Board Meeting November 1, 2014
FFA Building, Columbus, Ohio
Present: MaryJo, Lois, CathyJo, Dova, Ruth, Kelly Smith
Secretary Report: : read by Ruth Budd. Motion to approve by CathyJo and second by Kelley Smith.
Treasurer's Report: Current Balance: 56,494.56. Tim has been paid 2, 250 for his work on the website. The second payment to Impact was paid and other reimbursements made There was a question about a 12,000 charge for the leadership academy. CathyJo will call Christine to clarify what this is.
Discussed Tim’s contract and changes that needed to be made regarding taxes.
Conference Committee: Lois is hoping that the board will support the gifts for conference after feedback from conference planning committee. Dova will check ribbons for next year, see if we need to order. Conference profit was over 11,376.48.
Awards Discussion: Discussed if we should streamline awards or continue as we are. We are continuing our awards arrangement. Ruth will put out call for awards in November newsletter.
Terrence O’Donnell spoke to the board members.
Terrence O’Donnell- gave us his background and credentials. Currently working for Dickens and Wright in Columbus, Ohio. He is a government relations lawyer that works for ACTE. Focus is on Career Tech education, weighted funding, Terrance gave examples of work done for Great Oaks.
Key points for future:
Weighted funding for wealthier districts. More equal funding across the board
Career counseling at an earlier age. Weighted funding for career education at the middle school.
Funding based on success of program and not enrollment in adult career tech programs.
The board wanted to know what Terrance knows about Family and Consumer Science and how he will be able to help us get the message across to legislators about what we do. Funding was discussed at length. The school funding formula is a disadvantage to our program.
Discussion about what we can do to help him:
Website, legislative suggestion, talking points to help strengthen the key points, information on our courses.
Terrance made it clear that he ultimately reports to ACTE. We are asking that he advocate for us….FCS and share information with us. Invited Terrance to visit any of our schools to see what the comprehensive FCS looks like. Steve Gratz is a key player at the state level. Kelley is asking Terrence to keep in touch with us and update us with information from legislature
Scholarships and Reimbursements:
OATFACS student scholarship - must be a member of OATFACS and enrolled in FCS program. (this was given to Libby)
Student OATFACS meeting scholarship -100
President and President Elect fees paid to attend ACTE
Scholarship to attend Ohio ACTE. Used to attend the state meeting up to $500.
Leadership currently gets 1,000 to go to National ACTE convention.
Discussion of budget line items with treasurer.
Kelly -Finished with 5 focus groups and we are getting ready for phone survey with 15 different superintendents. Public survey of 600 people across Ohio. (random) Survey of FCS teachers. The plan is to have those surveys done by the middle of December. We should have the 3,3 plan done in January. How do we share this information with other teachers? Could OATFACS have a professional day in the future to help implement the strategies. Teachers need to know how to make this work. Definitely need to have a plan in place by January. Suggested that we hook into the spring meetings that MaryJo is holding. MaryJo shared some dates with us.
Membership Update: According to CathyJothe current membership is 255
Kelley suggested that we put something on our webpage that ties us to Natfacs : Slogan on Natfacs website should be used.
CathyJo discussed teacher resources link on web page. These links are being updated.
Lois updated Finance, Kelley updated careers, CathyJo-Child Development
Ruth will do Nutrition. Remove teaching professions. Remove icons to links. Discussed colors and compared our site to other sites. Leave tools for FCS teachers.
Motion to adopt a new banner,(Lois) Kelley seconded.
Call for awards will go out 3 different places :MaryJo will be sending out in newsletters, Ruth will post on website and send through ACTE.
Discussion about increasing the fee to go to Nationals is tabled to January’s meeting.(Budget committee) Budget meeting will meet by teleconference in the next two weeks.
Meeting adjourned 4:00
Next board meeting- January 10, 2015