Thank you for applying to join Fair Trade Laos network!

Please read attached FTL certification guideline before go through the instruction carefully to complete the self-assessment form below. Once you have completed your self-assessment please keep a copy for your records. You can submit the completed form and support documents to Fair Trade Laos by e-mail to:

How to fill out the form

Please complete your application and answer every question in the questionnaire. You may also be asked to provide necessary support documents. Please include it in your report as annexes or attachment then submit them together with the completed self – assessment form.

The Self-Assessment Report Form divided in three sections:

In Part I, “Organizational Profile” you will be asked to provide general information on your organization. Please provide up-to-date information on the organizational profile.

In Part II, “Standards Compliance” you will find questions corresponding to each of the Fair Trade Laos Principles. Please reply to all questions with elaborated answers, and please note there are additional support documents for some points. You must submit these documents together with your Self-Assessment Report.

In part III, “Improvement plan” according to the responds in part II you can set the targets and plan to improve the standards that you currently couldn’t fulfill.


All requested information in this self-assessment form will be treated confidentially and are being used internally to handle the application process only.

I.  Organization profile

1.1  Contact Information /
Name of company /
Address /
Telephone Number: /
E-mail Address: /
Website: /
Name of person who fill in the form / Position /
Phone number /
E-mail /
Date of Submission /
Signature /
1.2  Organization information /
1.  What is the legal status of your organization?
Check all that apply. / ¨  Co-operative
¨  Private company
¨  Association
¨  Community-based group
¨  Foundation
¨  No legal status yet (what would you become?)
¨  Public company
¨  Other (please describe): /

2.  Please describe the organizational structure. Or attached the organization chart



3.  Number of workers / Permanent: / Temporary: /
/ Male / Male /
/ Female / Female /
4.  Are you a member of, or registered with any of the other Fair Trade certification systems? If yes, please briefly give us information. / Certification System: / Since: /
Example: WTFO / 2016 /

II.  Standards Compliance

Please review and make yourself be familiar to Fair Trade Laos Principles. Then please assess your organization’s practices regarding the Principles with (Yes, Progress needed or Non-compliant) and provide enough detail explanation in the table below.

Ø  Yes: Criteria met

Ø  PN: Minimum criteria met, but progress needed

Ø  NC: Non-compliant / criteria not met

Principle 1: Vision towards sustainable business practices

Fair trade Laos believes that having a clear policy expressing commitment to improve and solve social and environment problem will be guide the organization to achieve or meet sustainable business practices. Please describe your organization’s vison. Or attach the related a copy of document.


Principle 2: Fair for Employees

The principle of Fair for employee has developed according to the Lao Labor Law, amended in 2014.

How does your organization meet these practices of fair for employee? Please elaborate on each sub criterion in the table below.

2.1  Your organization provides fair wage to the employees. / Yes / PN / NC
2.2  Your organization provides fair overtime payment to the employees. / Yes / PN / NC
2.3  Employees have fair working hours / Yes / PN / NC
2.4  Your organization provides healthcare to the employees ( Please attach reference document) / Yes / PN / NC
2.5  Your organization provides and protects the right of pregnant women and those with a new reborn child regarding to Lao Labour Law. / Yes / PN / NC
2.6  Your organization provides appropriate equipment to minimize or eliminate employees’ occupational risks / Yes / PN / NC
2.7  Your organization provides Fair access to information and contract to employees ( please attach sample of contract) / Yes / PN / NC
2.8  There is fair performance review between employer and employees / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 3: Fair for producers or suppliers

What does your organization do to maintain long term relationship with its producers /suppliers base on FTL principle, Fair for producer/suppliers? Please elaborate on each sub criterion in the table below.

3.1.  Your organization provides fair payment for producers/suppliers ( How do calculate Fair payment) / Yes / PN / NC
3.2.  Your organization is fair with the producer/suppliers and other stake holder / Yes / PN / NC
3.3.  Your organization provides safe working conditions for producers/suppliers / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 4: Capacity building

Does your organization do any capacity building for employees/producers? If yes, please elaborate on each criterion in the table below.

4.1.  Your organization often does capacity building for employees, please provide sample of training topic that you have provided / Yes / PN / NC
4.2.  Your organization often does capacity building for producers / suppliers, please provide sample of training topic that you have provided / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 5: Non-discrimination, gender equality and respect culture identity.

How does your organization meet this principle? Please elaborate on each criterion in the table below

5.1.  There is no discrimination in your organization, please elaborate / Yes / PN / NC
5.2.  Male and female employees/producers receive equal payment for equal work; go through equally recruitment process and equally benefits based on capacity and performance / Yes / PN / NC
5.3.  Your organization work with the producer/suppliers to respect for the cultural identity / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 6: No child or forced labor

6.1.  Your organization does not children below the age of 15 or under the age defined the Lao Labor Law / Yes / PN / NC
6.2.  Your organization does not employ any force labor / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 7: Environmental stewardship.

Applicants and Members must actively consider the implications of their decisions on the environment. They encourage environmentally sustainable practices throughout the entire business activities.

7.1.  Your organization has policy or activities in buildings, workshops, office operation to toward environmentally practices. If yes, please attached reference / Yes / PN / NC
7.2.  Your organization integrates environmental practices in the production chain including packaging, please elaborate / Yes / PN / NC
7.3.  Your organization integrates environmental practices distribution chain, please elaborate / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 8: Fair for consumers

Please describe how you practice the principle of Fair for consumer


Principle 9: Fair Trade promotion

9.1.  Your organization often organizes or does activities to promote Fairtrade in the company / Yes / PN / NC
9.2.  Your organization often organizes or does activities to promote Fairtrade externally / Yes / PN / NC

Principle 10: Fund for Good

Fair Trade Laos encourage it’s members establish a fund for community development such as build school, repair road, build health center or improve other infrastructure that own by communities. The fund could also be used for capacity building activities or improve production equipment that own by communities.

How does your organization meet this principle?


Please attached below list of support/reference documents

1)  Organization’s structure/chart

2)  Policy paper

3)  Staff guideline

4)  Reference document on employment healthcare benefit

5)  Employment contract

6)  Data base information of producers/suppliers

7)  Data base information of child labors (If there is a child labors)

8)  Agreement with producers/suppliers

9)  Environmental policy

III.  Improvement plan

1.  Review the responds you have answered in Part I-II, and then use it to assess what are the standards that you still need to improve and how you are improving your practices to meet all FTL standards

List of standards that could not fulfil / Plan to improve
Methodology / Indicator

2.  Please select at standards you are willing to improve in one year

List of standards that could not fulfil / Plan to improve
Methodology / Indicator