Meeting Minutes
Muslim Gift Giving Project
Meeting Name: / Steering Group MeetingDate of Meeting: / 16/09/2014 / Time: / 1-3pm
Meeting Agenda: / - Storyboard & Mapping Exercise
-Update on recruitment of interns & volunteers
- Progress with community groups
- Update on oral history progress
- Facebook, social media and website update
- The ‘Thank You’ Event / Meeting Leader: / Dr. Amna Khan
Prepared By: / Naveeda Khalil
1. Attendance at Meeting
Name / Position / Note
Dr. Amna Khan / Project Manager / Senior Lecturer at MMU
Naveeda Khalil / Intern / Final Year Undergraduate
Abdul Sattar / Intern
Rahbaan Khan / Intern
Constantinos Kritiotis / Volunteer
Cathy Parker / Project Mentor
Tamara McNeill / Evaluator
Tahir Abbasi / Manager at PRC / Pakistani Resource Centre
Parveen / Deputy Manager PRC / Pakistani Resource Centre
Fahmida Khan / Oral History Respondent
2. Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
Storyboard & Mapping Exercise – Discussed the activities undertaken on the project, outputs, outcomes and impacts. This is summarised separately
Progress with community groups – Discussed the progress made with Pakistani and Bengali respondents. Need to look at Gujarati respondents and begin to organise coffee mornings by working closely with community groups
Facebook, Social Media & Website – Update given on social media activity. Need to involve the media more to advertise the project, such as the radio or TV
‘Thank You’ Event – Need to consider what language the ‘Thank You’ event is going to be in as people from different ethnic backgrounds will speak a different language and we must be careful not to assume that everyone will be able to speak and understand the English language
3. Action Items
Actions / Assigned to / Due Date
Summarise the storyboard and mapping exercise, Continue evaluation / Naveeda, Rahbaan, Constantinos / 17/09/2014
Organise a coffee morning with Gujrati respondents / Naveeda
Continue oral history interviews with three ethnic groups / Naveeda Rahbaan,