Thanksgiving Festival

Suggested Level – B1 INTERMEDIATE

Adile Rumieva

teacher of English,

school “Linguist”,




-to get thestudents acquaintedwiththecelebrationtraditionsoftheThanksgivingDay, oneofthemostimportantholidaysofAmericannation;

-to motivate students to learn the history and the culture of the English-speaking country (the USA);

-to develop students’ speaking, reading, listening and writing skills in new communicative situations;

-to develop students’ creative imagination and initiative.

Equipment: pictures of turkey, students’ creative works, the name of the holiday written in different colours, flowers, fruits, vegetables, turkey-tokens, word cards, tape recorder.



T: The fourth Thursday of November is the Thanksgiving Day. There is no more American festival like Thanksgiving. Americans associate this day with the opening up new lands. For27% ofAmericansisthisdaythemostfavouriteone. There are several traditions, connected with day. First of all it is a family holiday. Each family member goes to church. Then they gather together at the table and eat the traditional dish of the day-turkey.


1. Music plays. The students dressed in Indian clothes are coming in. Theirleadergreetseverybody: Ladiesandgentlemen! I am Chingachkuk-the-Sharp-Claw and these are my people. We are glad to welcome you at this place today.


2.Musicplays. Thestudents dressed in Pilgrim clothes are coming in. Their leader is greeting everybody:We are newcomers. We are from the Old World. We are from New England. We sailed to America on the ship. We are glad to welcome you.

3. Thesong“AmericatheBeautiful” plays. The“president” oftheUSAis coming in. He reads out the annual president speech: The historic observance of a Day of Thanksgiving at Plymouth, in 1621, was of many occasions on which our ancestors paused to acknowledge their dependence on the mercy and favor of Divine Providence Day, likewise observed during the season for rejoicing the seeds of democratic thought sown on these shores continue to take root around the world…

Now therefore, I, B. Obama, president of the USA, do hereby call upon the American people to observe Thursday, November 26, as a National of Thanksgiving and to gather together in homes and places of workshop on that day of Thanks to affirm by their prayers and their gratitude the many blessings God has bestowed upon us.”


1) T:Dear Indians and pilgrims! Do you know why we are here today? What holiday are we going to celebrate? Thanksgiving has become a national American holiday, hasn’t it? When is the holiday celebrated? Now we are going t tell you about the holiday.

Pupil 1.The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by Pilgrims in 1621. They come from England for religious freedom. They sailed from Plymouth, England, on September, 16, 1620. Their ship was called “the Mayflower”. They landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620. The first winter was a terrible time. There was much sickness and starvation.

Pupil 2.Native Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant, to fish, to hunt and how to survive in America. The crops did well, and in the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited their Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.

Pupil 3.Thanksgiving Day comes on 4th Thursday in November. It’s a legal holiday celebrated throughout the USA. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives. This is a family holiday.

Pupil 4.Families come together from near and far. In some places special religious services are held in the morning. Then comes the traditional feast. Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with sweet potatoes, cranberry, sauce, and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day.

Pupil 5.Football is the most popular game on the day. In many schools the Thanksgiving game is the most important one of the year. Usually there are several football games to watch on TV.

Pupil 6.Macy’s department store holds its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. Celebrities, floats, bands and balloons shaped like story book and cartoon characters appear in the parade. Santa Claus arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas Season.

2) T:At our feast we are going to have the competition. Let’s form two teams but every team will consist of two groups. The result will be common. There will be the team of green and the team of red. The turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day and you will take turkey-cards out of the packet.

(students are divided into two groups)

T: Turkeys are magic and each one has a number from 1 to 10. It’s time to start our competition. One of which team will take a turkey from a packet.

(students take out turkey –tokens and get the first points)

T:Let’s begin with the history of this day. Read and translate the text in your group. You have 5 minutes.

The History of Thanksgiving Day

The last Thursday in November, as you know, is a holiday in America. People call this holiday Thanksgiving Day. It is perhaps the most important day in the American year. People go to church, and families come together for the day. They decorate their houses with autumn fruits and flowers and prepare traditional American food: roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkin. It’s rather like Christmas, but what are people celebrating? What are they giving thanks for?

Do you remember about the first colonists in New England? In 1620 they came to America and began a new life there. It was a very hard life. Many people were sick and died during the first winter in the cold. In the spring the colonists started to farm the land. The work was difficult and full of danger. In New England, the place where they lived, there were many wild birds. They were like chickens but much bigger. They were turkeys. In the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. The colonists decided to have a special dinner. They wanted to thank God – to give him their thanks for many things. It was a difficult year, but the people still had food to eat. The colonists had a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. It lasted three days. For the whole three days they gave thanks for their good harvest and their happy year in a new country. Wild turkeys were on the table of this meal and since then the turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.

T:Good. Here’s the first task for you.

a)The first task will be: what is this or that word phrase connected with?
(They are on the blackboard) Use the colloquial phrases:

b)as far as I remember;

c)as far as I know (They are on the tables)

For the right answer you get an odd turkey.

1)the last Thursday;

2)traditional American food;

3)in the autumn of 1621;

4)a special dinner;

5)a symbol of Thanksgiving Day;

d)The next exercise: say “That’s right” or “That’s wrong”. If you say “wrong”, correct the sentence.

1)Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday;

2)This day is the most important day in America;

3)People celebrate this day in offices;

4)They eat bacon and eggs to celebrate this holiday;

5)Thanksgiving Day is rather like Christmas;

6)Since 1620, turkey has become a symbol of the Thanksgiving Day.

T: Very good. Count your turkeys. There’s a tradition to send and get greeting cards for this holiday. Now each team gets an invitation and corrects the mistakes in it.

Deer puipils,

There will be Thankgiving leson

in Thursday 27th November.

Plese let me know

if you went to have it or not.

You teacher.

(They get aturkey-token for each mistake they find).

T:Fantastic! And today we have learned that some kinds of food are symbols of Thanksgiving Day. What are they? Unscramble the words. (the words are on the cards)

(caesu(sauce), zaiem(maize), pikumpn(pumpkin), ukyret(turkey), otepatso(potatoes), rnoc(corn))

T: We have a guessing fun. Takeathingandguessitsname.

(The students with closed eyes take out from the basket a fruit or a vegetable and name it. They get a turkey-token for each right answer.)

T:The next task is to dramatize in roles the action-poem “Pilgrim Children”.

Pilgrim children worked hard all day.

Pilgrim children had little time to play.

The first child chopped lots of food.

The second child helped make a family food.

The third child helped keep the horses fed.

The fourth child made mattress for his bed.

The fifth child made soap and a candle.

The sixth child turned the meat-roasting candle.

Pilgrim children worked hard all day.

Pilgrim children had little time to play.

(The best dramatization gets a point.)

The score of the competition is…


T:We also are thankful to our nearest and dearest for many things. Let’s make a Horn of Plenty.

(“Indians”and “Pilgrims” readinthechain the gratitude written beforehand and put it into the Horn of Plenty).

All students get souvenirs.