JHSA October Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 4rd, 2017
Meeting Start:6:34pm
In Attendance:Brianne Cascell-Wright, Jodi Fisher, Amber Shaw, Kimberly Speakman, Jill Patric, Kia Evans, Marie Bigsby
Everyone was welcomed.
Approval of last month’s minutes
Old Business
1)Fall Fundraiser update
-Ends October 10th
-A reminder was put in mailboxes on Friday to remind parents of the fundraiser end date.
-JHSA earns 50% profit from catalog and 40% online.
-Brianne will collect forms from office on the 11th (and again later in the week). Who would like to help count?
-Jodi, Jill and Kimberly offered to help tally the order forms at 6:30pm on October 11th.
2)STA invoices for last three field trips of last year
-JHSA did not receive invoices for Bison’s, Buff Zoo or Dairy Days from end on 2016-2017 school year.
-Brianne contacted STA, which also did not have record of the invoices. STA needs purchase orders to locate the invoices.
-JHSA with the help of Mrs. Evans will continue to investigate the issue.
New Business
1)Open House
-Thursday, October 5th.
-JHSA will have a table with samples from catalog sale, volunteer sign-ups for events, Find Jackson Primary and JHSA on Facebook
-Extra fall fundraiser catalogs available
-Will JHSA be funding snacks?
-Mrs. Evans requested that JHSA help fund sheet pizzas for the event. Brianne motioned to approve the request and Jodi seconded the request for $252.
2)Fall Carnival: October 27th, 2017 5:30pm – 7:30pm
-Will request parent volunteers at Open House
-Teachers have signed up to volunteer.
-Eric Knapp from BMS has agreed to send volunteers.
-Amanda Antonucci of National Art Honor Society at BHS agreed to send volunteers.
-Lucille Disanto from Zonta will be sending volunteers.
-Lisa Leone from BMS NHS has also agreed to send volunteers.
-We have approximately16 games planned, 3 guessing games for a quarter, face painting, tattoos and a mystery box planned.
-Jill Patric offered to lend JHSA 5 games and to create the mystery box.
-Games: 1) Dice Cherades game 50¢ 2) Stick Principal to the web for $1 3) teacher’s baby picture guessing 25¢ 4)Mummy your Mommy for $1
-Mrs. Evans offered to be stuck to the web (taped to the wall) from 6pm – 7pm.
-MrsBigsby volunteered to play the silly Dice Charades game last year and has agreed to do so again with Jill Patric’s help.
-Set up can begin after lunch ends around 2pm in the Cafeteria and after school at 2:30 in the gym and MPR?
-Flyers will be sent home with children the week of October 9th.
-Prizes have been ordered from Oriental Trading Company and Brianne submitted the receipt to Jodi Fisher.
-Oliverscandy bar fundraising. We would buy a box of 50 for $37.50 and sell each for $1.50 to make $37.50. They need at least a week’s notice.
-JHSA will not serve soda at this year’s event. We will serve water, coffee, apple cider, sparling water, pizza, and popcorn.
3)Board of Education Appreciation Week
-Week of October 23rd
-Last year, in 2016, JHSA donated $50 to the United Way in honor of the Board of Education. Should we do the same this year?
-Jill Patric and Mrs. Evans approved this funding.
4)Breakfast with Santa
-Letters for donations should be out 8 weeks before the Breakfast.
-Samantha Reinhardt has offered to help deliver donation request letters to local business. YMCA, Oliver’s, Valle’s, Movie Theater, Pollyanna and Dot, Adam Miller and Main Street Pizza were suggested to add to this list.
-BMS Honor Society has offered to assist at the Breakfast with Santa.
-Brianne called the Santa from last year, Kevin and Sue DeHollander from Medina, but was too far in advance, so need to call again to check for availability.
-Jim Burns offered to do pictures again this year, but would request a limit of 4/5 people per photo. JHSA will provide one free 4x6 photo to each family.
5)Apparel Sale
-Last year, JHSA used T-shirts Etc. Cost was $5.50 a shirt.
-Brianne contacted John’s Studio on Harvester Ave and was quoted $3.87 per shirt for 175 blue hanes youth t-shirts with one white design on the front of the shirt.
-Jill Patric received a quote from Extreme Street Wear for $3.75 a shirt. Jill Patric will verify if this is the same price for a more feminine v-neck style shirt.
-Everyone in attendance agreed to use Extreme Street Wear’s service is providing t-shirts to Kindergarten students this year.
-JHSA is still awaiting the conclusion of the catalog sale to determine if there is funding for kindergarten t-shirts.
-Question to teacher reps: would teachers prefer a free t-shirt as opposed to Teacher pay teacher gift cards. Marie Bigsby will pose this question at the next teachers’ meeting.
6)Book Fair dates
-Will set date in the coming months.
-Needs to coincide with Family Reading Night.
-Would anyone like to chair the event?
-Jill Patric indicated that she may be interested, if available, to chair the Book Fair.
7)Five Below
-Last year ran two fundraisers.
-Both fundraisers will last 15 days and JHSA will profit 10% of all sales made with the Five Below fundraising flyer. The first begins December 9th, 2017– December 24thand the other on March 15th – March 30th, 2018.
-JHSA will need to visit Five Below again to confirm spring dates.
-Contact at Five Below is Dianna Owen.
-Dine Out Night has been set for Tuesday, November14th4-9pm at 20% for all customers during those hours.
-Breakfast with the Easter Bunny has been set for Saturday, March 17th from 8am-1pm at 20% for everyone. It was pointed out the March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, so Brianne will contact Settlers to adjust the date to March 24th. JHSA supplies Bunny and candy to hand out. Anyone interested in putting on the costume?
-It was suggested that JHSA seek BHS volunteers to take turns and dress as the Easter Bunny.
9)Movie Night
-January 12th or 26th?
-January 26th is a half day, so Brianne will submit a request to facility scheduler.
-Two movies will be offered in the MPR and the GYM
-Brianne will submit to facility scheduler to ensure availability for this date.
10)East town Bottle Redemption
-Received check for $144
-Business has changed ownership, but a new account has been set up and will still hold donations for Jackson Primary.
Teacher Reps
-nothing to report
Principal’s Report
-Jackson had its family meeting which focused on the character trait of being kind. Teachers were sent a link with tips and the language of kindness.Mrs. Evans has reminded students to be kind on the announcements.The next focus is safety.
-Follow Mrs. Evans and Jackson on Twitter at Kia Evans@JacksonPrimary
-Field trip went well and weather was beautiful at Akron Farms today.
-Kindergarten is practicing writing numbers and 1st grade is practicing number bonds.
Additional comments or suggestions
-Jill Patric suggested a food drive for families in need for Thanksgiving. It was suggested that if Kindergarten has a Thanksgiving feast, JHSA would not request those families to bring in items and instead request that 1st grade does so. The food drive would tie into the character trait of the month and be deemed Random Acts of Kindness. It was also suggested that each classroom be assigned a certain Thanksgiving non-perishable food item, such as canned corn, green beans, boxed stuffing, canned cranberry sauce, canned gravy, canned pumpkin, instant mashed potatoes, or boxed desserts. JHSA would still need to find funding for a fresh turkey.
-Brianne suggested using the funds earned from Sticking Mrs. Evans to the Web to purchase turkeys if the fall fundraiser is successful and funds aren’t needed for event funding. Brianne also suggested that there be collection bins at the Fall Carnival.
-Marie Bigsbysuggest that on the Fall Carnival Flyer, it states that JHSA is collected canned Thanksgiving items to help supply families in need with a Thanksgiving dinner. For each canned/boxed item brought in, the student will receive a ticket to participate in a 25¢ game. All present agreed with this suggestion. Brianne will add it the flyer.
Treasurer’s Report
Last meetings total: $5,974.15
1)$137.10 - Tops for Education
2)$144.45 – Batavia Redemption Center
Bills Paid/Withdrawls:
1) $100 - Kimberly Aquilio (lego club)
2)$271.25 – GCVM Field Trip
3)$312.50 – Nickel City Reptiles
Current Balance: $5,571.95
End Meeting: 8:08pm
Next meeting Tuesday, November 7th , 2017 @ 6:30pm in Faculty Lounge