Friends of Lanercost School

Notes from meeting held 17th May 2017

Present: Julie Hogg, Kath Nelson, Sadie McGlone, Alison Clarricoats, Karen Reid, Lara McCarron, Jacqui Watson, Claire Mahon, Katie McClure

1. Apologies

Barbara Hall, Sarah Binks, Kate Douglas, Felicity Whittle, Ashley Akdeniz

2. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were passed. There were no matters arising.

3. Treasurer’s Report (See attached)

£263.92 was raised from the Cumbrian Run and this has now been paid into the FOLS account. This was collected using an online fundraising website which took a 15% fee from the money raised. This was felt to be quite a high fee. There were also difficulties getting the money paid into the FOLS account. It was not recommended to use that website again.

There was a query over the cost of the hire of the Dacre Hall for the Halloween disco as it was more than in previous years. KN will look into this.

The Year 6 Leaver’s Disco has a budget of £5 per head plus the cost of the hire of the cricket club and refreshments. Jaq Stone has also raised an extra £50 to go towards the disco, and this will be paid into the FOLS account, but allocated to be spent on the disco costs.

4. Books for school

Years 5 and 6 will soon be going to Waterstones to buy new books for the school library. It was agreed that FOLS will give £200 this year for the purchase of the books.

5. Tea towels

Orders are due in by Friday. Over 60 towels have been ordered and paid for so far. It is hoped that an order for 100 tea towels can be made as this makes the costs of each towel cheaper. School are to buy the tea towels and invoice FOLS for the cost. It was agreed to give gifts of tea towels to all the staff, which is about 12 tea towels. The pictures have still to be arranged on the tea towels, but KN will liaise with the FOLS committee to arrange a date to do this.

6. Brampton Co-op fundraising

From the 9th April for six months, FOLS will be benefitting from the community funding scheme running in the Brampton Co-operative store. The Co-op have offered FOLS the chance to put up a display in the store on the 26th May, which is the date the store re-opens after refurbishment, to promote FOLS and hopefully encourage more shoppers to support FOLS. KN and SM will put up a display board on the 26th May. It will include info about what we help with, who we are and where we are. KN is to get display boards and photos from school for the display.

The money raised from the scheme will be paid into the school council account and then transferred to FOLS as FOLS doesn’t have charitable status.

7. Amendment to the Constitution

It was proposed to make an amendment to the Constitution that would enable parents of Y6 leavers to be replaced in the summer term, rather than having to wait until the AGM in the September. This was discussed and agreed (see attachment for the agreed wording).

8. Appointment of Secretary

SM will be leaving FOLS in the summer, and Claire Mahon has offered to take up this role. It was agreed that the vacancy ought to be shared with all FOLS members before appointing Claire, in case anybody else was keen to take on the role. JH will send an email to parents. If nobody else comes forward then Claire will take up the role from the 1st July. Proposed by Karen Reid and seconded by Lara McCarron

9. Events

a. Sports Day

FOLS pay for ice lollies for all the competing children and provide drinks and biscuits for parents. We don’t charge for these but do have a donation plate which usually covers the costs. JH agreed to purchase these. It was noted that the lollies should be dairy free.

b. Leaver’s Disco

The disco is being organised by the Y6 parents. There is a plan to have an inflatable slide / obstacle course at this event. Questions were asked about the risk assessment and insurance for this. Jac Stone is looking into this and check that all the correct procedures are followed.

c. Halloween Disco

Preferred date agreed as 20th October which is the start of half term. JH is to book the Dacre Hall for this. F/U – Booked for Oct 20th.

d. Silent auction / parents evening out

This is a new proposed event which would take place in the autumn term. There was discussion about what would work best as an event. It was thought that fundraising through an event like this could go towards general funding for the school as school budgets are facing large cutbacks in the coming years.

e. Ceilidh

This event will be held as a FOLS event with Katie McClure continuing as chair of the event, and Julie Hogg acting as the FOLS representative for the event. FOLS will continue to support the event with marketing on e-mails & Facebook as well as support for the raffle tickets.

10. AOB

  1. Beetle Drive

Date set for Sept 22nd

  1. ASDA/Tesco Charity Follow up

To be evaluated in the autumn for potential in 2018 for fundraising

  1. Staff gift

Tea towels purchased by FOLS at cost as gifts for staff members. Proposed: Julie Hogg, First: Claire Mahon, Second: Diane Todd

  1. Autumn AGM

Date set for Tuesday, September 26th

  1. Christmas Fair

Group discussion about altering the Secret Santa into more of a Christmas Fair event. This would include games for children and possible secret santa room in the back. Tentative Date set for Nov 24th. Follow up in September for craft fair and stall ideas.

  1. Car Boot Sale

Follow up in the autumn about car boot sale not involving professional vendors

  1. Christmas Treat

Kath proposed continuing the FOLS standard £5/child for the Christmas Treat. This was approved by Julie, seconded by Lara.