Ripon Historical Preservation Commission
Ripon Wisconsin
Meeting of 4 December 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:10PM
Roll Call: Present – Brink, Hollenback, Riemer, Smerling. Absent – Gross, Prellwitz, Kline
Review and approval of agenda. MSA
Review and approval from November 2012 meeting: no minutes included in packet, no action taken.
On the Commission new membership update: Lara Grant was contacted with no decision. The Chair would make contact with A Jacobi.
Financial report: There was $305 used for rental of the lift from Modern Rentals for the washing of the stable. Historic preservation plaques are still to be ordered. The present balance of $1530.83 will be request to be rolled over into the 2013 budget.
The Chair advised that when the plaques for the Preservationist of the Year arrive, it will be planned to make said presentation probably in January. There was a brief discussion if there should be a reception for the presentation and/or if the presentation could coincide with a Historical Society meeting.
C Tebon of Ripon Main Street was not present to provide the most informative update on downtown projects. However, member Hollenback noted that Thompson Smokes has vacated the building and is now available for lease noted it. The previous ‘Reflections’ has undergone an exterior painting and that the interior is also receiving new paint.
It was discussed that this Commission needs to set up some criteria guidelines for designation for Haas Brewery local historical status Stable. Member Smerling will devise a document and confer with the city attorney.
The weather has delayed repairs and painting for the Haas Stable. Painting of the building will be scheduled in the spring. The acquired supplies of paint and wood trim will be stored for the winter months. Trees on the east side of the building and mostly in the creek bed could be trimmed or cut. Who should cut was discussed and in need of clarification. Craftsmen will need to be located to provide estimate to repair the footing work and as permitted to possibly raise the structure above a flood level.
It was further discussed that a thank you notice should be placed in the paper to those who donated money for paint and other repair supplies.
Discussion on historical plaques was tabled.
For the Commission’s fund raising activity it was learned that note cards could be published at the rate for 250 at $129.63 including plastic wrapping or 500 at $286 including plastic wrap. The Commission would need to secure outlets where the cards could be made available for purchase by the public. MSA to purchase 250.
Discussion on tombstone repairs was discussed reference to cost of resetting the stones once obtained for veterans through the Veterans Services. It will need to be learned who would bear the cost.
There is no progress on the Historic Preservation’s web page. It was discussed that David Gray would update when possible.
Discussion about the recent Wisconsin State Historical Conference attended by member Smerling was tabled. But it was noted that the next conference would be held in October 2013 in WI Rapids.
No correspondence was received. However, it was directed that the city administrator would be consulted about the City/Commission joining the state historical society
Future agenda items: as it was observed and reported that there are now a number of window panes broken out in the Mapes house in Riggs Park on Douglas Street, to learn what is the County’s plan to repair these windows to prevent the weather elements from further destroying the structure and prevent birds and bats from entering. Additionally to learn from the County any plan for removing the later lean to that was built to the structure and to rebuild the south facing foundation wall. The Chair will check into this.
Furthermore, it was recommended to confer with C Tebon to learn a more detailed history on the structure.
The next meeting of the Ripon Historical Preservation Commission is scheduled for the 8th of January 2013.
MSA to adjourn.
Submitted by Steven Hollenback, interim secretary.