/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat29 1st Sun. of St. Matthew & the Holy Foremost of the 12 Apostles Peter & Paul
Readers’ Orthros, 9:00am
Readers’ Typika, 9:30amHierarchical Divine Liturgy (Elevation of Fr. Joseph Longofono as Archpriest), Sts. Peter & Paul, Topeka, 10:00am / 30 Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious, All-Laudable Twelve Apostles
/ July 1 The Holy Wonder-Working Un-Mercenaries Cosmas & Damian of Rome / 2 The Deposition of the Precious Raiment of the Theotokos in her Shrine at Vlachernai in Constant-inople
Daily Vespers, 6:30pm
Strict Fast! / 3 The Holy Martyr Hya-cinth the Chamberlain / 4 Our Venerable Father Andrew of Crete & the Holy Royal Passion- Bearers Nicholas II, His Wife Alexandra & 5 Daughters & 1 SonHave a Happy
& Safe 4th!
Strict Fast Day! / 5 Our Venerabke Father Athanasius the Athonite & the Holy Passion-Bearers the Grand Duchess Eliza-beth & Barbara
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
6 The 2nd Sun. after Pen-tecost & Our Venerable & God-Bearing Father Si-soes the Great
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
/ 7 The Holy Great-Martyr Kyriake / 8 The Holy Great-Martyr Procopius / 9 The Holy Martyr Pan-cratius, Bishop of Tauro-menium in SicilyDaily Vespers, 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day!
/ 10 The Deposition of the Precious Robe of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. / 11 Holy Great-Martyr & Far-Famed Euphemia & the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Princess of KievAbstinence! / 12 The Holy Martyrs Pro-clus & Hilary
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
13 Sun. of the Holy Fa-thers of the 4th Ecumeni-cal Council in Chalcedon & Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30amParish Council
Adult Bible Study, 6:00-8:00pm / 14 The Holy Apostle among the 70 Aquila / 15 The Holy Equal=-to-the-Apostles Vladimir, Grand-Prince of Kiev / 16 The Holy Sacred-Mar-tyr Athenogenes
Great Vespers, 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day! / 17 The Holy Great-Martyr Marina (Margaret) / 18 The Holy Martyr Emi-lianStrict Fast Day! / 19 Our Venerable Mother Macrina, Sister of St. Basil the Great
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
20 8th Sun. after Pente-cost & the holy, Glorious Prophet Elias (Elijah)
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30amAdult Bible Study, 6:00-8:00pm / 21 Our venerable Fathers John & Symeon, the Fool for Christ’s Sake
Biennial Clergy Symposium, Antiochian Village
Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Manhattan), 6:30pm
/ 22 The Holy Myrrh-Bearer & Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary of Magdala (Magda-lene)Biennial Clergy Symposium / 23 The Holy, Glorious Prophet Ezekiel
Biennial Clergy Symposium
Great Vespers, 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day!
/ 24 The Holy Great-Martyr Christina & the Holy Passion-Bearers Boris & Gleb (sons of St. Vladimir)Biennial Clergy Symposium / 25 The Dormition (Falling-asleep) of Holy Anne, Mother of the Theotokos, Hence, Grand-mother of God
Biennial Clergy Symposium
Abstinence! / 26 holy Sacred-Martyrs Her-molaus, Hermippus & Her-mocrates & the Venerable-Martyr Paraskeva
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
27 9th Sun. after Pente-cost & the Holy Great-Martyr & Unmercenary Physician Panteleimon
Orthros: 8:30am
Divine Liturgy: 9:30amAdult Bible Study, 6:00-8:00pm / 28 Holy Apostles among the 70 & deacons Procho-rus, Nicanor, Parmenas & Timon (Bishop of Bosra, Syria) & Our Venerable Mother Irene, Abbess of the Convent of Chrysova-latou / 29 The holy Martyr Callini-cus / 30 Holy Apostles among the 70 Silas, Silvan, Cres-cens, Epenetus & Andro-nicus
Strict Fast Day / 31 Fore-Feast of Proces-sion of the Holy Cross
Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Lesser Blessing of Water), 6:00pm / Aug. 1 Procession of the Life-Giving Cross & the Holy Maccabees (Begin-ning of the Fast of the Theo-tokos)
Paraklesis, 6:30pm
Strict Fast Day! / 2 Transfer of the Relics of the Holy First-Martyr Stephen
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
Strict Fast Day: 1 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.
Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy & fish; wine & oil are permitted.
Salina Rescue Mission Needs
Foot Powder
Disposable Razors
Shaving Cream
Triple Antibiotic Creams
Adult size Shower shoes
Boxers & briefs
Pocket combs
Sneakers in size 9-11
Socks, white
Work Boots-Size 10-12
Powdered Sugar
USDA Stamped & Approved: Bacon, Cheese, Eggs, Pork,
Tylenol/Advil, etc
Paper towels
Toilet Paper
Trash Bags, 55gal.
Please take your gift directly to Rescue Mission and get acquainted, or place in large box container in Parish Hall, and it will be delivered. May we all be most generous, in grateful thanks for the Rescue Missions loving, caring help, these many, many years.