Library Resources for Marketing 495 –
Ibisworld, SRDS & Business Source Complete
Susan Hurst Aug. 2012
How to Get Started?
To access these databases, select Subject & Course Guides from the Library’s homepage ( and then click on Marketing. For step-by-step videos on using these databases, go to that same Marketing page ( and click on the Database Videos tab at the top of the screen.
SRDS includes advertising rates and contact information for the following types of advertising: Business Publication Advertising Sources, Consumer Magazine Advertising Source, Newspaper Advertising Source, Out-of-Home Advertising, and Interactive Advertising Source. It does NOT have information for Television or Radio.
· Under Business Publications, SRDS has information on architecture and building trade journals and home and green/sustainable living titles under Consumer magazines. They also include information on direct and digital marketing opportunities among these groups.
· You can also search for key words such as construction recycling, building, green, etc. to find publications that focus on those areas
· For websites you can get website metrics (including demographics) as well as website metrics including page views.
· SRDS is a great source for determining costs of running an ad in a print publication, including consumer magazines, newspapers, and trade publications.
· For Online or Outdoor advertising, you can get contact information for specific market areas and then you could contacts those companies directly for rate information.
· A table listing that includes abbreviations like 1 ti, 3 ti, 6 ti etc. is showing you the discounted rate that an advertiser would get if they ran the same ad one, three, or six times in a given year.
Local Market Audience Analyst (module in the SRDS Media Solutions Database)
· Currently, you MUST use Internet Explorer (IE) to run reports in this database.
· Demographic Overview reports show you data for those living in specific counties or metropolitan areas.
· Market potential reports show you where people who have specific opinions or attitudes are most likely to live. Under the Psychographics are criteria such as “Would Pay More for Environmentally Friendly Products” or “Ban products that pollute” which might indicate more environmentally friendly consumers.
· Demographic Concentration reports provide ranked data on which cities people are mostly to live in based on demographic criteria, including household income or educational attainment.
· Prizm Concentration reports show where people are mostly to live based on Prizm Social groups (i.e. “Urban Uptown”) or Prizm Lifestage Groups (i.e. “Young Achievers”). You can also get Psychographic data on people in the various Prizm Lifestage or Social Groups through the PRIZM Target Group Lifestyle Reports.
· To see how these Prizm categories are related to each other go to
· To see details of the demographics and psychographics within the Prizm categories go to
· Click on the i icons in the left-hand toolbar to get more information about types of reports or how to interpret the data.
IbisWorld is a source for in-depth, full-text US industrial market research reports. It contains almost 700 detailed reports covering the major Census categories of mining, construction, wholesale and retail distribution, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, education, financial services, arts, entertainment, accommodations and food service, etc.
· IbisWorld can be searched by keyword or NAICS codes. Search on terms like construction, building materials, and recycling to find reports on the waste disposal, building materials stores and the construction industries.
· Also look for statistics on these industries on the Ibisworld Business Environment Reports tab (top left side of the search screen).
· Reports are updated multiple times per year, so they are very current.
· Click on the PDF or Word link in the left hand toolbar to get the full report (usually 30-40 pages long).
· Report contents include market characteristics, market size, growth rates, segmentation, key competitors, industry performance and an outlook forecast.
This is an excellent source for journal articles. It indexes over 10,000 journal titles, with approximately 80% available as full-text. It includes both scholarly business journals such as “Harvard Business Review” and also popular titles such as “Business Week” and “Fortune”. You can also link to full-text articles in the Wall Street Journal.
· Use the word “or” to search on several terms at once (i.e. reused or recycled). Look at the suggested subject terms on the left side of the screen side for terms to add to your search.
· Use the pull-down menu to narrow your search to a subject term, company entity, etc.
· Use an * as a truncation symbol (i.e. recycl* finds recycling, recyclers, recycled, etc.)
· Use the Source Types on the left side of the Screen to limit to Trade Journals, etc.
· Change the sort at the top of the Results list screen from Relevance to Date Descending to see the newest articles at the top of the list.
· Limit your search to articles with more than a certain number of pages to find more substantial articles. (Click on Show More under Refine your Results on the left hand tool bar.)
· Articles that are available as HTML or PDF full-text can be emailed.
· If the article does NOT say HTML or PDF, click on the “Find It” button on the left side of the screen. They are often available online through another database or at the library in print.
· Ebsco can also provide citation help. Once you select an article, click on the Cite icon on the right side of the screen to get citation information for that specific article in many citation styles. You can also have citation information sent to you when you email an article to yourself. Once you click on the email icon, look on the right side of the screen. Click on the button for Citation Format and choose the citation style you will be using.
Habitat for Humanity – ReStore
Building Value (Cincinnati recycled building materials site)
Cincinnati ReUse Center
Hamilton County, OH Recycling Resources
Ohio Construction & Demolition Debris Reduce/Reuse Facilities
Ohio’s Materials Exchange (OMEx)
Construction Waste Management – Best Practices
Rebuilding Center
Building Materials Reuse Association
Construction Material recycling Association
Planet Reuse – recycled building materials
EPA –construction waste site
EPA – Using recycled building materials site
Deconstruction Manual
St Vincent DePaul in Cincinnati
Salvation Army
Feeding America
Last but not least, remember to CITE your sources. Go to the Marketing page and click on the Citing Sources tab for information on citing specific business databases, such as Ibisworld, SRDS, and etc. ______
Questions/Comments – Contact Susan Hurst, (513-529-4144) 219A Laws