A Collaborative Project
(The information included here will be presented to students*)
Created by: Alvarez, Patricia (2016)
Project name: Healthy food for thought[CPAA1]This project is focused on training you in reading strategies that will help you boost your comprehension of short written texts. Through the topic: HEALTH, we will guide you towards [CPAA2]the final goal: better reading comprehension.[CPAA3]
What do you think about the project’s name? Read what the project is about and we kindly invite you to propose a new name (in case you want to).[CPAA4]
Objectivesand final product
By the end of this project, you will be able to:
- Design a poster of a prevention campaign, in which[CPAA5]you summarize the main tips to boost people’s health[CPAA6]
- Improve reading comprehension through the use of three strategies (i.e. identifying main and secondary ideas, identifying specific information and inferring what the author says and summarizing)
- Manage some technological tools, such as [CPAA7]Mindmeister, Paddlet, Quizlet and Poster my wall
To develop this project, you will go through four stages which will help you move step by step frothe starting point to the very goal.[CPAA8]
The four stages are:
“Be good to your body”: In this first stage, you will be introduced to the basics of this Virtual Center. In here you will:
- Introduce yourself by following the example on the application.[CPAA9]
- Play with some of the vocabulary that you will find later in a text that you will read.[CPAA10]
- Learn your first reading strategy (identification of ideas through graphics). In small groups, you will have to apply such strategy with a text and, if any doubt, teachers and partners will be willing to help you.
“Exercise your mind”: In this second stage, you will:
- Remember what you learned previously through an activity of description.[CPAA12]
- Answer a short quiz to check how your comprehension is so far.[CPAA13]
- Be trained in [CPAA14]a second reading strategy (specific and inferred information). In here, you will know how important it is to be an active reader! Every text is a conversation with you[CPAA15]. For that reason, you need to be careful with explicit information and inferential ideas of the author[CPAA16].
- Design your own quizzes based on your literal and inferential comprehension of shot texts[CPAA17].
“Health matters”: In this third stage, you will:
- Play [CPAA18]with some vocabulary that will help you to understand the text later.
- Identify main ideas and some information about people’s lifestyle.
- See the practical use of summarizing. This strategy will help you condense ideas and information from text. In that way, you will refer to the information you need in a faster and easier way.[CPAA19]
“Creating awareness”: This final stage is dedicated to your production. You will put into practice the strategies you have learned before through the design of a poster as a health promotion campaign. Your abilities to summarize texts, find the information you need[CPAA20], and use the correct ideas [CPAA21]will help you design the best poster ever.
Collaborative learning
A key concept that will guarantee your success over the development of the project is “collaboration”. It means, you will be working on the activities of the project by groups, where each individual will take a significant role among the group[CPAA22], - Leader, Editor, Checker - Secretary - Summarizer - Time-tracker - which will boost your group interaction and development of work. More than a group, you will be a team, working on activities such as:
Introductions - in order to meet your team partners and interact with them.
Collaborative mind mapping - to summarize ideas of readings part of the project.[CPAA23]
Quiz designs[CPAA24]- which will foster your team ability to identify and infer information from readings.
Group discussions over other teams work - Answering questions and giving opinions on other groups. [CPAA25]
Collaborative writing - where “more than two heads is better than one”.
Peer-feedback where teams will assess each other's final products.
By working collaboratively, you will find your classmates will contribute to your project equally, you and your partners will benefit from the strengths each of you have and will empower each other to reach this project final goal: A health awareness campaign!
Scaffolding opportunities
You will find step by step assignments with clear instructions, that facilitate to achieve the learning goals.
- The collaborative project will help you to learn from your partners and reflect on your own learning.
- In the resources section, you have access to online dictionaries, tutorials videos, websites, and links that will help you to accomplish the activities.
- Also, if you have any questions, you go to the section “contact us” and leave a message. Tutors will help you as soon as possible.
- Additionally, there are tips to read texts, and examples of the results expected[CPAA26].
You did a good job but the language use and the length of instructions need to be carefully revised so that students will not get frustrated reading this,
Your grade: 3.8
Copyright © 2017. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Languages and Cultures.All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduce all or parts of this material should be directed to:
[CPAA1]I know I have said this is a nice name but now that I realice perhaps saying something like delicious helthy food would be easier for students to understand.
[CPAA2]Too difficult!!
[CPAA3]This is a nice intro but the language you are using can be easier and a bit friendlier for students.
With this project you are going to learn about food and some healthy habits that will for sure make your life much easier and happier. Also you will learn about some reading strategies to help you understand what you read easily.
[CPAA4]We want you to help us find a good name for this project. Let’s vote it here (and you give them access to a short poll for them to vote their favourite name)
[CPAA5]Too difficult for students to understand
[CPAA7]Learn about…
[CPAA8]What do you mean?
[CPAA9]What application?
[CPAA10]Make this shorter and easier
[CPAA11]Too many details.
Instructions do not use exoressions like you have to
[CPAA12]What do you mean?
[CPAA13]How much you understand from a text?
[CPAA14]Learn about…
[CPAA15]Between you and the author
[CPAA16]What do you mean?
[CPAA17]Which are these?
[CPAA19]More rapidly and easily?
[CPAA20]Specific informaiton
[CPAA21]What do you mean?
[CPAA22]Say this using less complicated more friendly language
[CPAA23]Chekc this for clarification
[CPAA24]What do you mean?
[CPAA25]Giving suggestions to your classmates
[CPAA26]You did a good job in terms of structuring the paper. Please take a look at the language you used in order to make it friendlier and more accessible to students.
Take a look at the language used in these instructions: