Town of Shallotte
New Water/Sewer Service
Welcome to the Town of Shallotte. Water/Sewer bills are mailed out bimonthly. Our mailing address is PO Box 2287, Shallotte, NC 28459. If you would like your Water/Sewer bill electronically drafted from your checking or savings account, please ask to fill out the water/sewer bank draft application. The current minimum charge for water is $35.02 up to 6000 gallons of usage. The current minimum charge for sewer is $71.18 up to 6000 gallons of usage. If you will be irrigating your lawn or otherwise using large amounts of water outside, please ask us about the benefits of purchasing an irrigation meter. Garbage pick up for homes within the Town limits is on Wednesday of every week. Recycling for homes within the Town is Wednesday of every other week. If you have any questions regarding the area please give us a call at 754-4032, we will be glad to help you as best we can. If you have a water/sewer problem during our office hours (Monday-Friday; 8am-5pm) please call 754-4032. If you have an after hours water/sewer emergency you can contact our on-call maintenance worker’s phone at 233-5693.
revised: July 20, 2017 Fax (910)754-2740 adm.00009
First Name: / Middle: / Last Name:Are you opening a business? Yes No
If yes, what is your business name?
What is the physical (service) address of the house or business?
Where will you be receiving your mail? (If different from above address)
Home phone #: / Work or Cell #:
Social Security#:
Driver’s License #: / What state is your license from?
Have you ever had service with the Town of Shallotte before? Yes No
Do you own this house or building or are you renting? Own Rent
If you own this house, will you be renting it out? Yes No
Will you want the services back in your name at a future time? Yes No
Do you have a secondary meter for outside water use? (for watering lawn, etc.) Yes No
Date you would like your water turned on or switched over?
Is the water turned on at this address now? Yes No
I agree that the above information is correct at the present time. Furthermore, in the event I have a returned check for this account, I agree that my account will be debited electronically for both the face amount and returned check fee if returned unpaid.
Signature: Today’s Date:
For Office Use Only
Deposit Amount (Deposit is based on credit rating – circle one): $0 $100 $200
Main Meter Serial #: / Reading:
Secondary Meter Serial #: / Reading:
Date: / Employee #:
revised: July 20, 2017 Fax (910)754-2740 adm.00009