RSPO Membership Application Form

Ref: RSPO/2013

To determine the typeof membership applicable to your organisation:

To become a member of RSPO, applicants have to accept a minimum duration of their membership for a two years period.

Types of Membership



·Supply Chain Associate

Ordinary Membership

Membership fee is Euro2000 per year.

Your organization must be directly involved within the palm oil supply chain, or associated NGOs.

You are required to select one of the seven categories. If your organization is involved in more than one of these categories, please select one which represents your primary business activity.

  1. Oil Palm Growers

(Oil palm growers who own less than 500ha of estate area/land can apply for Ordinary Membership with a reduced fee of Euro500 per year but will be required to provide supporting documentation.)

  1. Palm Oil Processors & Traders

•Refinery, Edible oils and Food ingredients processors

•Only Trading, Logistics and Distributions

•Power, Energy and Bio-fuel

•Chemicals, Surfactants, and Non-Food ingredients processors

•Across the POSC (Plantation, Mill, Refining, Trading, Manufacturing & Retailing)

  1. Consumer Goods Manufacturers (only engage with customers)
  2. Retailers
  3. Banks & Investors
  4. Environmental or Nature Conservation NGOs
  5. Social or Development NGOs

Ordinary members have voting rights in the RSPO General Assembly and are entitled to publicly state they are members of the RSPO.

Supply Chain AssociateMembership

Membership fee is Euro100 per year.

Your organization has business activities along the palm oil supply chain but limited to purchasing, using or trading not more than 500 metric tonnes of palm oil or/and palm oil products annually.

Associate members do not have voting rights in the RSPO General Assembly. Supply Chain Associate members do not have voting rights in the RSPO General Assembly although they are allowed to publicly state that they are a Supply Chain Associate member of the RSPO.

Affiliate Membership

Membership fee is Euro250 per year.

You are an organization and/or individual who is/are not directly involved in the palm oil supply chain in any of the seven categories in the Ordinary Membership. Affiliate members do not have voting rights in the RSPO General Assembly although they are allowed to publicly state that they are an Affiliate member of the RSPO.

We would appreciate if you could email return the completed form to

Identity of the Organisation
Membership Type / :
Category / :
Sub-Category (only for Processors & Traders)
Organisation Name / : / * Please use the full legal entity name
Address / :
Telephone / :
Registration Number / :
ParentCompany(if any) / :
Subsidiary Companies
(if any) / :
Fax / :
General Email / :
Website / :
Country / :
Contact Person / :
Position / :
Email / :
The membership application should be endorsed and signed off by a senior member of the organisation who will also be accountable in ensuring the organisation conforms to the RSPO Statutes, by-laws and Code of Conduct.
To ensure that your organisation is consistently updated on developments by the RSPO we highly recommend that you identify at least two other representatives. It is the members’ responsibility to ensure that any updates or changes to the contact details are provided by the member to the RSPO.
Primary Nomination of Representative
Full Name / :
Position / :
Telephone / :
Fax / :
Email / :
Secondary Nomination of Representative
Full Name / :
Position / :
Telephone / :
Fax / :
Email / :
Finance Person for Membership Fee
Full Name / :
Position / :
Telephone / :
Fax / :
Email / :
Information of Organisation
(Enter here)
Please state how your organisation intends to comply with the RSPO Code of Conduct. Specifically in the following areas:
  1. How will your organisation promote the RSPO internally and to other stakeholders?
(Enter here)
  1. Where relevant, what processes is the organisation establishing to engage with interested parties, for example to resolve conflict or to use sustainably produced palm oil?
(Enter here)
  1. Where relevant, how will your organisation work towards implementing the RSPO Principles and Criteria or assessing supplier performance against these criteria?
(Enter here)
  1. Any other information that would support the application such as what your organisation hopes to gain from joining RSPO and how it would support RSPO?
(Enter here)
  1. Usage of Palm Oil and Palm Oil Derivatives (volume in metric tonne)?
(Enter here)
Application for membership is made by
Full Name / :
Position / :
Applied Date / :
Supporting Document:
  1. I agree to the following by checking the box below:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand all of my obligations, duties and responsibilities under each principle and provision of RSPO’s Code of Conduct and will accept the future amendments and modifications to the Code of Conduct.
  1. Please attach a copy of certificate of incorporation of your organization.
  1. For Supply Chain Associate Members – Please attach a signed copy of the RSPO Agreement – click to download -f incorporation of your organisation.rship they have applied for is incorrect.
    tical background informatio. This should be at the bottom of the final page and accompanied by your organisation’s logo or stamp.
  1. For Ordinary – "Growers" category only:
  • Organisation status (legality, corporate and ownership structure)
  • Disclosure of plans to implement the RSPO P&C
  • Estate location and map
  • Disclosure of existing field practices and policies of CSR/ sustainability policy

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