MINUTES | Subject - WHS Meeting number 1/16

Meeting / CBE Workplace Health and Safety Committee
Meeting No: / 2/16
Attending / Dr Maria Racionero, Committee Chair
Drew Treasure, Committee Secretary & Deputy College Health & Safety Representative
Linda Parker, College Health & Safety Representative
Erica Anand, RSA
Borek Puza, RSFAS
Lucy Agar, RSFAS
Lorna Monaghan, HR team
Julia Woodruff, RSM
Andrew Churches, IT team Infrastructure
Richard Farran, HR Manager
Susanna Pietrzak, RSE
Observers / Glyn Whitworth, Work Environment Group
Apologies / Melissa Deaner, Service Improvement Group
Flora Mehr, Student Administration team
Aneta Rusek, RSE
Date/Time / Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 2.00 pm
Venue / CBE Boardroom 2.57, Building 26C

Item 1: Apologies

Item 2: Privacy and confidentiality reminder

A reminder given to committee members that individual’s names are not to be used, or shared, when reporting on incidents or events in the college. Names are to be provided only to those on a “need to know” basis.

Item 3: Minutes

The Committee noted its acceptance of the minutes from the previous meeting held on

23 February 2016. Minutes accepted by Andrew Churches, seconded by Drew Treasure.

Item 4: Report from the Chair

Welcome to Erica Anand from RSA and Borek Puza from RSFAS who will be attending WHS Committee from now on.

Committee members were reminded that the Workplace Inspection Reports need to be completed and passed to the WHS Committee Secretary. The new arrangement is that reports will be completed twice a year, once each semester.

Item 5: CBE WHS Committee Membership – replacement of staff and chair

·  Maria Racionero is standing down as chair of this committee, and this will be her last meeting. The College and WHS Committee thanks Maria for her efforts over the last 2 years.

·  Replacement Chair on hold until ANU decides on policy for WHS Committee composition. This may be changing and therefore have implications on CBE WHS Committee membership.

o  Structure still to be decided, but could need to have Dean and/or Associate Dean, GM, WEG Rep, 1 member elected from each School, 1 or 2 Health and Safety Reps, and at least 2 of the members must be senior academics.

o  The Chair will then be elected by the committee

o  The College WHS Committee to report quarterly to the ANU WHS Committee

o  There was mention of WEG Reps taking on Secretarial duties across campus. WEG were not consulted on this, and it would be unlikely they would have the resources.

o  More info to come as the consultation process finishes

o  If not finalised by next meeting, a temporary Chair will be arranged

Item 6: Health and Safety Representative update

·  Dangerous Signage

o  Staff member reported road signs being too low in carpark outside Toad Hall residence and CBE Building 26C. Hazard notification was lodged and signs were raised to an acceptable level above head height.

·  Slippery Foyer

o  2 incidents of slipping in the CBE 26C Foyer after rain.

§  One due to water on tiles after mats moved slightly

§  One due to tripping on mat

o  There is a slip remediation plan already in place. The marble tiles in the entryway will be replaced with carpeting. Currently waiting on works to finish with the airlock (alternate entrance) before this work can begin

·  Broken paver in entry way to 26C reported.

·  Fire Exit in AB Forum repeatedly being blocked despite signs and warnings. Committee discussed further options to take (see Action Items)

·  The possibility of a local WHS Awareness session was raised, as some other areas of the University do this. LM and RF to look at content to see if appropriate.

Item 7: CBE Precinct Security and Infrastructure Report

·  No new security issues to report besides a few beer bottles being left in the Arndt carpark on Wednesday nights

·  Security will be doing some extra patrols through the Mezzanine now the Student Hub has opened. The Student Hub will be available to students during building business hours.

·  Airlock – due open Thursday 26th May

·  26C courtyard near the café will be the next round of building works. Rear exit and landscaping changes

·  RSM admin space works – no firm date set as yet

·  CBE 26C Level 2 Phase 2 corridor near AB forum starting soon. Architects and builders are aware that it’s a working building/space and noise and traffic issues will be considered throughout.

·  Phase 3 will be Student admin wing, then Phase 4 back corridor towards Crisp bridge.

Item 8: Workplace Inspection Reports

·  Some Workplace Inspection Reports have not been received yet for this semester. DT to follow up with those outstanding.

·  Agreement from committee members per the Chair’s report above that Workplace Inspection Reports will be complete before the next WHS meeting and each semester.

·  LM, AR & DT met with GW to perform audit in RSE to test using iAuditor app.

o  The advice from WEG is to use the app as an aid to generating the report after, not while performing the inspection

o  iAuditor templates were developed as guides, and areas can tailor them to their specific needs

·  It was noted that it can be difficult to manage the remediation of issues identified. LM is looking at improving the processes involved. This could be looked at in more detail in the WHS working party

Item 9: Work Environment Group Report

·  Glyn Whitworth – Work Environment Group

o  WEG have moved to the Chancellery Building 10B and are located downstairs.

o  Work ongoing with Self Insurance project

§  Updating existing procedures

o  AED report

§  Identifying areas for improvement

§  Goal is one AED accessible with 150m

§  Want standards, obvious locations and easy accessibility

§  20 existing on campus, recommendation for 11 more

§  need to increase awareness. Recent incident highlighted this, as AED was available but not used.

Item 10: Other business

·  WEG move – see above

·  WHS & Facilities role – new position advertised.

o  Facilities management with also responsibility to assist in the development of WHS at CBE, including secretarial work for CBE WHS Committee.

·  First Aid kits

o  Parasol will restock First Aid Officer kits on a 6 monthly basis.

o  HR have log of who has kits in CBE

o  Travel kits are available on request from Student Admin (Julie Fitzgibbon manages these)

·  OSLO Self Assessment

o  Enquiries made into self assessment options due to ongoing difficulties with co-ordinationg OSLO inspections

o  ANU Wellonomics – online self assessment tool is coming soon

o  Some info available from WEG injury prevention web page. LM will put some information together and distribute once discussed at Executive meeting.

o  Paper based checklists are also available

§  Safe use of laptops, lifting, workstations, chairs, posture etc.

o  Staff members will still be able to request an OSLO if needed.

·  WHS Policy Meeting update

o  Fieldwork policy and procedure coming soon

o  ANU had 3 reportable cases to Commcare this period

o  Working on improving incident notification tool

·  Testing and Tagging

o  Members of IT team have been trained in Testing and Tagging.

§  Purchasing CBE equipment. Staff will soon be able to log jobs with service desk to arrange for testing and tagging of authorised personal equipment

o  RSFAS recently had T&T walkthrough

o  DT to coordinate T&T for CBE and assist with RSM, RSE, RSM

o  Advice from central on personal charging devices is that anything that plugs into a GPO should be tested and tagged. Phone chargers that plug into a USB on a computer are exempt, but if it plugs into a wall charger that device should be done.

·  The meeting closed at 3.40 pm

·  The next meeting is scheduled for 2.00 pm on Tuesday, 23 August.

·  New, ongoing and completed action items are identified in the table below for review and comment at the next meeting.


MINUTES | Subject - WHS Meeting number 1/16

Attachment A:
Action / Responsibility / Due Date
Submit workplace inspection reports to WHS Committee Secretary / All Committee members
(Drew Treasure to chase up outstanding reports) / One report per semester
Develop processes to manage remediation of issues identified in workplace inspection reports. / Lorna Monaghan
Determine best measure to stop Allan Barton Forum fire door being blocked internally with furniture and other items and investigate preferred options to stop this including:
·  appropriate larger or clearer signage stating ‘Fire door – Do not block’
·  different coloured carpet in the area just before the door
·  An automated email for those who book the Forum providing advice of fire doors, and emergency contact details such as ANU Security. / Drew Treasure/Andrew Churches / Next WHS meeting
Meeting arranged with Mark Pritchard to discuss options
Outward opening gate to be investigated for Allan Barton Forum fire stairs / Drew Treasure/Andrew Churches / Next WHS meeting
Meeting arranged with Mark Pritchard to discuss options
Phone or intercom to connect to ANU Security in place near the duress button on Allan Barton Forum Balcony / Drew Treasure/Andrew Churches / Next WHS Meeting
Ross McLoughlin from ANU Security contacted in regards to appropriate signage.
Testing and tagging of new Dyson fan and heaters / Drew Treasure / These will be T&T in due course as part of the College walkthrough
Testing and Tagging of CBE/RSA/RSE/RSM / Drew Treasure / DT to liaise with Schools and new WHS & Facilities officer to coordinate T&T walkthrough. Suggesting after refurbs, so RSE then RSA. RSM and CBE to follow once works complete?
Emergency drills to be arranged for 2016. / Linda Parker / This year.
OSLO staff. Does the College, each Research School, or Administration team need to have an OSLO trained staff member to address problems of getting workstation assessments done in a timely manner for new staff? / WHS Committee / Next WHS meeting.
Lorna is looking at Self Assessment options
Updated emergency procedure maps need to be replaced on new noticeboards in CBE Building 26C, acknowledging corridor and room infrastructure changes. / Andrew Churches / ASAP
Floorplans have already been sent to Mark Pritchard
Following discussion concerning risks and asbestos, and that building custodians should have asbestos registers, investigate whether CBE have a register or known asbestos areas. / Andrew Churches / Report for Next WHS meeting.
Hazardous materials register for each building on F&S website
Emergency Warden training and procedure:
·  Extinguisher training / Lorna Monaghan to send email with times, dates and locations / Extinguisher training session is to be held on 16 June for CBE Fire Wardens
Building ‘bridge’ doors to be marked clearly giving advice regarding actions to follow during evacuation drills and in case of emergency / Richard Farran / Meeting with Mark Pritchard organised to discuss options
Flashing lights?
Signs need date stamp
Consider process for private items in testing and tagging process.
·  Guidelines to be developed
o  which items are not ok to have in offices? (e.g. personal heaters, kettles, toasted sandwich makers, rice cookers etc)
o  which are ok but need to be tested and tagged? (e.g laptop & mobile phone chargers) / Drew Treasure/Andrew Churches / For discussion at the next WHS meeting.
- Have gear, waiting on Tags and processes.
Clearer signage with regard to location first aid and parent’s rooms. / Building architects / In progress
Local WHS Awareness Session / Lorna Monaghan and Richard Farran / Next meeting
Checking content to see if relevant