An invitation to join the Little Heath

Primary School PTA Money Maker Draw (100 Club)

The Little Heath Primary School PTA already raises valuable funds for the children at the school and we are always looking for additional ways to do this. Many charities and primary schools have found clubs like this to be a popular way of raising funds while providing cash prizes for lucky winners. By joining the Money Maker you can help your child’s school as well as having a chance to win cash prizes every month!

The Little Heath PTA Money Maker is a private lottery and is open to all parents, staff and friends of Little Heath Primary School. Anyone age 16 or over can join.

Each month:

There is a draw for 50% of the fund. This amount is divided between 3 lucky winners.

Monthly winners will be publicised on the PTA section of the school website and each individual winner will be notified by email or telephone and a cheque or cash given to them.


Members pay £10 to cover the annual subscription. This entitles them to have one number entered into 10 draws (Oct-July) each school year. Members may apply for more than one number (so 3 numbers = £30 annual subscription).


If we have 100 members the fund for each month will be £100

50% will be used as prize money e.g. £50 split into three prizes

The 1st prize will be £25 (if 100 members)

The 2nd prize will be £15 (if 100 members)

The 3rd prize will be £10 (if 100 members)

You’ve got to be in it to win it!


Fill in the attached form with your details and you will be allocated a number(s).

Little Heath Primary School

Money Maker (100 Club) Rules Oct 2013

1. The object of the Club is to raise funds for Little Heath Primary School.

2. The Club will be run under the supervision of the PTA who will also administer the Club.

3. The club is open to all parents, friends and staff of Little Heath Primary School. Members must be over 16 years of age and must fill in the application form (attached).

4. Entry will be by subscription of £10 per number per year, paid annually in advance. Members may have more than one number.

5. Subscriptions by cash/chq (payable to “Little Heath School PTA”) will be accepted on the basis of a maximum period of 10 months.

6. If applications are in excess of the 100 numbers available then numbers will be issued on the first come first served basis. New members will be admitted when numbers become available. A waiting list will be kept and numbers will be offered to the first person on the list.

7. A monthly draw will take place on the last Friday of each month; any draws due during school holidays will take place on the first day back at school after a holiday.

8. The regular monthly prize money will be 50% of the monthly income.

There will be three prizes:-

1st prize = 25% of monthly prize fund (£25 if 100 members)

2nd prize = 15% of monthly prize fund (£15 if 100 members)

3rd prize = 10% of monthly prize fund (£10 if 100 members)

9. The relevant numbers of all paid up members will be entered in the draw for each month.

10. Registers will be kept recording the name and address of each member, the number(s) allocated to them and the subscriptions received from them.

11. Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the Club if his or her renewal of subscription remains unpaid for a period of one month

If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into PTA Funds after 6 months.

The Little Heath Primary School PTA

Money Maker Draw Application Form

Name: ______

(Applicants must be over 16)



Post Code: ______

Telephone: ______

Email: ____________

Annual Subscription £10 per entry: ______

Total Payment enclosed (cheques made payable to Little Heath PTA): £ ____

Signed: ______

* Please ensure you fill in all your details above or we cannot allocate you a number or numbers in the Little Heath PTA Money Maker Draw.

* By signing this form you are declaring that you have received and accept the rules of Little Heath PTA Money Maker Draw

Please return this form and your payment by 23 October 2013.

* 50% of all money raised from the Little Heath PTA 100 Club will go towards Little Heath Primary School PTA and provide extra resources for our children.

The Little Heath Primary School PTA

Money Maker Draw Application Form

Name: ______

(Applicants must be over 16)



Post Code: ______

Telephone: ______

Email: ____________

Annual Subscription £10 per entry: ______

Total Payment enclosed (cheques made payable to Little Heath PTA): £ ____

Signed: ______

* Please ensure you fill in all your details above or we cannot allocate you a number or numbers in the. Little Heath PTA Money Maker Draw

* By signing this form you are declaring that you have received and accept the rules of Little Heath PTA Money Maker Draw

Please return this form and your payment by 23 October 2013.

* 50% of all money raised from the Little Heath PTA 100 Club will go towards Little Heath Primary School PTA and provide extra resources for our children.

Registered Charity No. 267013