CGC1D: Canadian Geography

Canada’s Ecozones: Chapter 15Name:

interoffice memorandum

to:all Passenger Program Officers (Air, rail, or marine)

from:director of customer services

subject:Tour Passenger Information Booklet

date:Fall 2013

cc:director of planning, chief financial officer

Incorporating “Ecozones” Into Media or PowerPoint Slide Show

Background: Our company is proud of providing outstanding service to its customers. The regional information provided to tourists travelling with us has always been well received. These media presentations covered regional landforms, climate, vegetation, and human activities separately. Recently, however, more of our customers have been interested in regional ecology, and it is now time to embrace the ecozone concept when describing the areas through which we travel.

As a Passenger Program Officer, you must prepare a new information media or PowerPoint presentation package for your tour, which will be presented to your clients (the class). Recall that your air, rail, or marine tour travels within Canada between existing cities or centers. The choice of departure and arrival points remains at your discretion, but all tours must be modified so that they pass throughoneof Canada’s fifteen ecozones. Similarly, you will schedule one outdoor and one urban activity, which will take place in your ecozone. Your PowerPoint presentation should be no longer than 20 slides and should have an attractive design. If you choose to make a video, aim for at least a 10-minute presentation. Your clients (class) will be challenged to vote for the best presentation package in the end.

Include the following in your PowerPoint/Video media package:

the name of your tour and tour company

a descriptive GIS/Google Earth map(s) showing the route and stops that your tour takes and its position within Canada

you must stop in at a least THREE major cities/centers within your ecozone tour

the total distance traveled within your ecozone (in km) and method of travel (train, plain, bus etc.)

an identification of the landform(s), vegetation and soil, climate region(s) and factors, settlements, animals and human activities along the route

a climate graph showing temperature and precipitation of one ecozone city/center location and a summary of the differences/similarities in climate between your three major stops

some description of the changes, if any, the tourists will notice as they cross the ecozone

description of activities/ tours or adventures (be sure to include one outdoor and one urban escape activity for each stop)

Submit a separate bibliography of all resources used.

All revised material must be submitted to your Departmental Officer by ______.

Resource WWW Sites For PowerPoint presentation:

Web Sites: The following WWW sites may be of assistance as you complete your ecozone project. Your text is also a very useful resource.

Canadian Council on Ecological Areas:

Canadian Biodiversity at McGill:

GeoGratis Canada:

National Climate Data (searchable by weather stations):

Natural Resource Canada Online Atlas:

Travel Canada:

Evergreen Canada:

Refer to Library Online Resources

Web Site Bibliography format:

Generic format:

Author surname, first name (if available). “Title of page/ segment.” Title of web site. Date of publication or last revision. Organization that sponsors the site. Date of access <URL>.

Example - Professional/Educational Site:

Mortimer, Gail. William Faulkner Society Home Page. 16 Sept. 1999. William Faulkner Society. 1 Oct. 1999 <

Example - Government Site:

“Sgt. Major John Robert Osborn.” Canada and the Second World War 1939 -1945: Victoria Cross Winners. 21 Sept. 1998. Veterans Affairs Canada. 24 Jan. 2005 < source=history/secondwar /citations/osborn >.

The following are “group member roles” for ecozone PowerPoint or Media Package:

Member # 1: Task Manager -Keep tract of class time and task management checklist.

Member # 2: Researcher -Research and explore different materials that group can utilize.

Member # 3: Secretary -To be in charge of group notes and extra note-taking.

You may decide on yourown roles, but must try to collaborate on research for the PowerPoint/Video content. In order to organize your information, each student will be required to complete AppendixA: Ecozone Summary Sheet. Teacher will keep tract of student task and class time management.

Task List:

Day 1 : Introduction to Ecozones and project

Day 2 : Research and complete Ecozone Summary Sheet

Day 3: GIS/Google Earth Mapping

Day 4: PowerPoint presentation assembly/Wrap up

Day 5: Presentation

Ecozone Tour Checklist:


submitted on time/ task list followed

student names

name of tour

name of tour company and logo

descriptive GIS/Google map showing the route that your tour takes


soil and vegetation regions


settlements and human activities along the route

a climate graph chart showing the climate of your city/centre tour stop within your ecozone

climate region and factors affecting climate

some description of the changes noticed crossing your ecozone

detailed description of tour activities/ tours or adventures (one outdoor and one urban activity for each stop)

20 slides/10 minutes minimum



Ecozone Presentation Evaluation

Name: ______Date:______Section: ______

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Mark Assigned
Knowledge/ Understanding / Presentation demonstrated limited knowledge of characteristics/ relationships / Presentation demonstrated some knowledge of characteristics/ relation-ships / Presentation demonstrated considerable knowledge of characteristics/ relationships / Presentation demonstrated thorough knowledge of characteristics/ relationships / /20
Communication (Oral) / Language/ delivery resulted in information being communicated orally with limited effectiveness;
rarely demonstrated a clear focus and effective sequencing;
rarely maintained smooth flow, pace, and timing / Language/ delivery resulted in information being communicated orally with some effectiveness;
occasionally demonstrated a clear focus and effective sequencing;
occasionally maintained smooth flow, pace, and timing / Language/ delivery resulted in information being communicated orally with considerable effectiveness;
frequently demonstrated a clear focus and effective sequencing;
frequently maintained smooth flow, pace, and timing / Language/ delivery resulted in information being communicated orally with a great deal of effectiveness;
consistently demonstrated a clear focus and effective sequencing;
consistently maintained smooth flow, pace, and timing / /10
Communication (Audio/Visual) / Lacked uniqueness and creativity, involving only one presentation technique, and lacked usage of audios and/or visuals / Was somewhat unique, creative, and interesting, involving more than one presentation technique, and making usage an audio and/or visual; / Was unique, creative, and interesting, involving a variety of presentation techniques, and making usage of a variety of audios and/or visuals; / Was extremely unique, creative, and interesting, involving several presentation techniques, and making effective usage of a wide variety of audios and/or visuals / /10
Overall Achievement Level / /40

Ecozone Tour Checklist:


submitted on time/ task list followed

student names

name of tour

name of tour company and logo

descriptive GIS/Google map showing the route that your tour takes


soil and vegetation regions


settlements and human activities along the route

a climate graph chart showing the climate of your city/centre tour stop within your ecozone

climate region and factors affecting climate explained and described

some description of the changes (if any) noticed crossing your ecozone

detailed description of tour activities/ tours or adventures (one outdoor and one urban activity for each stop)

20 slides/10 minutes minimum


Ecozone Tour Checklist:


submitted on time/ task list followed

student names

name of tour

name of tour company and logo

descriptive GIS/Google map showing the route that your tour takes


soil and vegetation regions


settlements and human activities along the route

a climate graph chart showing the climate of your city/centre tour stop within your ecozone

climate region and factors affecting climate explained and described

some description of the changes (if any) noticed crossing your ecozone

detailed description of tour activities/ tours or adventures (one outdoor and one urban activity for each stop)

20 slides/10 minutes minimum
