Tuck Everlasting – Chapters 6-13- Vocabulary Definitions
- bridle(noun) a harness fitted around a horse’s head used to restrain or guide the animal(p.31)
- burly (adj.)heavy, strong, muscular, husky(p. 31)
- cavernous (adj.) resembling a cavern, large, hollow (p. 51)
- disarray (noun) a state of disorder, confusion (p. 52)
- eddies (noun) a current of water or air running against the main current ( p. 50)
- elation (noun) joyfulness, extreme happiness (p. 57)
- enveloped (verb-past) to enclose or cover (p. 49)
- faltered(verb-past) to hesitate, to stop slowly (p. 35)
- helter-skelter (adj)disorderly or (noun) disorder, confusion(p. 51)
- homely (adj)unattractive (p.50)
- indomitable (adj)incapable of being overcome, unconquerable (p. 50)
- lolled (verb-past)to lie, recline in a lazy relaxed manner (p. 51)
- peered(verb-past) to look closely or curiously at something or someone (p.49)
- perversely (adv)directed or turned away from what is right or good; improper; wrong-headed(p. 33)
- perilous (adj)dangerous (p. 50)
- revived(verb-past)to bring back to life(p.47)
- rutted (adj)sunken track or grooved (p. 47)
- troupe (noun)a group of actors, entertainers who travel together to perform ( p. 31)
- vanity (noun)pride oneself in one’s appearance, the act of being vain (p. 46)
- vigorous (adj)energetic in action or activity (p. 46)
Directions: Answer the following questions using the vocabulary words from Natalie Babbit’s novel. Be sure that your answers fully respond to each question and use the vocabulary term correctly within your sentence. Use proper punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and underlineor highlight the vocabulary term in each of your sentences. DO NOT COPY ANY SENTENCES FROM THE STORY. YOUR RESPONSES MUST BE ORIGINAL.
- Describe how an equestrian (one who rides a horse) would use a bridle.
- Describe a character from a film, television show, story or cartoon who is burly. Be sure to include enough in your sentence to indicate you understand the meaning of the vocabulary word.
- An empty ancient castle from the Middle Ages may seem cavernous to a modern day visitor. Explain why this might be.
- Describe a place in your home that might be in a state of disarray.
- Draw a picture of an eddy in a pond or river.
- What event might cause one to experience elation?
- Read the following sentence: The scent of roses and lilies enveloped the hospital room where my grandmother was recovering.Explain what the word envelopedmeans in this context.
- He faltered as he thought of the consequences of his decision. Explain why one might falter in making a decision.
- If a carnival ride appeared to be put up in a helter-skelter manner would you be excited to ride on it? Explain why or why not.
- Read the following sentence:Decide if the vocabulary word is used correctly in the sentence. Explain your answer.
Thehomely dress was an unattractive hand-me-down from her older sister, and Karen wore it only because she had no other dress to wear.
- Describe a person whom you believe has an indomitable spirit or outlook on life. Be sure to explain why this person’s behavior shows that he or she is indomitable.
- In the following sentence, is the word lolled being used properly? Explain your answer.
After the abundant Thanksgiving dinner, my grandfather lolled on the couch and contently watched the football game.
- Describe a profession where one might need to peer at an object as part of his or her daily work.
- In the following sentence, is the word perversely being used properly? Explain your answer.
Using reliable data and organized logic, the presenter aimed to perversely persuade the audience that President Harry Truman was a strong leader for our country.
- Sky-diving may be considered a perilous sport by some. Explain why?
- Use the vocabulary term revived properly within a sentence. Be sure to include enough in your sentence to indicate you understand the meaning of the vocabulary word.
- In a sentence, describe the opposite of a rutted road? Describe how riding on this road would be as compared to one that was rutted.
- In a circus there are often troupes of acrobats that perform their gymnastic feats above the crowds on tightropes.
The above italicized word is used CORRECTLYINCORRECTLY (circle one ).
Explain your answer here:
- Describe the picture here using the vocabulary word, vanity.
- The playwright knew that her play was a flop based upon the dull, vigorous applause from the audience at the end of the show. Is the vocabulary word above used correctly in the sentence? Explain why or why not.