
All International Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

University of Cape Town


New Immigration Regulations

On the 16th of May 2014 President Jacob Zuma and the former Minister of Home Affairs, Naledi Pandor, signed off on the new immigration regulations. The changes officially came into effect on Monday 26 May, and the amendments to the act affect foreigners looking to visit, study, work, live and own a business in South Africa. We wish to particularly draw your attention to new administrative procedures and the relevant sections in the regulations that impact on international students and postdoctoral fellows.


The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has officially outsourced the handling and processing of visa applications to a company called Visa Facilitation Services (VFS). The Visa Application Centres are located in major cities across the country including Cape Town (21st Floor, 2 Riebeek Street, ABSA Building). Applications must first be submitted online via the VFS website Once submitted, applicants will be notified via sms and requested to provide biometric data for processing. The VFS does not have the authority to grant or refuse visas and this decision still lies with the Department of Home Affairs. The VFS will charge an additional service fee of R1350 per application. Applicants must still obtain letters in support of a visa application from IAPO.


·  Certain visas including study visas must now be renewed 60 days before expiry.

·  The provision that allowed full time work during vacations for students on study visas has been withdrawn. International students can only work for 20 hours a week – even during vacations.

·  A person who overstays the validity of their visa will be deported, declared undesirable and not permitted to re-enter South Africa for up to 5 years.

·  Fines no longer apply in the case of those who overstay the validity of their visa.

·  Students / postdoctoral fellows with pending visa applications can no longer travel home with a receipt confirming submission of a visa application. One must await the outcome of their application before leaving South Africa. Should you opt to leave you will be declared undesirable and not permitted to re-enter South Africa for up to 5 years.

·  Applicants will no longer interface directly with Home Affairs during the visa application process except when submitting fingerprints.

·  The holder of a visitor’s visa (ie a tourist visa) may not apply for a change in status within South Africa.

There are several other changes in the new immigration regulations which do not directly affect international students and postdoctoral fellows. A copy of the new regulations can be accessed via the DHA website:

We strongly encourage any student or postdoctoral fellow who requires further clarity on the regulations to make contact with IAPO in person or via e-mail at . IAPO will continue to provide updates on the new regulations via its website and Facebook page: IAPO@UCT.

Yours sincerely,


Acting Director


24 July 2014