Stage I (Replace “Stage I” with the name of the appropriate course, for example “Spanish I”)
Description of course: (Insert course description given to students when they select courses, for example from the “Program of Studies”.)
Major Concepts: (Insert yearly units directly from the textbook OR from the school’s World Language curriculum: big ideas and information students need to know by the end of the year.)
Discipline Course Content and Process Skills Competencies:
1. Communication: Communicate in Spanish.
2. Cultures: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of the Cultures of the World.
3. Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information.
4. Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture.
5. Communities: Participate in Communities at Home and Around the World.
Stage I (Replace “Stage I” with the name of the appropriate course, for example “Spanish I”)
Course Description: (Insert course description given to students when they select courses, for example from the “Program of Studies”.)
Major Concepts: (Insert yearly units directly from the textbook OR from the school’s World Language curriculum: big ideas and information students need to know by the end of the year.)
1. Communication ~ Communicate in Spanish.
Standard 1:1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions in Spanish.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources/ Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Greet and respond to greetings / 1. Cultural gestures of greeting and proper ways to greet different people / 1. Role play different people in society, demonstrating both formal and informal relationships
4. Rubric: Oral presentation: dialogues & plays
2. State needs and preferences / 2. The verbs such as querer, preferir, necesitar
Common nouns such as personal possessions and school supplies / 2. Interact on a daily basis with teacher and peers
3. Express gratitude and appreciation / 3. Expressions such as gracias, de nada, con gusto, por favor.
Cultural gestures and/or reactions / 3. Praise and thank each other and their teacher on a regular basis.
4. Exchange descriptions of people, places and things / 4. Vocabulary such as family, friends, home, school, feelings, leisure activities, clothing, weather, colors, numbers, calendar and seasons, time, food, professions, transportation; Conjugations of regular –ar, -er and –ir verbs; ser, estar, tener, hay / 4. Describe a person, place or thing with the help of posters, pictures or other visual aids (family album, family tree, room designs, tener books, fashion show, mood cubes, advertisements)
4. Rubric: Oral Presentation: dialogues & plays (all levels)
5. Share likes and dislikes / 5. Verbs like gustar, encantar, interesar, chocar, aburrir, fascinar, odiar;
Indirect object pronouns; Thematic vocabulary for leisure activities, foods, clothing, sports, school / 5. Interview each other and present each other’s likes and dislikes;
Share information from a dating survey containing personal preferences;
Create a “Likes/Dislikes” collage, poster or mobile
10. Rubric: Small Focus Projects
6. Ask and answer questions about familiar topics / 6. Thematic vocabulary for family, friends, health, leisure activity, time, feelings, school schedulecommon interrogative words;
appropriate intonation;
proper word order / 6. Recite and demonstrate proper intonation (use of tongue twisters, choral repetition with teacher)
Interview a partner on a relevant topic.
7. Rubric: Oral Presentation or Demonstration
Standard 1:2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Follow oral instructions in Spanish related to daily classroom activities. / 1. Commands and vocabulary for classroom activities. / 1. Respond to teacher instructions by doing the action or activity.
2. Comprehend main ideas and main characters in spoken or written passages / 2.Thematic vocabulary for the unit or lesson, audio clues such as intonation inflection, body language and gestures, reading strategies / 2. Underline or highlight cognates and/or known vocabulary or parts of speech;
Do a cloze activity;
Write a dictation
3. Identify people and objects in school and at home / 3. Thematic vocabulary or school and home / 3. Create a floor plan of your home or school10. Rubric: Small Focus Projects
Play “Qué falta?” (or other games like Concentration)
4. Understand the main message from written Spanish language media such as texts, posters and advertisements / 4. Reading strategies Recognize cultural cues such as 24 hour clock, monetary unit, products;
Use cognates and visuals to infer meaning / 4. Create an ad to sell a particular product
10. Rubric: Small Focus Projects
Find an ad in a magazine or on the Internet that promotes a specific product or place
5. Interpret gestures, intonation and visual and auditory clues in media such as films, television and video / 5. Become familiar with gestures, body language and personal distance;
Distinguish between declarative and interrogative sentences, plus exclamations / 5. Write a list of cognates they hear (from video clip, TV or film)
Standard 1:3 Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics in Spanish:
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Prepare and present on a variety of topics in written or spoken form. / 1. Vocabulary such as family, friends, home, school, feelings, leisure activities, clothing, weather, colors, numbers, calendar and seasons, time, professions and transportation / 1. Write or speak about a real or imaginary trip to a Spanish speaking country;
Write or present a dialogue on a relevant topic;
Record a biographical sketch;
Compose and leave a message on an answering machine;
Provide peers and teacher with answers to questions;
Describe a picture or scene
13. Rubric: Writing
6. Rubric: Oral Presentation: oral reading
2. Cultures: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of the Cultures of the World.
Standard 2.1 Students develop an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of Hispanic cultures.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Use appropriate gestures and oral expressions for greetings, leave-takings and common classroom interactions / 1. Differences between formal and informal relationships;
Ways of expressing respect in their own language and the Spanish;
Basic gestures / 1. Role-play to show appropriate greetings and introductions;
Demonstrate gestures as the teacher calls them out
2. Understand different cultural activities / 2. Games, songs and birthday celebrations;
Regional dances
Holiday practices;
Recognition of traditional dress and items connected to holidays or events / 2. Participate in songs, dances, exchange of holiday greetings;
Draw or create a visual representation of traditional dress
10. Rubric: Small Focus Projects
4. Rubric: Oral Presentation: dialogues & plays (all levels)Standard 2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the different Hispanic cultures.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Observe, identify and/or describe tangible products from Spanish-speaking cultures / 1. Clothing, toys, dwellings, city layouts, foods, musical instruments etc. / 1. Create dioramas, label products, prepare/sample foods, play instruments, present fashion shows, make handicrafts, view videos and movies, etc.
10. Rubric: Small Focus Projects
2. Identify, experience, hear, or read about expressive products of Spanish speakers / 2. Songs, literature, rhymes, legends, folklore, tongue twisters / 2. Participate in songs, dances, storyboard stories, fill-in-the-blanks, cloze exercises, re-order sentences, listen and draw, etc.11. Rubric: Storyboard
3. Recognize common themes, ideas or perspectives of groups of Spanish speakers / 3. Friendships, individual and family responsibilities, personal space / 3. Compare and contrast relationships in US vs. Spanish-speaking countries
5. Oral Presentation ~ Upper Level Group Discussion
3. Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information.
Standard 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Spanish.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
/ School Mission Statement1. Demonstrate in Spanish an understanding about concepts learned in other subject areas / 1. Biology, weather, mathematics, measurement, geography and cardinal directions / 1. Add, subtract, multiply in Spanish, guess the number, identify countries and capitals, find the cognate, give weather reports, identify animals etc.
2. Use their understanding of weather maps and temperature charts / 2. Geography of the Spanish-speaking world, basic weather expressions and Celsius vs. Fahrenheit / 2. Select cities and countries in the Spanish-speaking world to visit
3. Apply their knowledge of the metric system and other systems of measurement / 3. The metric system and clothing and shoe sizes in Spanish-speaking countries / 3. Role play a shopping trip to a Mercado
4. Rubric: Oral Presentation: dialogues & plays (all levels)
Standard 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are available only through the Spanish language and its many cultures.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Read, listen to and talk about materials written for native speakers of Spanish / 1. Authentic materials such as songs, advertisements, newspapers, realia, magazines, etc. / 1. Sing songs, find or identify information, etc.
4. Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture.
Standard 4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons between the language studied and their own.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Cite and use examples of words that are borrowed in Spanish and in English / 1. Why languages may need to borrow and adopt words / 1. Identify and compare words that are borrowed from Spanish and English and vice versa
2. Realize that cognates enhance comprehension of spoken and written Spanish / 2. Commonly-occurring cognates and words ending in -ción, -dad, -ero, -tad, -mente / 2. Identify common cognates and false cognates in spoken and written Spanish
3. Show awareness of the existence of idiomatic expressions in English and Spanish / 3. Common idiomatic expressions in English and in Spanish / 3. Explain how idiomatic expressions work in general (e.g. “tomar el pelo” – “to pull one’s leg”; “put your foot in your mouth”)4. Demonstrate an awareness of formal and informal forms of language and expressions of politeness / 4. Differences of register (tú vs. usted; vosotros vs. Uds.) and common expressions of politeness and titles of address / 4. Respond to being called upon and address adults and peers appropriately
5. Begin to recognize differences and similarities between the sound and writing systems of their own language and Spanish / 5. Alphabet, sounds of letters and use of accent marks for syllable stress / 5. Dictation, alphabet song, vocabulary quizzes, hangman, spelling etc.
Standard 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between the cultures studied and their own.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Demonstrate an awareness that gestures are an important part of communication and that gestures may differ between English and Spanish / 1. The meaning of basic gestures in English and Spanish / 1. Use gestures to communicate with peers and teacher
2. Compare and contrast tangible products of Hispanic cultures and their own / 2. Understand the differences between the cultural products of their own country and those of Hispanic cultures (e.g. fútbol/football; chupacabra/boogeyman) / 2. Identify and describe cultural and historical figures from both cultures (Simón Bolívar/George Washington)
3. Rubric: Group Project: research & working together
5. Communities: Participate in Communities at Home and Around the World.
Standard 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Competency~ A student will be able to: / Knowledge / Content
~ A student will understand: / SPA: Sample Performance Activities / Assessments
~ A student will demonstrate skill: / Teacher
Resources /
Notes / School Mission Statement
1. Convey basic messages to Spanish speakers / 1. Common greetings, farewells and appropriate thematic vocabulary / 1. Leave a voicemail message, send an e-postcard
7. Rubric: Oral Presentation or Demonstration
2. Name professions that benefit from proficiency in Spanish / 2. Basic words that relate to professions and occupations / 2. Prepare a list of professions; play charades, concentration etc.
3. Write, illustrate and present simple stories in Spanish / 3. Thematic vocabulary, appropriate grammatical structures and verb conjugations / 3. Display/present student work to school and community (display case, bulletin board, festivals, school website etc.)
4. Perform skits and songs in Spanish / 4. Thematic vocabulary, appropriate grammatical structures and verb conjugations / 4. Perform skits and/or songs for holiday festivals, parent nights, assemblies, etc.
4. Rubric: Oral Presentation: dialogues & plays (all levels)
Standard 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using Spanish for personal enjoyment and enrichment.