Gary Bloch, President Rhonda Albert, Bulletins
Benjamin Lefkowitz, Rabbi Danielle Thompson, Website & E-mails
July / August 2015 BulletinNo. 214
Temple Beth Sholom presents
The excitement begins at 7:30 PM
Sunday, August 2nd In the Boyer Auditorium
Hosted by Steve Kiley with Comedians Dan Boulger and Dan Crohn
Silent Auction - 50/50 Raffle - Light Refreshments - Cash Bar
Tickets are $20.00 per person. Please call Amy Cohen for Tickets
or to Reserve a Table at 781-925-2694 or the Temple Office: 781-925-0091.
July / August Events
July 09: Board of Directors Meeting in the Boyer Auditorium at 7:00 PM
July 16: Temple Israel’s Capital Campaign Kickoff Event in the Vestry of 9 Hadassah Way at 7:30 PM
July 23: Challah Baking Class sponsored by Temple Israel in the Vestry of 9 Hadassah Way (Time TBD – Reservations required)
July 24: Friday Evening Shabbat Services and Dinner sponsored by Temple Israel in the Vestry of 9 Hadassah Way at 6:30 PM (Reservations required)
July 31: Shabbat Services with July Birthday Blessings and Oneg Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary at 9 Hadassah Way 7:30 PM
August 02: Comedy Night and Silent Auction in the Boyer Auditorium at 7:30 PM
August 04: Board of Directors Meeting in the Boyer Auditorium at 7:30 PM
August 07: Shabbat Services with August Birthday Blessings and Oneg Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary at 9 Hadassah Way at 7:30PM
August 14: Friday Evening Shabbat Services and Dinner sponsored by Temple Israel in the Vestry of 9 Hadassah Way at 6:30 pm (Reservations required)
August 18 & 25: Registration for Religious School and for the Confirmation Program in the Rabbi's Study between 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM
August 28: Shabbat Services and Oneg Shabbat in the Main Sanctuary, 9 Hadassah Way at 7:30 PM
August 30: High Holy Day Workshop in the Rabbi’s Study at 11:00 AM
President's Message By Gary Bloch
Summer is finally here…it took a bit long to warm up but we are now in full beach mode. And we all know what comes after summer…the Jewish High Holidays, which this year start in mid-September. I am pleased to announce that starting this year, our Liberal and Traditional services will be combined into one service at the Main Sanctuary at 9 Hadassah Way. These services will be officiated by Rabbi Ben Lefkowitz, with the assistance of Cantorial Soloist Lauren Andrews. Lauren has been performing at our Liberal Services for several years and is well known to members of our community. Further details will be available next month, but please be aware that participants of prior Liberal Services will be offered the same financial terms previously available to them to attend the new combined services. So plan to join us as we begin this new chapter in our Temple’s history!
Temple Beth Sholom’s
35th Annual Silbert/Bernstein Memorial $8,500.00 Dinner was held
on Sunday, June 14, 2015:
And the winners were:
Grand Prize: $5,000.00:
Joan Figler
2nd Place: $1,500.00:
Dorothy and Sydney Rosenburg
3rd Place: $1,000.00:
John Zaccheo
4th Place: $300.00:
Cut N Dry
5th Place: $200.00:
May 9th
6th-10th Place: $100.00:
Jonathan Bloch
Marc Cadoff
The Temple Minyan
Susan Neiman and Stuart Ferency
Marlene Bloom
2 Red Sox tickets:
Debra Bickoff
1st Number Out 25.00 Gift Certificate:
Jerry Sullivan
Bottles of Wine Winners:
Alan Colman and Lexie Halvorsen
Olivinia, Dorothy, Marilyn, Lisa, and Adreinne
Amy and Roz
Shirley and Larry Hartman
Amy and Barry Cohen
Judy Doliner
Alyssa Bickoff
Neal and Lisa Kalish
Harry Tobman
Congratulations and best wishes to this year’s winners!!!
“A Note of Thanks” By Barry Cohen, Chairman
So many wonderful devoted people worked together on the Raffle Committee to make this fundraiser a huge success. All who attended the dinner on Sunday, June 14, 2015, had a great time and most important we reached our goal.
I would like to specially thank the following for all their involvement with this fundraiser:
Kitchen Crew: Kristen Albert, Camellia Bloch, Amy and Barry Cohen, Judy Kalish, Cheryl Ruscansky
Table Setters: Amy Cohen, Sharon Francer, Judy and Irving Kalish, Naomi and Arnold Sherman
Waitresses and Waiters: Students from Hull High School’s incoming senior Class of 2016
Bartenders: Alan Colman, Andrew Greenberg
Clean Up Crew: Kristen Albert, Camellia and Gary Bloch, Amy and Barry Cohen, Alan Colman, Cheryl Ruscansky
Receptionists: Paul & Tonna Epstein
Master of Ceremonies: Frank Greenberg
Worked the Drum: Eric Greene
Worked the Number Board: John Pollets
Worked the stage: Susan Perry
Red Sox Raffle Ticket Seller: Camellia Bloch
Top Ticket Sellers: Barry Cohen and Irving Kalish
Ticket Sellers: Gary Bloch, Alan Colman, Frank Greenberg, James Lampke, Larry Kellem, Jeff Millen, Cheryl Smith
Temple Office Assistance: Rhonda Albert, Alan Colman, Danielle Thompson
Thank you to all who generously purchased tickets and supported this very important fundraiser.
Todah Rabbah - A very special thank you to:
Joan Figler who generously donated $4,000.00 of her winnings in memory of her beloved husband William
Dorothy and Sydney Rosenburg who generously donated $750.00 of their winnings back to the Temple
Rabbi Ben who generously donated his $100.00 win back to the Temple
Susan Neiman and Stuart Ferency who generously donated their $100.00 win back to the Temple
The Bickoff Family who donated 2 Red Sox Tickets
Family Ties who donated a $25.00 Gift Certificate
Danielle and Karen Thompson for the fresh flower arrangements
Irma LeFever and Al Barba who clean our Table Linens
Shabbat Services with July Birthday
Blessings and Oneg Shabbat
Friday, July 31, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Main Sanctuary, 9 Hadassah Way, Hull
Rabbi Benjamin Lefkowitz will Officiate.
August 07: Shabbat Services with August Birthday Blessings
August 28: Shabbat Services and Oneg Shabbat
Temple Beth Sholom sends July and
August Birthday Blessings to the
Following Temple families and to all
Birthdays listed In the Calendar:
July Birthdays: Benjamin Katz
Eleanor AlbertLawrence Kellem
Rhonda Albert Max Lasky
Jacob BernsteinBarbara Levin
Robyn Bills Julia Levin
Samantha BorettiStacy McCoy
Chase CrossmanEthan Mullenhoff
Josephine CroteauSophia O’Brien
Nancy FineSeth Peters
David FoxDorothy Rosenburg
Lauren FoxRachel Sachs
Julie EpsteinLia Schnipper
Jeffrey GruberJason Schwartz
Aidan HartmanJoan Silver
Elliana HershmanLarry Silver
Cindy KalishOliver Silver
Harrison KalishLarry Snyder
Elyssa KanetBen Wurth
August Birthdays: Brian Holmes
Giavanna BenedettoAli Jenkins
Major Jay Bernstein, MDEli Julier-Albert
Phillip BernsteinRhoda Kanet
Jonathan BlochRandall Katz
Sarah BovarnickAaron Levom
Arlene CohenSteven Liss
Andrew ColmanGinger Ribeiro
Rebecca Contos Cory Sacharoff
Gabrielle Festa Justin Sacharoff
Wayne GilmanCarolyn Sachs
Allison GruberEmily Schnipper
Conner HartmanPhilip Schnipper
Larry HartmanArnold Sherman
Shirley HartmanMichael Silver
Cynthia Herman Major Adam Ziegner
Virginia HollowayAlyssa Zisk
Birthday Blessings for Temple Members
If you would like to have your name included in the Birthday Blessings in the Temple Bulletin, please call the Temple Office at 781-925-0091. Birthdays for each corresponding month will be listed in the Bulletin and will be recognized at a Friday Evening Shabbat Service. There is no charge for this service for our members.
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM
All Temple members are welcome.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Temple Beth Sholom Office Hours
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Registration for the Alan and Rae Nierman Religious School and Confirmation Program
will be held in the Rabbi's Study on:
Tuesday, August 18: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Tuesday, August 25: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Religious School will commence on Tuesday, Sept. 8.
The Bikur Cholim Outreach Program
Temple Beth Sholom is proud to provide an expanded outreach program for our extended Temple community. “Bikur Cholim” - conducted by Rabbi Lefkowitz who continues to call or visit infirmed patients and Dr. Robert Parris who reaches out to members of our extended community who may be ill, or have a relative who is ill, and offer Temple Beth Sholom’s support in their time of need. This includes arranging transportation to and from medical appointments; running errands such as picking up prescriptions or groceries; or simply offering comfort and support. Several members of our congregation have volunteered to help as needed. It is a mitzvah to offer assistance to the sick or suffering and an act of compassion, selflessness and loving-kindness. If you are in need of the Temple’s support, call the Temple Office at 781-925-0091 or send an email to: . If you would like to participate in offering support to others when needed, please contact the Temple Office.
Daily Minyan Services
Summer Schedule
Weekdays: 7:45 AM
Weekends: 9:00 AM
Main Sanctuary, 9 Hadassah Way, Hull
Tuesday Evening Minyan resumes on August 4 at 6:30 PM.
It is a tradition to celebrate the anniversary of the passing of a loved one by saying Kaddish. If you would like to make sure that a minyan will be available to you, please call Irving Kalish at 781-925-4408 or Arnold Sherman at 781-925-9327 several days before your Yahrzeit.
Become a Minyanaire –
Think Minyan! Support our
Daily Minyan - An important
Service to our Membership.
Memorial Plaques - Asnes Chapel
Yahrzeit Dates for the period of
14 Tammuz 5775 - 16 Elul 5775
July 1, 2015 - August 31, 2015
The following are Yahrzeits for whom there are bronze nameplates affixed to the Memorial Plaques in the Asnes Chapel, 600 Nantasket Avenue, Hull:
For: Eng.-Heb. Dates: Candles lit:
Herbert C WaxlerJuly 02-Tammuz 15 Wed., July 01
Jason CadoffJuly 02-Tammuz 15 Wed., July 01
Maurice M GoldmanJuly 02-Tammuz 15 Wed., July 01
Louis L Levine July 02-Tammuz 15 Wed., July 01
Aaron WeinJuly 04-Tammuz 17 Fri., July 03
Leonard RosenJuly 05-Tammuz 18 Sat., July 04
Alan MarkowitzJuly 05-Tammuz 18 Sat., July 04
Robert Samuel ConeJuly 05-Tammuz 18 Sat., July 04
Rae Wise RosenbaumJuly 07-Tammuz 20 Mon., July 06
Hyman Goodman July 10-Tammuz 23 Thur., July 09
Richard Levine July 10-Tammuz 23 Thur., July 09
Elizabeth CohenJuly 10-Tammuz 23 Thur., July 09
Sarah Hamel July 11-Tammuz 24 Fri., July 10
Julius E. FriedmanJuly 12-Tammuz 25 Sat., July 11
Abraham CadishJuly 14-Tammuz 27 Mon., July 13
Sadie Hurwitch Levine July 16-Tammuz 29 Wed., July 15
Harry WeinerJuly 16-Tammuz 29 Wed., July 15
Isaac Jack GoodmanJuly 17-Av 01 Thur., July 16 Lawrence M Stone July 17-Av 01 Thur., July 16 Pearl Goldman July 17-Av 01 Thur., July 16
Minnie Trachtman July 17-Av 01 Thur., July 16
Carole Whitcomb July 18-Av 02 Fri., July 17
Rebecca Weiner ShumanJuly 19-Av 03 Sat., July 18
Bessie Potter July 20-Av 04 Sun., July 19 Helene J BrooksJuly 20-Av 04 Sun., July 19
Elaine B Zax July 21-Av 05 Mon., July 20
Sydney FeinbergJuly 22-Av 06 Tues., July 21
Ruth R Goldberg July 24-Av 08 Thur., July 23
Samuel Fliegelman July 24-Av 08 Thurs., July 23
Louis Benson July 25-Av 09 Fri., July 24
Philip ZeidmanJuly 30-Av 14 Wed., July 29
George Rosenbaum Aug. 02-Av 17 Sat., Aug. 01
Hyman Finkel Aug. 03-Av 18 Sun., Aug. 02
Alexander Schnipper Aug. 03-Av 18 Sun., Aug. 02
Eric Price Aug. 04-Av 19 Mon., Aug. 03
Rose AntinAug. 04-Av 19 Mon., Aug. 03
James S Nathanson Aug. 04-Av 19 Mon., Aug. 03
Melvin A Yaffee Aug. 06-Av 21 Wed., Aug. 05
Jacob Hyman Lipton Aug. 06-Av 21 Wed., Aug. 05
Beverly Marilyn Gershen Aug. 07-Av 22 Thurs., Aug. 06
Mamie Selig Aug. 07-Av 22 Thurs., Aug. 06
Eva Norman Aug. 08-Av 23 Fri., Aug. 07
Harry Silverman Aug. 08-Av 23 Fri., Aug. 07
Bryan Cohen Aug. 12-Av 27 Tues., Aug. 11
Jaime Bloch Aug. 13-Av 28 Wed., Aug. 12
Ada FliegelmanAug. 14-Av 29 Thurs., Aug. 13
Esther Cohen Aug. 14-Av 29 Thurs., Aug. 13
Bernice Rosenbaum Aug. 14-Av 29 Thurs., Aug. 13
Rose Beckerman Aug. 15-Av 30 Fri., Aug. 14
Milton Silver Aug. 17-Elul 02 Sun., Aug. 16
Jeanne Silva Aug. 17-Elul 02 Sun., Aug. 16
Edward Cutler Aug. 17-Elul 02 Sun., Aug. 16
Gertrude Goldman Aug. 18-Elul 03 Mon., Aug. 17
Edith Spiegel SonnenscheinAug. 19-Elul 04 Tues., Aug. 18
Abraham William SnyderAug. 21-Elul 06 Thurs., Aug. 20
Samuel FranklinAug. 22-Elul 07 Fri., Aug. 21
Abraham SeiferAug. 24-Elul 09 Sun., Aug. 23
Harry Steven Snyder Aug. 28-Elul 13 Thurs., Aug. 27
Henry I CohenAug. 30-Elul 15 Sat., Aug. 29
Irving L LevineAug. 31-Elul 16 Sun., Aug. 30
Kaddish may be said with the
Minyan on the day of the Yahrzeit.
A bronze nameplate with 2 memorial bulbs may be placed on the Memorial Plaque in the Asnes Chapel for a donation of $360.00. The nameplate will be lit on your loved one’s Yahrzeit and at Yizkor Services on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Passover, and Shavuot. To order or reserve a nameplate, please call the Temple Office at 781-925-0091.
Keep The Memory Of Your Loved Ones Alive
At all Friday Evening Shabbat Services there is an opportunity for anyone observing a Yahrzeit of a loved one to share with the congregation a few memories of that person. We hope this will help keep the individual and collective memories of our loved ones alive in all of our hearts. Please come and share those special memories.
Todah Rabbah – Thank You to:
Arthur Augenstern and Sandy Augenstern for all their efforts with the installation of the expansion Yahrzeit Boards
Arlene Cohen for all her efforts in writing cards for the Remembrance Fund this past year
Camellia Bloch, Judy Kalish, an Marcia Rymaszewski
for all their efforts in preparing Oneg Shabbats this past year
Simchahs/Happy Occasions:
The Officers, Members, and
Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom
send best wishes and mazel tov to:
Bar/Bat Mitzvah:
Simchahs/Happy Occasions:
The Officers, Members, and Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom send best wishes
and mazel tov to:
Bat Mitzvah
Marcia and Paul Rymaszewski, daughter Melissa
Rosalie and Milton Fishman,
Granddaughter Melissa Rymaszewski
Janice and Harold Atkins,
Great granddaughter Charlie Anna Atkins
The 2015 - 2016 Officers
Gary Bloch, President
John Pollets, 1st Vice President
Patrick Guiney, 2nd Vice President
Maxine Nash, 3rd Vice President
Barry Cohen, 4th Vice President
Alan Colman, Co-Treasurer
Larry Kellem, Co-Treasurer
Amy Cohen, Recording Secretary
The 2015 – 2016 Board of Directors
Rhonda Albert Judy Kalish
Richard Albert Rhoda Kanet
Camellia Bloch Jeff Lemkin
Joan Figler Jeff Millen
Sharon Francer Marcia Rymaszewski
Arnold GilbertDaniel Sheinis
Susan Hagstrom Arnold Sherman
Wendy Hobbs
Gold donation to Chuck Saloman in honor of your 65th Birthday
By: Irma LeFever and Al Barba
Chai donation to Judy Kalish and Naomi Sherman: Thank you for all your help at Saturday morning Torah Study Breakfasts this past year
By: Patrick Guiney
Best Wishes and Mazel Tov to:
Amy and Barry Cohen in honor of the marriage of son Brett
By: Judy and Irving Kalish
Marcia and Paul Rymaszewski in honor of daughter Melissa’s Bat Mitzvah
By: The Albert Family
Susan Perry
Milton and Rosalie Fishman in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of granddaughter Melissa Rymaszewski
By: Ricki and Marty Wahl
Rhonda Albert and Family
Rhoda Kanet in honor of the engagement of daughter Sharisse
By: Ricki and Marty Wahl
Alison Schnipper in honor of your College Graduation
By: Ricki and Marty Wahl
Anne and Larry Snyder
Lil Savage in honor of your 95th Birthday
By: Judie Hass
Speedy Recovery:
The Officers, Members, and
Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom
send speedy recovery wishes to:
Eleanor Albert Arthur Augenstern
Hinda AzerGina Cohen
Roslyn CutlerSarah Fine
Milton Fishman Gladys Forman
Myer GallerPaul GoldmanRachel Goodwin Martin Gruber
Rhoda KanetCynthia Kellem
Dodie Klayman Ida Rosenbaum
Sydney RosenburgAlison Schnipper
Speedy Recovery Wishes to:
Eleanor Albert
By: Debbie (White) and Jeffrey Trust and Family
Anne and Larry Snyder
Arthur Augenstern
By: Amy and Barry Cohen
Roslyn Cutler
By: Dorothy Brown
Irma LeFever and Al Barba
Arlene Cohen
Bobby Rabinovitz
Marilyn and Dennis Cohen
Hinda Azer
By: Ricki and Marty Wahl
The Officers, Members, and
Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom
extend deepest sympathy to the families of:
Myron Klayman, beloved husband of Dorothy (Dodie) Klayman, father of Neil and his wife Adrienne Brenner, Barry and his wife Elyse Mall, and Lisa and her husband Neil Aronson; grandfather of Noah and Julia Klayman and of Jake and Benjamin Aronson; and brother of the late Libby Mekelberg
Harold Parritz, beloved husband of Nancy Parritz; father of David and Aviva Lee-Parritz, Jon and Robin Parritz, and Richard Parritz; grandfather of Oren, Maya, Ari, Adam, and Jesse; and brother of the late Dorothy Oren.
Myrel Belt, beloved wife of the late Gabriel Belt, mother of Gary Belt and Stephen Belt, and grandmother of Andrew and Robyn Belt
Platinum donation in memory of George Bernstein
By: Harvey and Diane Cooper
Four Prayer Book Fund donations in memory of my beloved husband Harold Bloom
By: Marlene Bloom
Prayer Book Fund donation in memory of Myron Klayman
By: Carole and Jerry Nirenberg
The Itzkowitz Family
Chai donation in memory of Myron Klayman
By: The White & Trust Families
Amy and Barry Cohen
JNF Tree Certificate to Stephen Belt and Family in memory of your beloved mother and grandmother Myrel Belt
By: Leslie Fox
JNF Water Certificate to Stephen Belt and Family in memory of your beloved mother and grandmother Myrel Belt
By: Leslie Fox
JNF Tree Certificate to Stephen Belt and Family in memory of your beloved father and grandfather Gabriel Belt
By: Leslie Fox
JNF Water Certificate to Stephen Belt and Family in memory of your beloved father and grandfather Gabriel Belt
By: Leslie Fox
JNF Tree Certificate to Beverly and Alan Rosenbaum in memory of your beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother Rosalyn Wolensky
By: Jean and Martin Liben
Tallis Fund donation in memory of George Bernstein
By: Dorothy and Sydney Rosenburg
In Memory Of:
George Bernstein
By: Amy and Mark Finkelstein
Roz and Ben Kupferman
Anne and Larry Snyder
Myron Klayman
By: Marlene Bloom and Family
Judy and Irving Kalish
Amy and Mark Finkelstein
Roz and Bern Kupferman
Cynthia and Larry Kelem
Joan Shechet
Marion Goldberg
By: Rosalie and Milton Fishman