6 March 2006
1.1 Promotion of sustainable wastewater treatment
- CCB postcards, Eco-evolution – history of toilet (2005), translated to Ukrainian and Russian 2005.
- Poster “Urine Diverting Toilets – demonstration sites” (2004)
- Poster “sustainable WasteWater Management (2004)
- Poster “ Ecological Waterfree toilet with urine.diversion” (2004)
- Postcard “Keep water for swimming – not for flushing” (revised 2004 and 2005), translated to Ukrainian and Russian 2005.
- “Sustainable Wastewater treatment for a new housing area – how to find the right solution”, booklet by Peter Ridderstolpe, WRS Uppsala, (English), 35p, (2003). Translated to Polish, Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian in 2004
- Report from the EEB/CCB Water Seminar, held in Brussels, 29-30November, 2002, 50 p, (December 2002)
- Smeltaite River Park, publication in Lithuanian,” Ekologiojos sepiniai. Smeltaites upelio parke” (Lithuanian) 25 p, (2002)
- “Guidelines for Using Urine and Blackwater Diversion Systems in Single-Family Homes” (English, Estonian,Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian), 16p, (2001)
- “Market Survey- Extremely Low Flush Toilets” (English), 53 p, (2001 and reprint 2003)
- Sustainable Wastewater Treatment for Single-Family Homes – (English,Estonian, Latvian. Lithuanian, Polish, Russian), 16p, (1999-2001)
- Wastewater treatment in a small village – options for upgrading – Booklet by Swedenviro (English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Estonian, Polish), 29p, ( 2000)
- Problems of wastewater cleaning in local municipalities – booklet by Zvejone Club in Lithuanian, (Lithuanian), 50p, (1999)
- The Smeltaite constructed wetland Klaipeda, Lithuania, An example of ecological engineering for water treatment. A report by Jonas Andersson, SwedEnviro Consulting Group (English), 5 p, (1998)
- Ecological engineering in sewage management, (English, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish), 8p, (1997)
- Ecotechnology for Wastewater Treatment – Functioning facilities in the Baltic Sea region, Book with overview of 15 different innovative approaches to wastewater treatment, (English), 96p, (1997)
- Eco-eng exhibition, 7 screens. (3copies), ( 1997)
- Publication of Eco-eng exhibition text; “Ecological engineering in sewage management”
- Exhibition poster Smeltale River Park, Lithuania
1.2 Promotion of sustainable river basin management
- Baltic Sea River Basins Map, made by the Centre for Environmental Initiative, Russia (2005)
- Information leaflet on the CCB River Watch CD-Rom (2005)
- CCB River Watch CD-rom: A journey along the Jolly Rivulet (2004)
- Neman Hot-Spots Map, made by Lithuanian Green Movement and Neman Environment Group, Belarus (2004)
- River Monitoring book, “Upeliu Tyriwai”, by Antanas Kontautas and Kestutis Matiukas, (Lithuanian) 99p (2001)
- Good Ideas – Excellent Results , Booklet discussing the problems of water use in the Baltic Sea region and how it can be solved in a more sustainable way, (English), 24p, (1999)
- ”River Monitoring Handbook”, “Upes salia musu” – by K.Matiukas and A. Kontautas, (Lithuanian) 44p (1996)
1.3 Promotion of water protection measures in agriculture
- Brochure: Ecological Agriculture, society and environment. Good examples of local consumer-producer relationship. Made by Polish Ecological Club, City of Gliwice Chapter (English, 2005).
- Polish brochure: Wplyw rolnictwa na srodowisko (Environmental Impact of Agriculture. Polish nature heritage in farmer’s hands) (2004)
- Brochure: Accession and Agriculture: Making CAP work for people and the environment. Translated into Polish 2004.
- Brochure: Some case studies describing local organic markets in Poland, Finland and Sweden. Translated into Polish 2004.
- Polish poster for promotion of organic food (2004)
- Polish pamphlet on regional recipes prepared by organic food (2004)
- Polish pamphlet on organic farms connected to bicycle routes (2004)
- Polish brochure: ABC of Bioagronomy, so lets talk about organic farming, (2004)
- Brochure “European Union Rural Development Policy in Polish Conditions”, (Polish), (2003)
- Brochure “Relationship between Agriculture, Biodiversity and Environment – Policy, Actors and Opportunity in Bulgaria and Poland”, (English, Polish), (2003)
- Brochure “Agriculture and the Environment. Polish Natural Heritage in Farmers’ hands”, (Polish), (2003)
- Leaflet “Challenges for Rural Development in Poland in enlarged EU”, (Polish), (2003)
- Leaflet “Food and Rest AND Health and Environment”, (Polish), (2003)
- “The role of organic agriculture in agri-environmental programs, law aspects”, by Harriet Bennet, - a booklet describing benefits coming from using agri-environmental programs including organic , (2002)
- “Organic Agriculture”, - Agriculture as an integral part of EU policies, by Urszula Sołtysiak, Agata Szlagier-Jabłońska, (2002), basic information about organic agriculture written for members of parliament, decision makers at governmental and local levels ,
- “Guide 2000. Organic Farms of South Poland. Food. Tourism and Rest”, (2000)
- “Organic agriculture as a Basis of Sustainable Development on Rural Areas” - leaflet about organic farming , (2000)
- Leaflet about Coalition to Support Organic Agriculture in Polish (2000)
- Leaflet about Coalition to Support Organic Agriculture in English (2000)
- “Organic Farming - Sustainable Agriculture Put into Practice” (reprint 2000)
2.1 Harmful installations and transports in the Baltic Sea Region
- Electronic map of harmful installations in the Eastern Gulf of Finland on Green World website, (2004)
- Pamphlet; “Stop oil extraction in the Baltic Sea”, (English, Lithuanian, Russian) (2003)
- Postcard, “Stop oil extraction in the Baltic Sea” , (English, Russian) (2003)
- CCB Yearbook 2003; “Harmful installations in the Baltic Sea Region”, 54p, (English) (2003)
- Paper describing existing and planned big installations in the Baltic Sea Region with transnational impact, Green World ( Russian) (2003)
- “The Gulf of Finland we are losing”. a booklet describing the threats to the Gulf of Finland from Oil spills, including Russian Baltic pipeline System, Primorsk oil terminal, and other plans, (English, Russian),(Jan 2002)
2.2 Promotion of sustainable development coastal zones
- CCB Yearbook 2004: Pressure on Baltic Coastal Zones and Fish Resources. Ways to Safeguard Nature. (2004)
- CCB Report: “Checking coastal conservation. International requirements to safeguard nature on the Baltic Sea’s coast. – Good and bad examples of their implementation seen from the NGO-perspective.” Report from the CCB project “Baltic Region Sustainable Coastal Development – Requirements, Conflicts and Solutions, (English), 41 p, (2004)
- Pamphlet ““Checking coastal conservation. International requirements to safeguard nature on the Baltic Sea’s coast. – Good and bad examples of their implementation seen from the NGO-perspective.” (English), (2004)
- “Sustainable Development of St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast: Awareness and Expectations”, a booklet presenting interviews with authorities, public and business community on the topic “local Agenda 21 and sustainable development – understanding and expectations”, (English, Russian), 24p, (2002)
- CCB report "National and local LA21 in the Baltic Sea region countries" including emphasis on NGO-perspectives, (English, Russian), 76p, (2001 and 2004)
- North-West Russia on the Way to Sustainable Development. Local Projects and Initiatives, (Russian), 48p (2001)
- “Sustainable Baltic - the First Steps”, a booklet describing sustainable intitiatives in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, (English, Russian), 40 p, (1999)
- “Agenda XXI” in Lithuania”,(English), 40p (1999)
2.3 Harmful impacts of installations such as hydro-electric power plants, dams etc.
- The biological cost of hydropower, by Roland Jansson, (English, Estonian, Lithuanian), 9p, (2002). Translated into Estonian, Polish and Russian in 2003.
- “Small-scale hydropower – threats to free-flowing watercourses”, Documentation from the CCB International seminar on Small Hydro-power plants and river ecosystem protection, Dec 2001, Riga, Latvia, (English), (2002).
3.1 Protection of the naturally spawning Baltic salmon
- CCB postcards: Save the Wild Baltic Salmon (English and Swedish) (2005)
- Map on the threats to the genetic diversity of the wild Baltic Salmon, “Wild Baltic Salmon – the threat is real!” (Sept 2003, updated 2004)
- Poster on the threats to the genetic diversity of the wild Baltic Salmon, “Wild Baltic Salmon – the threat is real!” (Sept 2003, updated 2004)
- Time Out for Baltic Salmon – CCB pamphlet (1996)
3.2 Promotion of Baltic Fisheries Sustainable fishing practises
- CCB Report “Sustainable Baltic Sea Fisheries - the way forward” (June 2004, updated 2005) (English). Translated into Polish 2004.
- CCB Report “The Dangers of Bottom Trawling”, by C.C.E. Hopkins, (English), 14p, (2003)
- CCB Pamphlet “The Dangers of Bottom Trawling”, (English, 2003). Translated into Swedish 2004.
- Possibilities for Eco-labelling of Fisheries – a report from the CCB International Seminar in Pargas, Finland 14-16 December 2001, (English), 37p, (2003)
- Development of Sustainable Fisheries in the Baltic Sea, updated version, by Sture Hansson (English), 15p, (2003)
- Development of Sustainable Fisheries in the Baltic Sea, by Sture Hansson, (English), 14p, (2001)
- Poster on the Dangers of Drift-nets ( Feb 2002)
- Report on Possibilities for sustainable Baltic Sea fisheries, incl. proposals for actions
- The Dangers of the Drift-nets , CCB-pamphlet (2001)
- CCB Report with Proposals for sustainable practices in Baltic Sea Fisheries to the IBSFC meeting in September 2001 (2001-08-31) (10 pages),
- CCB Report with Coalition Clean Baltic´s views on the future of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), based on the Commission´s Green Paper (2001-09-28) (7 pages)
- Sustainable Fisheries poster (2000) ,
- CCB Postcards ; Larus Marinus (2005)
- CCB Hotspots Map at, updated in 2004
- CCB Report: Local and National Agenda 21 in the Baltic Sea countries, translated to Russian 2004
- “Save Baltic Sea Marine Life”, information sheet about Baltic Sea endangered species, connected to CCB umbrella, (English), 1p, (2004)
- CCB Newsletter (2/96, 1/97, 3/97, 4/97, 1/98, 2/98, 3/98, 4/98, 1/99, 2/99, 3/99, 4/99, 1/00, electronic versions: 2/00, 3/00, 2001-2004,) Articles from member organisations and news, (English), (1996-2004)
- Our Habitat Values, Gulf of Finland region, book describing the values of the habitat along the south shore of the Gulf of Finland, (Russian) 140 p, (St Petersburg 2003, new updated edition 2004)
- CCB Yearbook 2002 - Baltic Sea Hot Spots “Hazards and Possibilities for the Baltic Sea Region”, (English), 44p, (issued 2001)
- Poster with map on Hot Spots, connected to CCB Yearbook 2002 (issued 2001)
- Larus Marinus Adventures In the Baltic Sea- A magazine by Kazys Kestutis Siaulytis with comic strips on pressing environmental issues of the Baltic Sea, (English), (2001)
- The CCB Baltic Sea Action Plan (English, Russian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish), 38 p, (1992),
- The ECO´s vision of an Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region, (English, Polish, Russian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian), 80p, (1998,reprint 2001),
- Habitat Values- book describing the values of the habitat along the south shore of the Gulf of Finland, (Russian English), 68p, (1999 and 2000)
- The NGO vision of an Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region, 85p, (1996)
- Summary Report of The NGO vision of an Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region, (English, Lithuanian) 25p, (1996)
- ”Green Handbook” – by VAK (Latvian)
- ”Local Handbook, Sczcecin” – by Green Federation, (Polish),
- Green Handbook, Green Consumerism, “Kuidas saada rikkaks?, by Juhan Ruut, (Estonian), 42p (1997)
- Sustainable Development, “Keskkonnaraamat”, (Estonian) 99p, (1997)
- ”Book on the Baltic Sea Env Protec.” by EcoBaltic Foundation, (Polish),
- Ecology an introduction, by Håkan Pleijel, 94-96p, (1991), (translated from Swedish to; Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, 1992-1995)
- What is happening to the Baltic Sea? Book by Anders Wirdheim 38-85p, (1990), (translated from Swedish, to Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, 1991-1994)
- 10 Areas for Action to Save the Baltic Sea - Brochure on CCB aims and activities, (English) 12 p, (revised 2004).
- For a cleaner Baltic - Environmental Citizens Organizations (ECO) in co-operation- An information pamphlet on CCB, (English, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian), (revised 2004)
- CCB information poster, revised in 2004
- CCB bookmark (2001)
- “Institutional Strengthening and Resource Development for Non-Governmental Organizations and Local Authorities in the Baltic Sea Region” – book by Marek Maciejowski and Eric C. Martin, (Polish)
- Alternativa energija, ekoteknologijas – nu apkures sitemas, Latvian report on alternative wastewater treatment, 68 p, (1999)
- Musu Mazosios Keliones - Lithuanian booklet by Selemonas Paltanavicius, 28p, (1995)
- ”Toki pasauli regiu” - Lithuanian booklet by Selemonas Paltanavicius, (Lithuanian) 30p, Vilnius (1995)