9:15amSunday School
10:15amFellowship Time
10:45amWorship Service * The Nursery is staffed during the sermon *
5:00pmVolleyball for College & Young Adults
7:00pmVital Men Kick-Off at Sister Bay Village Hall
7:00pmConstitution Committee Meeting
7:15pmJr/Sr High Youth Group at First Baptist
5:00pmGrace Based Parenting Committee Meeting
6:00pmBethel Tri-Annual Family Meeting
***Please email reports or turn in to church office by Thursday***
**We count it a blessing to participate in Operation Christmas Child. Now is
a good time to start collecting items for the shoe boxes or donating to the Shoebox Fund for supplies and postage. Last year, we filled around 140 boxes.
**Praise God for His goodness as fifty from Bethel enjoyed the entire evening
at Bethel on the Island – trip, food, fellowship, worship service. Special thanks
to Charlie & Chris Voight for providing transportation on the Island Clipper!
**The final BRIDGES outreach was held last Tuesday. Pray for those who are heading home, that the Holy Spirit would stir their hearts and minds about the gospel message they heard while here. Pray also for opportunities for host families to connect with and witness to those who remain in Door County for the next few weeks.
** Jakob Littler is grateful to all who have been writing to him. Letters have
been a continual encouragement. His address has changed slightly:
Cadet Jakob Littler Wisconsin Challenge Academy 1st Platoon, Company A,
749 E 12th Ave Fort McCoy WI 54656
**Bethel is hosting the Grace Based Parenting Conference on November 14th. Volunteers needed – packing box lunches, registering participants, making coffee, setting out refreshments, deliver posters, etc. Some can be done
ahead, some that day. We will have a volunteer signup sheet next Sunday.
**Starting very soon, the bulletin will be sent via email and not posted on the Bethel website. If you are not receiving it by early October, let us know.
Reminders: There is still time to sign up for a College Prayer Partner.
Any charges for items charged to Bethel must be reported to our
treasurer and receipts turned in, stating what charge was for.
Estate sale to benefit Irma Johnson’s care – 12680 Timberline Road
Saturday 8am – 5pm Sunday 9am – 4pm
Judy Bramel Dale H0065dstrand Jakob Littler Jeff Kemble
Delmar Dahl Will Olson Youth Group & College kids Parenting Conference
***Current BRIDGES prayer & praise letter is posted***
* A CAR FUND has been established for anyone wishing to donate. This would help
Pastor get a more reliable vehicle. Please mark your check accordingly.
* See Rick Johnson for instructions about using our HEARING LOOP.