Exhibit Confirmation Notice

NSNA 65th Annual Convention

Hilton Anatole, Dallas, TX

April 5 - 9, 2017

Dear Exhibitor:

Thank you for submitting your exhibit space contract for the NSNA 65th AnnualConventionto be held in Dallas, TXfromApril5 - 9, 2017. This is your Exhibit Confirmation Packet. We look forward to working with you in a successful convention. Exhibits will be open on April 6th – April 9th, 2017 (Thursday – Saturday).

The National Student Nurses’ Association represents the “cream of the crop” among tomorrow’s nurses. As the only national association for nursing students, NSNA offers you, as an exhibitor, an excellent opportunity to reach quality students. Your participation and support of NSNA activities is appreciated. Please review these confirmation materials carefully. The information and forms will help you have a successful convention in Dallas.

Enclosures─ Please note the following enclosures relating to your exhibit.

  1. Email Confirmation Notice and Invoice information─NSNA’sExhibit Confirmation Notices are being emailed using exhibit service software powered byMap-Dynamics (). Your NSNA Email Confirmation Notice hasyour Booth Numberand information to access the NSNA 65th Annual Convention Exhibit Confirmation Materials.

NSNA 65th Annual Convention emailed an invitation by separate cover for you to edit your online booth. The Log-in that you created to edit your online booth must be re-entered as you created it each time you access your online boothbecausea “copy and paste”Log-in will not enable online access.

All unpaid booth balances are due immediately. NSNAautomatically Invoices forunpaid booth balances and sends them by separate cover email. NSNA does not send Invoices for booths with a zero balance. If you require an Invoice, or need a payment status for your booth, email your written request to:

Any refunds will be issued after the convention. All reassignments requested by an exhibitor, which can be accommodated, are subject to an additional $200.00 administrative fee.

All booths are 10' x 10'. Each booth includes a standard ID sign. Information relating to furnishings, carpet and special requirements is located underthe “Exhibitor Information” section of the NSNA 65th Annual Convention Exhibit Prospectus and on page 4 of this exhibit confirmation letter.

2.Exhibit Floor Plan – Your company nameand booth number are located in the Exhibitor Listing appearing alongside the Trinity Exhibit Hall’s Electronic Floor Plan locatedat URL:

Thefloorplanis also accessible by clicking “Documents and Links” at theupper right-handside of the electronic floorplan page, thendownloading the floor plan PDF file from the drop-down list.

Conference and Exhibit Management

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. ● Box 56 East Holly Ave ● Pitman, NJ 08071 ● 856-256-2300 ● Fax 856-589-7463

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3.Exhibitor Housing Reservations - You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations. We encourage you to make arrangements early. Rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations must be made by phone, mail or internet. NSNA’s special room rates areavailable until March6, 2017. Reservations made after this date will be accepted on a space and rate available basis.Rooms may be unavailable at that date if response is high. All rates are per room and do not include the 13% (current rate) additional sales tax and $3.00 Dallas Tourism Improvement Fee which are subject to change. To avoid being victimized by potential housing scam offers, NSNA Exhibitors are cautioned about using means other than those mentioned in this confirmation letter when making their hotel reservations. Please call or email us should you have questions.

NSNA 65th Annual Convention Headquarters Location:

Hilton Anatole Hotel

2201 North Stemmons Freeway

Dallas, Texas 75207

Main Phone: 1-214-748-1200

NSNAAnnual ConventionHilton Anatole Hotel Room Rates:

If more than one room is needed book each room separately. Maximum: 4 persons per room

Single* Double* Triple* Quad*

$195 $195 $205 $205

Note: Sales taxes of 13% and $3.00 Dallas Tourism Improvement Fee (currently) are additional to the rates and subject to change.

NSNA Annual ConventionHilton AnatoleHotel Room Reservations may also be reserved throughthe Online Reservations URL:

Reservations Phone: 1-800-445-8667–Hilton Anatole - Dallas

When making phone reservations please refer to: NSNA Annual Convention.

Mailing Reservations: Download and completeNSNA’s 65th Annual Convention Official Housing Reservation Form from NSNA’s website at:

Sendthe completed form by postal mail to: Hilton Anatole, Attn: Reservations

2201 N. Stemmons Freeway

Dallas, TX 75207

4.NSNA AdvancePre-Registration of BoothRepresentative’s Exhibitor Name Badges - NSNA provides three (3) complimentary exhibitor name badges per 10´x10´ boothspace. Additional NSNA Exhibitor Name Badges are available for order at $50.00 each pre-paid. The additional name badge order form is posted under “Documents and Links” in the drop-down list accessible on the electronic floor plan page for your download, completion and return, as indicated on the additional name badge pre-registration order form.

Entrance to NSNA’s65th Annual ConventionExhibit Hall is by Name Badge only.

Exhibitors are responsible for pre-registration of representative name(s) for badges.

NSNA’s Exhibitor Name Badge Pre-registration Deadline is:March 8, 2017

After then, Booth Representatives must Register Onsite for NSNA Exhibitor Name Badges.

NSNA Exhibitor Name Badge Pre-registrations must be entered into your assigned NSNA 65thAnnual Convention Online Booth Record housed on Map-Dynamics by reuse of the Log-in you created in response to NSNA 65th Annual Convention’s emailed “invite”for edit of your booth record. Please note: Log-in information must be re-entered exactly as created since“copy and paste” Log-in information does not enable online access to your booth record.

After March 8, 2017 – All Booth Representatives whose names have not been entered by the Exhibitor, for Pre-registration of their NSNA Exhibitor Name Badges, must register onsite in Dallas.

Phone Joanne Silverberg at (856) 256-2342 with your Name Badge questions.

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5.List of Convention Attendees Order Form - NSNA will sell its registration list of attendees (one time usage) for $400 by check, if selecting Graduation Year Sort the cost is $450 by check. See order form enclosed for other payment methods and details. There is an additional $50.00 charge for rush orders.

6. The Foundation of the National Student Nurses’Association Auction. The Foundation of the

National Student Nurses’ Association is seeking items to be auctioned during the Convention. The Auction will take place in the exhibit hall on Friday, April7, 2017 from 1:45 pm - 3:15 pm.

Please review the form enclosed, download it from the “Documents and Links” drop-down menu on the electronic floor plan page, or email Lauren Sperle - Auction Coordinator, at:

Advertising Opportunities - Enhance your presence at the NSNA 65thAnnualConvention by taking advantage of these marketing opportunities:

  1. Advertising Form for the NSNA 65thAnnualConventionProgram Book. Promote your company’s products, services and recruitment opportunities with an advertisement in the official National Student Nurses’Association 65thAnnualConvention Program Book. This program book is distributed to all student nurses in attendance. Theclosing date to reserve advertising spaceis February 17, 2017. The deadline for submission of ad materials isFebruary24, 2017.Please review the enclosed Space Reservation Application Form, or download it from the “Documents and Links” drop-down menu on the electronic floor plan page. Reserve your space today!
  1. Imprint’s April/May 2017 “Graduation”Issue! - All ad sizes available! To secure ad space reservations and to submit ad materials phoneMiriam Martin, Marketing Coordinator at(856) 256-2374, or Email:

Ad Sizes & Payment Rates: / Discounted Check Rates / Credit Card Rates
[ ] Full Page / $3,640.00 / $3,750.00
[ ] Junior Page / $2,790.00 / $2,875.00
[ ] Half Page (H) / $2,540.00 / $2,620.00
[ ] Half Page (V) / $2,540.00 / $2,620.00
[ ] 1/4 Page / $1,840.00 / $1,895.00
Color Charges: Note: Color costs are additional to page rate costs shown above.
[ ] Second color / $800.00 / $825.00
[ ] Four color / $1,650.00 / $1,700.00

Last chance to reach for recruiters to reach graduating seniors searching for their first RN position, academic advancement opportunities, summer internships and preceptorships. Leave nursing students with a great impression about your products, state board review offerings, and NCLEX Review,

The closing date for ad space and materials is: March1, 2017

9.Summary of Deadlines and Dates. – A summary of deadlines and dates is enclosed for review.

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Exhibitor Service Contractor

Brede/Allied Convention Service, Inc. has been selected to serve as the official service/drayage contractor. Their service kit will be available on-line only. Exhibitors are to print out and return completed forms to Brede/Allied Convention Services by fax copy or postal mail, or they can order Brede/Allied Convention Services directly on-line. All printed vendor forms which are completed will have to be faxed/mailed back to Brede/Allied Convention Services or the respective vendor. If you need to contact the Brede/Allied Convention Services, their phone number is (407) 851-0261.

All 10' x 10' booths include a standard ID sign, 8' high back wall and 3' high fabric divider railsonly. Any extras such as tables, chairs, carpeting, electricity, etc. must be ordered through Brede/Allied Convention Services. NSNA provides one six-foot draped table and two chairs for Non-profit Schools of Nursingbooths and Public Schools of Nursing booths only. The exhibit hall area is not carpeted. The drapery colors are white, blue and green. Ceiling Height: 18´

Please note thatcertain rules and regulations that must be followed by exhibitors for freight handling and booth erection and dismantling. Please consult the Brede/Allied Convention Services on-line service kit for applicable regulations.

Brede/Allied Convention Services website contains instructions for self-access on-line order placement through their website. Please carefully review the electronic Brede/Allied Convention Services on-line service kit and show information located on their website to take advantage of advanced ordering and advanced shipping discount deadlines as defined within their service kit information. Service kits will not be sent by postal mail.

Brede/Allied Convention Service’s on-line decorating service kit will beavailable and activatedfor exhibitor’s self-access ordering usage after: February 10, 2017

Brede will email confirmed exhibitors with a NSNA show password and instructions to access their online kit.

Brede/Allied Convention Service’s self-access decorating service kit will be located at:

Confirmed exhibitors who have questions about Brede/Allied Convention Service’s electronic ordering instructions or website are advised to contact the Brede/Allied Convention Service’s Customer Service Department directly. Place your orders directly on-line or download,print and fax your completed order forms to Brede/AlliedConvention Service or the respective vendor on the completed order form.

Reach Customer Service for Brede/Allied Convention Service, Inc. by:

  • Phone: (407) 851-0261
  • E-mail:
  • FAX: 407-859-3904

All questions regarding service kit orders for furnishings, shipping, labor, electricity and physical logistics should be directed to the Brede/Allied Convention Service’s Customer Service Department at phone number (407) 851-0261.

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Shipping Address

The National Student Nurses’ Association has made arrangements on behalf of the exhibitors with Brede/Allied Convention Services to receive, store, and deliver exhibits directly to the exhibit hall on set-up day. Shipments should be prepaid and consigned as follows. Warehouse receiving hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The advance warehouse shipping address is:

TO:Company Name / Booth #

C/O Brede/Allied Convention Services


12340 East Northwest Hwy.

Dallas, TX 75228

FOR:National Student Nurses’ Association 65th Annual Convention (April 5-9, 2017)

Hilton Anatole – Trinity Exhibit Hall

There is a drayage charge assessed by the service company for all shipments received. Please refer to the service information located on the Brede/Allied Convention Services website as soon as possible.

Hilton Anatole Hotelwill not be responsible for any shipments of materials made directly to them. NSNA recommends that exhibitors do not ship materials directly to the hotel. Additional drayage fees will be incurred if you ship directly to them! Directany questions regarding shipping instructions or drayage costs to Brede/Allied Convention Services at (407) 851-0261.

Exhibitors are encouraged to ship all displays early to insure arrival at least two weeks prior to set-up date(30 days free storage allowed prior to set-up time). Important: Do not ship materials directly to Hilton Anatole Hotel.

Code of Conduct for NSNA Meetings

The National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) acknowledges the rights and privileges of members, visitors, faculty, speakers, exhibitors, student activity table sponsors, program and event sponsors, and all those who attend NSNA meetings and conventions to be treated with respect and courtesy. To ensure an environment conducive to professional growth and development, the NSNA Board of Directors approved a Code of Conduct for Exhibitors. The Code will be sent to all exhibitors prior to the meeting and will also be available on-site. Questions about the Code should be directed to .


NSNA will provide 24-hour security service for the exhibit hall to control admission and to serve as a deterrent to theft and damage. However, each exhibitor must make provisions to safeguard his goods from the time they are placed in his booth until they are removed by him. Neither Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc., NSNA, nor Hilton Anatole Hotel will be responsible for loss or damage due to any cause.

We look forward to working with you in making the NSNA 65th Annual Convention in Dallas,Texas a successful event for all concerned!


Rick Gabler Tom Greene

Phone: 856-256-2314 Phone: 856-256-2367

Exhibit Manager Exhibit Manager

Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc.

