Revised: March 2017
Centers and Institutes
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
AGRIscapesEstablished: 1997
Affiliation:Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture
Director:Craig H. Walters, AGRIscapes Outreach Coordinator
Purpose:AGRIscapes was developed with the vision to provide both the general public and our students and alumni programs & education in agricultural literacy, environmentally sustainable landscapes, and recycling and waste reduction. The center is built on 40 acres of the campus farm and encompasses 15,000 + sq ft of building space. This space is dedicated to programs and education and incorporates a visitor’s center, classroom, theatre, recycling education center and the Farm Store at Kellogg Ranch. The acreage surrounding the center is dedicated to gardens and landscape demonstrations along with several acres of sustainable agriculture which supports educational programs. A 40,000 square foot greenhouse range will soon become the new home and nursery of the horticulture program. This includes research space for faculty and students, hydroponic production, and a new home for the Raymond Burr Orchid Collection.
Support:This center does not receive any state funding, but is provided University agriculture land. All funding for the program has been developed by grants from Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, Metropolitan Water Districts, and gifts from numerous alumni and private industry. The Farm Store generates $800,000 + in gross sales to support salaries and wages. Foundation funding via Fund 5 and Fund 8 accounts pick up some of the upkeep and maintenance of the facility.
AHIMSA Center: Social Change and Non-ViolenceEstablished: 2003
Affiliation:College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Director:Dr. Tara Sethia, Professor
Purpose:The programs and activities of the Center focus on interdisciplinary teaching and learning about nonviolence and its applications at various levels: personal, familial, institutional, communal, national, and international.
Support:Donations, grants, contracts
Apparel Technology and Research Center (ATRC)Established 1992
Affiliation: Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture
Director:Dr. Peter Kilduff, Department Chair and Professor
Purpose:To provide outreach support services to apparel related businesses in the areas of strategy, market research, operations management, and technology development and transfer. This is accomplished through contract research and consulting services, special courses, and referral and information services.
Support:The ATRC is self-supporting, funded by sponsored programs.
California Center for Land and Water StewardshipEstablished: 2010
Affiliation: College of Environmental Design
Co-Directors: Dr. Julianna Delgado (URP) and Dr. Susan J. Mulley (Landscape
Purpose:The intent of CCLAWS is to serve as an interdisciplinary nexus at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona to create partnerships with public and private agencies and organizations on the conservation, stewardship and restoration of land and water resources.
The mission of the Center is to:
1. Facilitate the conservation, stewardship, and restoration of land and water resources through applied faculty research projects and supervised community, service-learning work experience for University students;
2. Serve as a community educational clearinghouse to support the work of other public agencies and private nonprofit organizations through coordination, outreach, policy advisement, partnership development, and advocacy; and the development of databases and workshops for the public; and
3. Propose, support, administer, and facilitate specific research and implementation projects and studies related to land and water conservation, stewardship, and restoration for faculty in all disciplines at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Support:Funded through contracts, grants and donations. Currently not funded through state general funds.
Center for Antimicrobial Research and Food Safety (CARFS)Established: 1998
Affiliation:Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture
Director:Dr. Shelton Murinda, Associate Professor 1998.
Purpose:Research involving microbial food-borne pathogens of public health and economic significance with an emphasis on pathogens associated with muscle foods (meat and meat products). Research focuses on isolation, identification and characterization of pathogens using conventional and molecular-based methods (genetic fingerprinting) and development of on-farm and processing-plant based interventions. Emergence of new food-borne pathogens, increased consumer awareness, and federal recommendations on food safety/public health issues redefine the rules of microbial pathogen quality control in the food industry. CARFS (formerly Center for Antimicrobial Research, CAR) was established to meet these corporate demands. The Center’s on-farm food safety goals will be linked to regional food protection and biosecurity efforts. Future research will also target discovery and application of natural antimicrobial agents.
Support:Gifts in-kind; and grants, as well as space and utilities on campus. Future plans include extramural funding and short courses that target farmers, the meat and food industry.
Center for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (CEMaST)
Established: 1985
Affiliation:College of Science
Director:Dr. Laurie Riggs, Acting Director
Purpose:The Center's purpose is to improve teaching and learning at all levels of science and mathematics in schools, and promotes professional development of mathematics, science, and technology educators. The center also encourages the study of science and mathematics by all students, from pre-K through graduate school, with particular outreach to females and others historically underrepresented in the field.
Support:The College allocates state general funds for three faculty positions, a full-time clerical position, and portion of the administrative budget. The Center actively pursues extramural grants and contracts. The funds from these grants reimburse the College for faculty time plus benefits. The funds reimbursing the College for release time come from contracts with local school district and grants.
Center for Entrepreneurship and InnovationEstablished 1996
Affiliation: College of Business Administration
Director: Nelson Pizarro, Asst. Professor
Purpose:To promote academic programs, community activities and faculty development in entrepreneurship
Support:Gifts and donations; interest.
Center for GIS ResearchEstablished: 1998
Affiliation:College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
Purpose:To provide in a technologically advanced lab, a full range of spatial technologies, such as GIS, global position systems (GPS), remote sensing, and database design, management and visualization tools in classroom and research lab facilities. The center offers 40 high-end Windows workstations in a “smart classroom” environment for instruction. With the help of the Center for GIS Research and other satellite labs using GIS technology across campus, Cal Poly Pomona is actively expanding GIS research and applications in many programs and departments across the University.
Support:Grants, contracts, and private donations; campus-provided laboratory space utilities, and administrative services.
Center for Information AssuranceEstablished 2003
Affiliation:College of Business Administration
Director:Dr. Daniel Manson, Professor
Purpose:The Center combines the CBA emphasis on strategic use of information technology, the CIS learn-by-doing approach to using computers, and the MSBA emphasis on information systems audit to further the study of Information Assurance and Forensics. Additionally, it: sponsors and co-sponsors events and forums; works with the local community and professional associations to promote security awareness; increases public awareness; serves as a resource for industry and community groups dealing with information systems audit, security and forensics.
Support:NSF Grants, Collegiate Cyber Defense Competitions, Industry Professional Development Courses.
Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Materials Design (CM3D) Science
Affiliation: College of Science
Dr. Samir John Anz, Professor of Chemistry
College of Engineering
Dr. Phyllis Nelson, Chair and Professor, Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Purpose: To develop collaborative interdisciplinary education and research opportunities in molecular modeling, surface science, and engineered materials that will graduate students with the agility to adapt in a world that is seeing the traditional separation between science and engineering disappear.
Support: Currently developing infrastructure for teaching and student-centric research initiatives, as well as industrial collaborations.
Center for Turf, Landscape and Irrigation Technology (CTILT) Established: 1986
Affiliation:Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture
Director: Valerie J. Mellano, Professor
Purpose:Provides a focal point for teaching, research and community outreach in the areas of turf-grass, ornamental plant materials, landscape irrigation technology, landscape operations, sports-turf and golf course management and water management. The Center has state of the art facilities for teaching, research, and demonstrations for undergraduate, graduate, and professional landscape education programs.
Support:Sources of direct support are extramural grants and contracts. The Center also offers seminar courses for professionals and contractors on irrigation topics. In-kind services are laboratory space, utilities, and equipment.
Global Education Institute Established 2017
Director: Lisa Xue
Affiliation: Extended University
Purpose: As a self-support academic unit in the College of the Extended
University (CEU), Global Education Institute (GEI) is committed to
providing high-quality university-based programs for international
clients in the world. These programs are designed to actively engage
CPP students, faculty, staff and administrators in academic activities
that help build bridges of communication and cooperation. The key
members in the GEI team have over 20 years’ successful experience in
international marketing, international program development and
delivery as weMll as program quality assessment.
Support: Self-funded
Faculty Center for Professional Development
Established: 1991
Affiliation: Academic Affairs-Academic Planning and Faculty Affairs
Director: Dr. Victoria Bhavsar
Purpose: Support faculty in their multi-faceted roles of learner-centered teaching, research and creative activities, and service to the university and community. Provides resources, support and programs for faculty to advance innovative, effective instruction for diverse students throughout the University and works in close partnership with eLearning to this endeavor.
Support: Funded by the University.
John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative StudiesEstablished: 1994
Affiliation: College of Environmental Design
Director:Dr. Kyle D. Brown, Professor.
Purpose:To advance the principles of environmentally sustainable living through education, research, demonstration, and community outreach. Through its Master of Science degree program and its undergraduate minor program, the Center prepares students to integrate regenerative theories and practices into a wide variety of professional fields and pursues a comprehensive and ambitious research agenda focusing on issues of sustainability. The Center is actively involved in the community, participating in service-learning projects, sustainable community development efforts, and community educational programs. In addition, the Center periodically offers workshops related to regenerative living for community members, professionals, and policy makers.
Support:Annual funding comes from a combination of state general funds, donations, grants, and contracts.
Mitchell C. Hill Center for Applied Business Information Technology
Affiliation: College of Business
Director: Dr. Daniel P. Manson
Purpose: Construction of a student-run data center to engage students in modern cloud
computing through creating, managing and providing cloud services to the
campus. Mission is to advance learning and knowledge by linking theory and
practice in all disciplines and to prepare students for lifelong learning,
leadership and careers in a changing multicultural world.
Support: Teaming up with Accenture and Microsoft, the College of Business and the
Center resolve to raise $2.5 million to ensure that the Center’s work will
continue and expand.
Motor Development Clinic Established: 1975
Affiliation:College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Director:Dr. Beth Foster, Adapted Physical Education Program Coordinator
Purpose:The Motor Development Clinic serves children with disabilities between the ages of 5 and 13 by providing the children with a movement therapy program and assisting parents by enabling them to supplement the clinics program at home. The clinic is staffed by undergraduate and graduate students.
Support:The budget is derived as follows: 55% client fees and 45% academic affairs through the department’s offered courses. University provides space and utilities in-kind.
Pavement Recycling and Reclaiming Center
Affiliation: College of Engineering Established 2010
Director: Dr. Dragos Andrei
Purpose: Provide pavement design professionals and highway agencies the
knowledge and tools necessary to used pavement recycling and
reclaiming as a competitive alternative to traditional pavement
maintenance and rehabilitation strategies and is dedicated to the
advancement of sustainable pavement materials and practices through
research, training and technology transfer.
Support: Donations, gifts
Professional Development Institute (PDI) Established 1995
Affiliation:The Collins College of Hospitality Management
Director:Lea R. Dobson, Dean and James A. Collins Distinguished Chair
Purpose:The PDI exists to provide professional development for the hospitality industry and to expand the College’s outreach to community constituents by providing customized professional development programs and advisory services for hospitality industry members. This includes, but is not limited to, executive training, corporate consulting, association support, research & analysis, conferences and seminars, symposia, and certification programs.
Support:PDI is self-supporting, and excess funds contribute to the financial support of the College. The University provides a workroom in The Collins College (79B- 2440) for the PDI.
Real Estate Research Council Established 1983
Affiliation: College of Business Administration
Director:Dr. Michael Carney, Professor
Purpose:Promote academic and extended programs in real estate research
Support:Gifts and donations; interest.
W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center Established: 1974
Affiliation:Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture
Director:Jeanne Brooks Abernathy
Purpose:The W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center and its equine program is the oldest tradition on campus. In 1949, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation gave the 816 acre Kellogg ranch, and horses, to the State of California from which the California State Polytechnic University evolved. This donation required utilizing the horses in teaching equine science, perpetuating the breeding of the Arabian horse and making valuable bloodlines available to the public. The comprehensive educational facility was built on campus in 1974. The primary purposes of the center relate to the educational mission of the university. It is the focal point for the equine industries track in the Animal Science major. The center conducts an internationally recognized, Arabian equine breeding program (15-20 foals/yr) to replace stock and offer horses for sale to the public, on-campus and outreach workshops and clinics for people involved in the equine industry, demonstration exhibitions, and engages in major national horse show competitions (students and trainers). Additionally, it provides numerous outreach programs for off-campus groups.
Support:State general fund, endowments, fees, horse sales; in-kind contributions; and in-kind contribution of land on campus. Endowments are from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation along with private donors for equine scholarships.
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