There are many videos out there showing how the bionic band works including our own at

Below are a few others, check them out:

How does it work really? Here is what “They” say:

“Proton Alignment Resonance Technology”

The Bionic Band® a new technology that gives you strength, balance, and energy that you have to experience to believe. Imagine a radio station that is not tuned to the right frequency- even if it is one point off it will not sound clear. When the radio is on the right frequency it sounds perfect…full, clear, and crisp. Proton Alignment Resonance Technology (P.A.R.T.®) works in a similar way, by allowing all of your cells to “resonate” on the same frequency at once. This cellular communication is instant and dramatic and your body just works better.

And for more information go to:

To be fair, I did find some ‘unbelievers’ on line, but I would, without much of a stretch of imagination; say they have never really tried the Bionic Band. I don’t pretend to understand how this ‘technology’ works, nor would I say I understand how the body works. I am not a Physician, but I have worked many years in the pharmaceutical industry. I can tell you that medicines have some very bad side affects. I would also tell you that medicine is NOT an exact science. It is however and ever growing book of observation!

From this persons’ observation, the Bionic Band has NO side effects and it works. How simple is that? People don’t usually like things simple; they want to make it difficult. All I can say is that it really doesn’t matter HOW it works, it only matters THAT it works. Some may say it is “all in your head”. I say the head and the mind are apart of how my body works. If indeed it is “all in my head”, AND it works… well then, IT WORKS!! If there is solid reasoning behind how it works, well then, It WORKS!!

Try it, and then we can discuss it. I have had mine on since December 2009. I don’t take it off; it is more a part of my wardrobe then my watch, which by the way does not always work as well as my Bionic Band.

Buy yours at: or better yet, you can become a distributor and tell people how well they work for you!