PRESENT: / 36 Members in total / APOLOGIES:
Mr Cyril Key / Chairman / G Ward / J Searby
Mr Trevor Warburton / Vice Chairman / B Jones
Mr John Gooding / Secretary / J Gordon
Mr Ian Simpson / Treasurer / B Wragg
Mr C Spring / Welfare Officer / J Green
No / ITEM /


1. / Minutes of the meeting on 18th March 2010:
Read and proposed as true record by D Hocking, seconded by D Metcalfe.
2. /

Matters arising from previous meeting:

I Simpson confirmed that he had sent a Lifetime membership certificate, rulebook and history of the Poachers to Robert Stanley of Tannersville USA but had not had an acknowledgement as to whether he had received them. The secretary said he would email and find out. / C.Key
3. / Treasurers Report: Read and accepted by those present. There then followed a short discussion on the Help for Heroes fund with specific points being clarified by C Spring. / J Gooding
4. / Welfare Report: Nil to report. / I.Simpson
5. / New Members: Jaqueline Pickett. 7Btn RAR
6. / Correspondence: The secretary confirmed that we had received permission from Lincoln City Council to hold a street collection in Lincoln Hight Street on Saturday 12th June. Ian Simpson requested members to assist on the day and put their names on a list that he had produced.
The Chairman had received a letter from a G Mussey, 2nd Batt “S”Coy, Carrier Plt with photos from Palestine 1945-48, and also some of the 2nd Batt in India in 1928. They were available for members to view and would be passed to the webmaster.
The branch had received an invite from the Cottage Museum, Woodhall Spa to attend their “Arnham Memorial Day” on Saturday 18th September. Their would be a service of dedication with standards and a showing of the 1946 film “Theirs is the Glory” at the Kinema in the Woods. The letter was also an appeal for donations to maintain and further the aims of the museum.
An email had been received from RHQ giving details of the 3rd Batt Medal Parade to be held on Sunday 23rd May, all members of the regimental family were invited to attend. The chairman then read out a list of the 3rd Batt homecoming parades.
The R.Anglian memorial dedication service would be taking place at Duxford on Sun 12th Sept. At 11:30am. An attendance limit of 4500 would be in place. Ticket bids are required by mid July.
It was announced that on Wednesday 20th Oct, the Band of the Grenadier Guards would be playing in Lincoln Cathedral. They had also made application to lay up their colours, but this would probably be on a different occasion.
On June 14th the regimental secretary, Bill O’Driscoll has an appointment with Lincoln City Council to discuss plans for a Lincolnshire Regiment memorial to be erected in Sobraon Park.
Presentations of the Elizabeth Cross, which is awarded to the next of Kin to those killed on active service since the end of the second world war, are organised by regional brigades. Regimental Associations are requested to support these events wherever possible.
Discussions over the railings around the war memorial were still ongoing. At the last LExSA meeting, a discussion took place as to whether to proceed with paying the builder £650 to draw up his own plans, which would then be lost if he was not awarded the contract. English Heritage would need comparison quotes before a decision could be made. The matter remains in the air at the moment.
7. / Any Other Business:
Chris Spring gave a comprehensive outline of Armed Forces Day on Sat 26th June in Lincoln Castle.
The chairman thanked the standard bearers who turned up at the rededication of the war memorial at Thorpe Le Fallows on Sat 15th May and gave a resume of the day’s events.
Dave Metcalfe had attended the memorial service to Sir Richard Todd. He gave a short talk onthe event and passed on regards from Major General Gerard-Wright who had also been in attendance.
Chris Spring gave notice of a forthcoming RBL coach trip to Doncaster Races where the company donate £2.50 from each ticket sold to RBL Funds. More details to follow.
Mick Reams mentioned that Bill Jones had been taken ill and was in Sheffield Hospital. Cyril confirmed that he was that they had found an abscess on his lung. A get well card was to be sent.
Al Garrod had responded to a request from RHQ to locate families of soldiers who had been killed and were on the new regimental memorial. There were 3 from Lincolnshire and he had managed, with the help of his younger sister to trace two of them. His efforts are now gratefully recorded by the branch.
The chairman reminded members that tickets for the Bangers & Mash night were now on sale and the next coffee morning would be on Monday 24th May.
8. / Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 17th June 2010 (Bangers & Mash night)