/ Rotary Noon News – The Communicator
Volume85 – Number 43
Monday – May 19, 2014 /


Leslie Mastroianni led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, & Four Way Test.

Roberta Selleck led us in singing “Happy Birthday” for all those with birthdays in May. (Accompanied by pianist Stuart Bernatt)


Larry Thompson presented a Kindle Fire to Haley Doake. Haley was the winner of the Literature for Young Readers Reading Contest. She attends Center School.

George Walker announced the specifics for the bus trip to Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston and a White Sox Game on Aug 5. Cost is $50. $10 goes to Polio Plus and is matched by the Gates Foundation. Contact George if interested.

Kerrylyn Rodriquez-Whalen complimented George Walker for his willingness to take her son and a short-term exchange student on the upcoming trip to RI Headquarters and the Ball Game. Kerrylyn is unable to go but George has made it possible for the young men to attend.

Noon Rotary is looking for a P.A. system that may have been purchased several years ago to update one at the Belt Line. If anyone knows where it might be, please contact Linda Wilson. Mark Boyd will double check storage area and cabinet.

A “thank you” card (relating to book donations) from Aquin elementary students was read by Linda Wilson.

Signage at Freeport Public Library commemorating the Lincoln statue donation is in process and will be finished soon.

50/50 Raffle & Fellowship

JENNIFER NEWENDYKE’S ticket was drawn. JEN did not pick the winning marble. No Winner so the pot grows!

GAIL CLORE quizzed the club on military trivia in honor of Armed Forces Day last Saturday. Questions covered women in service, female Medal of Honor winners, 5-star general Presidents, and foot print in square miles of the armed forces. Money was made for the boot!

Happy News

Kerrylyn Rodriquez-Whalen announced a fund raiser at Applebee’s on May 31 is support of her Peru Project. Many of the supplies have been purchased and 30+ medical students and pharmacists will be joining to help those of Peru.

Larry Main announced that his son, Ben, graduated with honors from University of Illinois at Springfield and will be attending medical school this fall. Congrats, Ben!

Larry Thomas was happy to present the Kindle to the reading winner.

George walker is happy that the Noon rotary Club is supporting his trip to the Rotary International Convention in Australia. Have Fun, George!

Jeff Williams saw an injured boy by Little Cubs Field. All was OK but he was “out by a bumper!”

Linda Wilson’s granddaughter graduated from Stillman Valley High School.


JENNIFER NEWENDYKE introduced Matt Ohms, director of the Black Hawk Area Boy Scout Council. Mr. Ohms oversees scouting activities in 12 counties, 2 camping areas, and supports the activities of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing Clubs, and Explorer Scouts. His goal is to increase the number of participants in Scouting. Currently, over 200 youth participate. The Wetassa District is made up of Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and Carroll Counties. Increasing participation and sharing the values of scouting is of major importance. Mr. Ohms’ presentation was informative!

SUBMITTED BY: Craig Knaack

Next Meeting: June 2, 2014

Sergeant-at-Arms – Steve Jennings, Chair

Pledge/Invocation/Four Way Test – Duke Herrling

Singing – Steve Holman

Fellowship – Gretchen Cross

(See attachment for the May & June calendars)

Upcoming Programs

May 26

Memorial Day (no meeting)

June 2

Program: Understanding Food Labels & Finding the Problematic Fat

Presenter: Diane Schurch, Registered Dietician

June 9

Program: Barnacopia

Presenter: Gary and Judy Bocker, Owners

June 16

Program: Top Ten Stupid Things People Do To Their Homes

Presenter: Steve Gitz, RestorX

June 23

Program: Parkview Expansion

Presenter: Chris Kempel, Marketing Director

June 30

Annual Dinner (no meeting)

Web Resources

Our Noon Rotary Club Info and Newsletters

Rotary International

Our District 6420

Rotarians on the Internet

Rotary Clubs in the Area - Meeting Locations, Dates, Times

The Rotary Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the Truth?

2. Is it Fair to all concerned?

3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?