Content Page
Introduction Page 3
Application and assessmentPage 3
Marketing and promotionPage 4
Lunch allowancePage 5
Recording eligibilityPage 7
Management structurePage 8
Payments – Cashless systemPage 9
Maintained school and academy sixth forms are already required by the Education Act 1996 to provide free meals to disadvantaged students who are aged over 16. From September 2014, this requirement is being extended to disadvantaged students following FE courses at the range of FE funded institutions. Funding Agreements will be amended to place a legal duty on institutions to comply with this requirement.
Application and assessment
Students will be able to apply for the free college meal during enrolment in August and throughout the Autumn term. New students will be sent an information letter about applying for the free college meals along with the enrolment letter. The bursary andfree college meal guidance and application form can be found and downloaded from the college intranet (Moodle) or on the SGM college website under the tab ‘Student Life’(see appendix 8.1 and 8.2). Students will receive advice during enrolment about the application and assessment process.
The Student Bursary and Welfare Co-ordinator will give presentations to students and staff at the induction talks to ensure that all new students are made aware of the scheme and were to go for further support. Continuing students will be informed via tutorials; the college intranet or the college website.
Marketing and Promotion
Free College Meal will be promoted throughout the academic year, on Moodle, and the College website. The service also targets special college events e.g. Fresher’s Fair, Visitors days, Welcome to Monoux events and through flyers and posters available for students throughout the college.
Lunch Allowance
Students who do not fit the criteria for the free school mealsbut are ‘in need’ will be assessed to determine whether or not a lunch allowance would meet those needs. An allowance of £2.41 a day will be paid from the bursary fund and used to purchase food in the college canteen. Students can request a lunch allowance for the days that they have a full college time-table. An assessment for a lunch allowance will be carried out by the Student Bursary and Welfare Coordinator, and the appropriate “Application for lunch allowance” form will be completed detailing the days that students will be authorised to use their allowance (see appendix 8.4)
Students needs to fit one of the residence criteria below in order to apply for the free college meal.
- British Citizen and have lived in the UK for at least three years prior to the start of my learning programme.
- ‘Settled status’* and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least three years prior to the start of my learning programme.*’Settled Status’ means having either indefinite leave to enter or remain or having the right of abode in the UK.
- An EU Country or child of an EU National and have been ordinarily resident in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland for at least three years prior to the start of my learning programme.
- The child of a EEA migrant worker or the child of a Swiss national or the child of a Turkish Migrant Worker and have been ordinarily resident in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland for at least three years prior to the start of my learning programme.
- The child of a refugee who has been granted Humanitarian protection, or have temporary EU protection.
- I do not meet any of the above criteria.
If a student does not fit any of the criteria he/she will not be able to apply for a free college meal.
Free meals are targeted at disadvantaged students. For the purposes of eligibility for free meals, ‘disadvantage’ is defined by the students as being in receipt of or having parents who are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
- Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of Income Support (April 2015 onwards)
- Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (April 2015 onwards)
- Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) (April 2015 onwards)
- Current Letter certifying receipt from the Home Office of Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999(April 2015 onwards)
- Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of The guarantee element of State Pension Credit(April 2015 onwards)
- Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of Child Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (April 2015 – April 2016)
Students who are classed as vulnerable and are in receipt of one of the benefits listed below will be able to apply for the free college meal in their own right.
Vulnerable students
- In care - Local authority care status letter
- Leaving care - Local authority care status letter/Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of income support/universal credit (April 2015 onwards)
- Living independently - Current Letter certifying receipt from the DWP of income support/universal credit
Students must provide photocopies of documents as proof of income.
Students not eligible for a free meal
Students aged 19 or over at the start of their study programme are not eligible to apply for the free college meal unless they have a Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) or Education and Health Care Plan (EHC). If a 19+ student provides evidence of either a LDA or EHC he/she will be able to apply for the free college meal in the same way that a 16-19 year old student would.
Legal requirements
Students and parents/carers must ensure that they complete the application and provide all of the relevant information to the best of their knowledge. If information is falsified and this is discovered the parent/carer will be liable to repay the free college meal award in full.
Recording eligibility
Once students meet all criteria and are approved to receive the free college meal the Student Bursary and Welfare Co-ordinator, Student Finance officer along with nominated staff will approved the application on the system.
Step 1: Search for student using ID number
Step 2: Click on students tab, choose ‘user’
Step 3: From the menu given choose free college meal
Free College Meal Management Structure at SGM
Theodore Ellis:-
Consultation and Strategic Framework Development
Anthea Roberts:-
Manage/Administer and Implement Free College Meal Policies and Practices
Jessica Mace:-
Develop Administrative Processes for Recording and Monitoring Free College Meal– General Support to Student Bursary and Welfare Co-ordinator
The government has allocated £2.41 per student for each day that they are in college; on work placement of work experience arranged by the college. This will be paid through a cashless system. Cash can be used to pay for the cost of food and drink where it exceeds the stated amount. Students will be informed of how the cashless system works during enrolment, tutorials and through the drop in service at the Student Support Centre.
Use of cashless card
- Students must not allow other students to use their cashless card. If this is permitted; funds lost cannot be reclaimed by the student or parent/carer at any point.
- If the cashless card is lost or damaged it must be reported immediately to reception. The cost of a new card will be £3. The lunch allowance will then be transferred to the new card.
- The daily lunch allowance cannot be carried over to subsequent days. If it is not used during any given day it will be lost.
- Cash can be used to top up the costs of purchases that exceed £2.41
- The lunch allowance cannot be used as payment for other items.
- Parents and students will be given advice and support around the use of the cashless card
Students will be informed who they can speak to within the college regarding any technical problems or questions in relation to the card. They will also be able to email the company who has installed and will be managing the system (Systopia Cashless Payment Solutions) for assistance and queries at:
Please Note:
The processes discussed in this document have been developed to suit the needs of the cohort of students and the resources available for the administering of the Free College Meal scheme. This is subject to change and development in order that the free school meal can continue to perform its intended job in supporting students to access education.