Narrative Essay
Rough Draft Due ______
Final Draft Due ______
When writing a narrative essay, one might think of it as telling a story. These essays can be amusing, experiential, and personal. The organization, tone, and style are quite different from that of a persuasive, analytical, or informational essay, and there is much more room for creativity.
We will focus on the following narrative writing skills, and these constitute the areas you will be assessed on:
- Descriptive Language – Narrative should create images in the reader’s head using strong word choice and figurative language. Don’t tell the reader what you can show them.
- Dialogue – Narrative should include dialogue that is purposeful and realistic.
- Pacing – Narrative should speed up and slow down appropriately to build suspense and orient the reader.
- Organization – Narrative should be organized logically with an effective introduction, conclusion, and transitions.
- Style/Tone – Narrative should be written in an appropriate tone for the content of the story and writing style should be enhanced using various sentence structures and parallel structure.
- Grammar – Grammar should reflect editing and not inhibit the meaning of the story.
Extra Tips:
-The narrative shouldn’t be merely for entertainment, but have a point and be meaningful.
-Choose a point of view and stay consistent throughout.
-May be fiction, nonfiction, or loosely based on a real event.
-12 pt. font
-Times New Roman or Arial
-In the upper right hand corner, you must include your name and the date.
-No unnecessary spaces – One space between sentences, one line between paragraphs.
Narrative Techniques: Description, Dialogue, Pacing / An attempt has been made to include descriptive language, dialogue, and appropriate pacing. / Narrative includes a few examples of descriptive language and purposeful dialogue. Pacing is appropriate, but does not enhance the narrative. / Narrative includes multiple examples of descriptive language and purposeful dialogue. Pacing is not only appropriate, but adds suspense or orients the reader.Organization: Introductions, Conclusions, Transitions / Narrative includes an attempt at an introduction and conclusion. Lack of organization makes the plot hard to follow, and there are no transitions.
0-3 points / Introduction captivates or orients the reader while the conclusion resolves the conflict. Narrative is organized somewhat logically with a few transitions.
4-7 points / Introduction captivates and orients the reader while the conclusion resolves the conflict and emphasizes the meaning. Narrative is organized logically with multiple transitions.
8-10 points
Style and Tone / Style and tone are not appropriate for content and audience and are not evident based on word choice or sentence structure. / Style and tone are somewhat appropriate for the content and audience and evident through word choice. / Style and tone are appropriate for the content and audience and evident through word choice, sentence structure, and parallel structure
Grammar and Formatting / Grammar and formatting errors frequently inhibit meaning. / Grammar and formatting are somewhat correct and occasionally inhibit meaning. / Grammar and formatting are mostly correct and rarely inhibit meaning.
0-4 points 5-10 points11-15 points
Total ______/ 50 points