The Belpre Church—AChurch of Christ
Prospective Member Information
Name: ______
Home Phone:______Cell Phones:______
Email Address: ______
Place of Employment: ______
Occupation: ______Work Phone: ______
Birthday: ______Spouse’s Name: ______Wedding: ______
1.______Age: ______Birthday:______
2.______Age: ______Birthday:______
3.______Age: ______Birthday:______
4.______Age: ______Birthday:______
Previous Church Membership: ______
How Long Attended:______Reason for Leaving:______
Ministry or Volunteer Interests in Previous Church:______
Baptism Date and Location:______
Baptism Method (sprinkling, pouring, immersion):______
Date Began Attending the Belpre Church:______
How Introduced to the Belpre Church:______
What attracted you to the Belpre Church? ______
Attended Come N See? Y/N Date Attended:______
Have you ever been disciplined by a church? Y/N If yes, please explain details:
How would you explain the Gospel?______
Please explain your own Personal Testimony (What Christ means to you)?_____
Other information would help us know you better (interests, spiritual gifts):
We are thrilled that you’re considering the Belpre Church as your church home. We are committed to the body of Christ at Belpre being a healthy body. For this reason the Belpre Church takes church membership very seriously. We believe Christ has appointed us as shepherds to care for, nurture, feed, watch over and protect the flock. For this reason, we believe that all prospective members deserve to know what our values are as a church. We believe that these come from Scripture and are the long-standing hallmark characteristics of a healthy church. We encourage all prospective members to please read the following information and ask any questions or state any concerns regarding them prior to placing membership.
Membership Expectations for the Belpre Church
1.Baptism (immersion in water) in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:34).
2.Weekly worship attendance (Acts 2:42; Heb. 10:25).
3.A sincere attempt at holy living (2 Cor. 7:1; 1 Pet. 1:16).
4.Involvement in a weekly Bible study (Acts 2:42; 17:11).
5.Give your time and money to this church (Matt. 6:19-21; 25:14-30).
Core Values of the Belpre Church
- Whatever we say and do will give honor to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The beliefs, behaviors and attitudes in the Belpre Church must be biblical.
- Faith, hope and love must dominate our hearts.
- We will strive to do those things necessary to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3).
- We will strive to provide a good balance between aiming for holiness (the ideal) while being tolerant and encouraging in our honest struggles (the real).