
1. Important Information Regarding Course Enrollment

① Students cannot login on multiple computers with an identical student id number.

② Students cannot enroll for multiple student id numbers on one computer.

③ Course enrollment cannot be processed without a security module.

2. Necessary Steps Prior to Course Enrollment

① OS: Windows 98 or greater, Internet Explorer version 6.0 or greater

② Set the exact date and time on the computer.

③ Internet Explorer Menu: Tools > Internet Options General > Temporary Internet FilesSettings > Temporary Internet Files Folder > Find out the new version of saved pages, confirm 3000MB or more of disc space

④ Delete all cookie files (Login error may occur if the information of previous user remains on the computer): Internet Explorer menu: Tools > Internet Options > Delete Cookies (including off-line items) > close Internet Explorer

- Please see the following figure.

⑤ Register as a site that users can trust: Internet Explorer Menu: Tools> Internet Options Security Tab > Trusted Sites > Sites > Add “*” to the list (Before adding the site, undo the server verification option for all sites in this zone) > Add

⑥ Delete any Pop-Up Killer program on the computer, then reconnect:e.g. Google tool bar, MSN tool bar, Yahoo tool bar, Dreamwiz tool bar, etc. --inactivate all Pop-Up Killer functions

⑦ In case the security module is not automatically activated, students may download it from the course enrollment site and activate it. (If automatically installed, find it at C:\WINDOWS(WINNT)\system32\IssacWebSE.dll)

3. Course Enrollment Site:

1)Type in your student id number (including a dash “-”, eg. 2007-12345), birthday (yymmdd, eg. 861111 when you were born on Nov 11, 1986), and password (If you don’t remember your password, please do the following). Click on "Agree" check-box below and click on the login button.

2)To change your password, login at Student Administration > Personal Information > Basic Information 'Course Enrollment Password Change'

3) If you do not remember your password and do not have a portal account, contact the Office of Student Affairs at (02) 880-5042 or 5043. During the early hours of thecourse enrollment period, the first 3 hours (06:00~ 09:00) of the first 3 days, call the Electronic Center at (02) 880-5370.

4. Login Error Messages

① "Check your student id number and login": You have mistyped your student id number, or you are not allowed to enroll for courses.

②“Moving to the login page": Previous information is on the computer; try reconnecting.

③ "You are already logged in" or "Login properly" ": Delete all cookie files, close Internet Explorer and then try reconnecting.

5. How to enroll

① Type in subject number and course number, then click on the inquiry button. When you click on the subject name, the respective time slot will be filled on the bottom right.

② Click on the save button to complete registration; you may recheck your registration record on the bottom of the page.

6. Course RepetitionInformation

① When you click on the 'save' button of the course you wish to retake, it will automatically be registeredalong with the information regarding the semester during which you last took the course. When you see the icon below, click okay (left icon).

②If you wish to retake a course with a substitutioncourse, click on the save button, then click on the edit button (or inquire course information and click on the name of the course). On the right window, check "retake", type in the semester during which you wish to retake the course, check the course you wish to retake, and click on the save button.

Please check the available substitutioncourses prior to registration.

③ Notice: Limitations to retaking courses apply: As of March 2006, students can now only retake courses in which they received a C+ or below.

7. Error messages:

① ‘'There is no such course': Students need to meet certain qualifications to take these courses. Qualifications will appear next to the course. For more information, call 02-880-5690 for elective courses, and contact the Office of Student Affairs (02-880-5042) for major courses.

② Course repetitionerror messages:

A) "You received a B- or above” Students cannot retake a course in which they received a B- or above (as ofMarch 2006). This limitation does not apply to courses taken before the 2006 spring semester.

B) 'Grade not yet confirmed':

a) In the early enrollment period of the fall semester, grades for the summer semester courses are not yet available. Therefore, students cannot enroll to retake acourse that they just took during the summer semester of that year. They may, however,, enroll during the Registration Modification Period (the first week of each semester).

b) Similarly, acourse that the student took duringthe spring semester cannot be retaken during the summer semester of that same year because the grading process ends in mid-July.