Financing the Enterprise, page 1 of 39
Financing has blossomed into a huge smorgasbord of simple, complex, and even exotic techniques for raising capital. Our focus here will be on the basic sources of financing that represent the large majority of business funding. We will cover the following topics.
§ Principal differences between debt and equity, the two fundamental building blocks of all financing
§ Alternative sources of financing
§ How the financing is obtained
§ How firms decide which financing methods best meet their needs
Principal differences between debt and equity, the basic elements of virtually all financing
§ Priority of Claim: Debt has priority over equity. In bankruptcy, creditors receive what is owed before shareholders receive anything.
§ Cash Payments: Debt is promised principle and interest. Equity is promised nothing (dividends need not be paid)
§ Control: Shareholders elect the board of directors, and vote on major firm decisions (e.g., a merger or a sale of major assets). Lenders do not vote but may impose constraints on the firm, e.g., on dividends, capital investments, and various measures of performance.
§ Taxes: Interest expense is tax-deductible; interest income is taxable for lenders. Firm income (net of interest expense) is taxed differently for C-corporations than for other types of firms.
o C-Corporation: Virtually all publicly traded firms are C-Corporations, which are subject to two taxes on their income: Corporate income tax (34% tax rate for large firms); and a personal income tax on dividends and on capital gains (gains from selling shares) received by stockholders.
o S-Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, and Sole Proprietorships: Firm income (whether or not distributed) is subject only to the personal income tax paid by the owners.
The Taxation of a C-Corporation
EXHIBIT 1. Income Tax of a C-Corporation
Sales / $600,000,000Cost of goods sold / 360,000,000
Gross profit / $240,000,000
General and administrative expenses / 40,000,000
Earnings before interest & taxes / $200,000,000
Interest expense / 100,000,000
Earnings before tax / $100,000,000
Tax @ 34% / 34,000,000
Net income / $ 66,000,000
C-Corporation and Double Taxation
If the $66,000 is paid as a dividend, the stockholder pays an added tax up to 15%. If the tax is 15%:
Exhibit 2. Tax on Dividend Income of Stockholders
Dividend received / $66,000,000Tax on dividend (at 15%) / 9,900,000
After-tax dividend / $56,100,000
Trade Credit
Extra time to pay (after the invoice date) given by a supplier to its customer. For example, suppose that purchases from a supplier are made under the terms 2/10, net 30. This means that a 2 percent discount is given if payment is within 10 days of the invoice date, and the amount due must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date.
§ An extremely convenient, and popular, method of short-term financing.
§ Negligible transaction costs is using trade credit; but interest cost may be high or low.
§ One should compute the implied interest rate on trade credit
§ May be able to “stretch” payables, but must make sure that this does not involve an unacceptable penalty.
The Cost of Trade Credit: Trade credit is not free. Let’s compute its cost. Suppose that you buy a $100 per unit (price if no discount) input on the following terms.
Terms: 2/10, net 30, i.e, pay $98 up to day 10, and $100 after that up to day 30.
Firm should pay either on day 10 or on day 30. Paying $98 before day 10, or $100 before day 30, ignores the time value of money (the interest that you could earn on your funds).
If you pay on day 30 rather than day 10, you have $98 for a 20 extra days, and you pay $2 more (like borrowing $98 for 20 days with $2 in interest). So:
Interest rate for 20 days = = 2.04%
Annualized rate (365 day year) = ´ 2.04%
= 37.23%
Borrowing from the vendor (waiting until day 30 to pay) is like borrowing at an annual rate of 37.23 percent. Rather high, don’t you think?
Commercial banks take deposits, loan money, and serve both consumers and businesses. Familiar names include Bank of America, Wells Fargo, KeyBank and Citibank. Commercial banks have relatively stringent lending standards. Loans are both secured and unsecured.
Commercial finance companies are non-depository institutions that provide capital to business firms, particularly higher risk firms that may not qualify for bank credit. These finance companies focus on asset-based financing (lending backed by the borrower’s assets), but they also provide unsecured loans. Leading commercial finance companies include CIT Finance, GE Commercial Finance, GMAC Commercial Finance, PNC Business Credit, Wells Fargo Business Credit, Bank of America Business Capital, and CitiCapital.
Below are some recent announcements of financing transactions. We will later define the terms that are used.
(Dallas, Texas; March, 2004) - Dresser, Inc. secures a new six-year $125 million senior unsecured term loan, and a new $235 million term loan under its existing Senior Secured Credit Facilities.
(Basking Ridge, New Jersey; February, 2005) – Avaya Inc., a leading provider of business communications software, systems and services, arranges a $400 million five-year unsecured revolving credit facility. The facility replaces an existing $250 million secured credit.
(Denver Colorado, January 2005) – Sierra Hills arranges a $6,950,000 of interim financing for its 119-unit independent, senior living apartment complex in Porterville, California. The facility, constructed in 1999, consists of four buildings totaling 103,441 square feet.
(Garland, Texas, January, 2005) Arena Brands, a western wear manufacturer, establishes with GE Commercial Finance a $30 million senior secured credit facility to replace existing debt.
Seasonal Line of Credit – Short-term Borrowing to Meet Temporary Needs
§ Borrowing for less than a year to finance seasonal needs
§ Use to finance seasonal increases in inventory or accounts receivable
§ Can be cancelled by bank at any time (but this option is very carefully, and infrequently, used)
§ Expected to be “out of the bank” a couple of months during the year
§ Traditionally unsecured, although security requirement is increasingly common
§ Interest rate can be floating or fixed
Term Loan – Fixed term business loan for more than one year
§ Usually one to five years, but may be as long as 25 years (mortgage loan).
§ Usually secured. May be unsecured if borrower has a high credit rating. The security is generally property, plant and equipment.
§ Usually floating interest rate based on prime, federal funds rate or LIBOR; may be an ARM. May be a fixed rate; or can arrange an interest rate swap of floating into fixed.
Revolving Credit – Agreement to lend, for a stated time period, up to a given amount.
§ Usually one to three years, with a majority of lines one year. Can be up to seven years.
§ Security is accounts receivable or inventory, and is sometimes property, plant and equipment. Receivables must meet credit standards; a percent of value is loaned (better accounts mean a higher percent). Inventory collateral must have stable market value; manufactured finished goods, consumer durables, or raw materials with stable markets (e.g., wheat) are good collateral.
§ Usually floating rate or an ARM; can swap into fixed.
§ Lender may charge a fee for any unused portion of the line (for example, for a $3 million line with $1 million currently borrowed and $2 million unused, interest is charged on $1 million, and .5 percent per year fee on the unused $2 million).
§ Relatively high interest rate.
§ Floor planning is credit line often used in financing automobile dealers, farm and industrial equipment, and sellers of consumer durables.
Interim (Bridge) Financing – Short-term loan for an interim period until long-term financing is obtained.
§ Generally collateralized (with real property, equipment, inventory, etc.)
§ Often used to finance construction (or to provide temporary refinancing) of industrial plants, apartment houses, shopping centers, etc.
Mortgage Loan – Collateral is real property
§ Secured by real property
§ Can be up to 25 years
§ Usually a variable rate (floating or ARM)
§ Often an origination fee, e.g., .5% of the loan
§ Will need three years of financial statements and personal (and/or corporate tax returns). The lender runs its own cash flow projections, although borrower may submit them. Lender runs analysis of return on equity, etc. If leased property, will want a security interest in leases.
Factoring is the sale of accounts receivable to a “factor,” which is a firm engaged in the business of buying such accounts. The factor evaluates the accounts and chooses those it is willing to purchase; the purchase price depends on the quality of the accounts receivable.
Factor does a credit analysis of the accounts, chooses those it will buy, and pays a price for the accounts in accordance with the credit analysis.
§ Non-recourse (factor the assumes risk of non-payment)
§ Usually non-notifcation basis; customers are unaware of sale of receivables.
§ Factor may provide additional unsecured financing, credit analysis of customers, and collections of amounts due.
§ Relatively expensive
§ Loans are provided by banks, commercial finance companies, and other institutional commercial lenders
§ Loans are up to 80 percent guaranteed by the SBA
§ Business must be a “small business” by SBA standards (size varies by industry)
§ Loans can be for a longer term than is typical for commercial loans
§ Loans are available to borrowers who might not be able to obtain financing elsewhere
See Appendix A for details on SBA programs.
Public financing is the public issuance of securities. The securities may be debt (bonds, commercial paper, notes, etc.), stock (typically common stock or preferred stock), or any of a number of derivative securities (such as convertibles, warrants, and put options). Public sale of a security requires approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Commercial Paper – Very short-term debt
§ Maturity is 2 days to 270 days (majority is 30 days or less)
§ Issued by only prime rated commercial firms and financial companies (e.g., banks)
§ Unsecured; usually backed by a bank line of credit
§ Low interest cost (most issued on a discount basis; some make interest payments)
§ Can be publicly offered or privately placed
Notes and Bonds
§ Notes usually refer to debt instruments with a maturity of up to 10 years, and bonds to debt instruments with a maturity of more than 10 years
§ May be secured or unsecured (debentures)
§ Contain restrictive covenants
§ May pay a regular coupon (interest) every six-months; or one balloon payment when mature (zero-coupon)
§ Interest rate is usually fixed, but may be floating (tied to LIBOR, prime, etc.)
§ Issued through investment banker, who either guarantees the price, issues on a best-efforts basis, or conducts an auction
§ Can be publicly offered or privately placed
§ Publicly traded debt has lower interest cost than privately placed debt with the same credit rating
§ Bonds, and General Credit, are Rated by Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch. Here are some examples.
General Electric: AAA
Wal-Mart: AA
Target: A+
Coke: A
Gap Inc.: BBB-
Ford: BB+
General Motors: BB
Continental Airlines: B-
Paxon Communications: CCC+
Delta Airlines: CC
Moody's / S&P / Fitch / DefinitionsAaa / AAA / AAA / Prime. Maximum Safety
Aa1 / AA+ / AA+ / High Grade High Quality
Aa2 / AA / AA
Aa3 / AA- / AA-
A1 / A+ / A+ / Upper Medium Grade
A2 / A / A
A3 / A- / A-
Baa1 / BBB+ / BBB+ / Lower Medium Grade
Baa2 / BBB / BBB
Baa3 / BBB- / BBB-
Ba1 / BB+ / BB+ / Non Investment Grade
Ba2 / BB / BB / Speculative
Ba3 / BB- / BB-
B1 / B+ / B+ / Highly Speculative
B2 / B / B
B3 / B- / B-
Caa1 / CCC+ / CCC / Substantial Risk
Caa2 / CCC / - / In Poor Standing
Caa3 / CCC- / -
Ca / CC / - / Extremely Speculative
C / - / - / May be in Default
- / - / DDD / Default
- / - / DD
- / D / D
- / - / -
Virtually all lenders directly, or indirectly, examine most or all of the following company characteristics to evaluate a prospective borrower (often dubbed “the five Cs”).
Character: The talent and integrity of the firm’s management.
Capital: Debt relative to equity financing. A lower debt-to-equity ratio usually means a lower likelihood of financial distress.
Cash Flow: Relationship between a company’s cash flows and the cash requirements for servicing financial obligations.
Conditions: Macroeconomic conditions faced by the firm.
Collateral: Liquidation value of the collateral relative to the loan, and the specific claim that the lender has on the assets (priority of the lender). This critical for asset based loans.
The firm’s financial ratios reflect some of the information used to evaluate the firm. Some of the ratios that are used:
Current ratio:
Quick ratio:
Debt ratio:
Times interest earned:
Fixed charges coverage: