.
Q18)Will the FML transport transit items in the bins and totes or will FML use book-trucks?
A)FML intends to use both totes and book trucks to transit materials.
Q19)Page 4 of the RFP, Section B. (SCOPE), first paragraph states:
“The AMHS must be sized to handle an annual circulation of 1.53 million materials in the Fremont Main Library at an estimated rate of 750 check-ins per hour.”
Can the County please provide data on the hour-by-hour check-in materials that will show peak times for processing?
A)Please see Exhibit D ANNUAL CHECK-IN LIST, included in this addendum,for annual check-in information for the Sierra Library Services Platform.
Q20)The rate of 750 check-ins per hour is considered a low number, would the County consider increasing the rate requirement?
A)No. The rate of check-ins will remain the same.
Q21)Page 5 of the RFP, Section B (SCOPE), Item 2.e., states:
“The AMHS must be able to check-in and sort materials into the following categories:
e.Returned materials not owned by ACL.”
Can the County please clarify what other materials would fit the “not owned by ACL” category that the library intends to receive and sort (such as Consortium items, interlibrary loan items, donated items)?
A)Items that are considered “not owned by ACL” include items from LINK+ interlibrary loan items and items mistakenly returned to ACL that belong to other library systems.
Q22)Page 6 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.c., states:
“The AMHS must include a minimum of five material induction points. Three of the induction points (two outside the building and other inside the building) shall be for customers. The other two induction points shall be for the use of staff and shall be located in the staff sorting and returns work room.”
Can the County please clarify the location of the two outside book drops and will the County require two exterior induction points and the back up?
A)The two exterior book drops are to be located to the left of the main entrance. The County is requiring two exterior induction points and one back up induction point.
Q23)If the two book drops are side-by-side, can the County please clarify if a proposed AMH system with a single exterior walk-up book drop could match the performance or out-perform two exterior walkup book drops, would the proposing system receive negative points in the grading for not meeting the requirements set forth in the RFP?
A)Two book drops and one back up are listed in the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS and is required by this RFP. Please refer to:
Page 7 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.c., states:
“The AMHS must include a minimum of five material induction points. Three of the induction points (two outside the building and other inside the building) shall be for customers. The other two induction points shall be for the use of staff and shall be located in the staff sorting and returns work room.”
Bidders are required to address and describe their capabilities which will allow them to meet each of the technical requirements stated in the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.
Q24)If the conveyor is going to go through the current classroom, will it require to be sealed if the room is going to be continued to be used as classroom?
A)Yes. The current classroom will continue to be used as a classroom. The County is looking to have the conveyor traverse without interrupting the classroom.
Q25)If the conveyor system is required to go above the classroom, is there enough space for the conveyance system to go up and back to the classroom?
A)There is no room for a conveyor to go above and back to the classroom.
Q26)Page 7 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.g., states:
“The customer induction points shall have full touch-screen weather-resistant, and liquid-resistant interfaces. The customer check-ins shall provide animation to illustrate the proper way to insert materials.”
Can the County please clarify if a bidder’s proposal will receive negative points for not meeting the requirements of this RFP by proposing an AMHS without a full touch-screen, weather-resistant, and liquid-resistant interface could match the performance or out-perform a system with a touchscreen as far as patron convenience, ease of use, and speed of accepting materials?
A)The above description is listed in the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT and is required by the RFP. Bidders are required to address and describe their capabilities which will allow them to meet each of the technical requirements stated in the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.
Q27)Page 9 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.v., states:
“Bidder must describe the fire safety features of the external book return chute.”
Can the County please clarify if a bidder’s proposal will receive negative points for not meeting the requirements of this RFP by proposing an AMHS with a single exterior book drop equipped with a fire-suppression unit could match performance or out-perform that of two exterior book drops equipped with fire suppression units?
A)External book return chutes are listed in the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT and is required by the RFP. Bidders are required to address and describe their capabilities which will allow them to meet each of the technical requirements stated in the SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.
Q28)Will the room where the interior induction point still be used as a storage room where staff will have access?
A)No. The room where the AMHS is proposed to be located will be cleared of all storage items.
Q29)Can the County please clarify that there is five induction points and one manual book return?
A)Yes. There are five induction points and one manual book return chute.
Q30)Page 9 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 1.w., states:
“The AMHS must be able to concurrently handle both barcode and RFID tagged materials. The RFID system shall be ISO 15693 18000-3 Mode 1 compliant and must use Reader Talks First (RTF) Architecture.”
Does the County have a time line to convert to RFID?
A)No, the County does not have a time linefor RFID conversion.
Q31)Should the barcode be retrofitted with RFID or is it already functioning with the barcode and RFID?
A)The AMHS must be able to handle both barcode-tagged material and RFID-tagged material at the time of installation.
Q32)Can the County please clarify whether the barcode location should be on the top, the bottom or both?
A)The barcode location should be on the top of the items.
Q33)Page 10 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 4.d., states:
“Describe the AMHS backup system when there is an electrical power failure. Explain how checked in materials are handled when the sortation system is non-operational;”
Can the County please clarify whether the AMHS should still function if there is a power failure? And if so, how long would the County want the AMHS to continue functioning with the power failure?
A)In the event of a power failure, the system should cease operation and perform a safe shutdown using power from a UPS unit. The system should have the ability to restart itself once power is restored. Additionally, the system should have store and forward function which allows it to store transaction if network and/or Sierra connectivity issues and upload transactions automatically upon connection restored.
Q34)Will a bidder receive negative points if the proposed AMHS does not have an interactive public interface that could match performance or out-perform an AMHS that required patron interaction on a public interface?
A)Points listed in the Evaluation Criteria are total possible points for each section. However, failure to meet the Specific Requirements may lead to disqualification.
Q35)Page 11 of the RFP, Section E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 5.g) states: