Name ______PS/ES Per ______
Date______Mr. Landsman
“The Nature of Science” Lab Activity
Science is a systematic field of study that tries to explain the natural world. Knowledge is obtained through observations, inferences, and experiments. Knowledge is also viewed by scientists as tentative. In other words, we think we know how things work, but must be ready to change our thinking as new discoveries are made.
In the spaces provided, jot down what these words mean to you as you think of science.
Activity: Modeling science with shapes.
Science Shapes Activity Model
Data / ShapesExperiment – produces data that require interpretation / Systematically trying to make sense of the shapes, trial and error
Theory (explanation) / Logical arrangement of shapes (square)
Collaboration – can other scientists reproduce your results? / Have other groups been able to create the same logical arrangement?
Tentative / Can you make a new arrangement if given an additional shape?
Follow-up: Brainstorm with your lab partner about how the “Shapes Activity” is similar to “doing” science. See the front of this page to help you make the connections.
Below, or on separate paper, list and describe as many similarities or connections as you can. Each group member should have a written copy of the list.
Once you have completed the brainstorming process, individually select THREE similarities from your list. On loose-leaf paper, describe in detail how each specific aspect of your “Shapes Activity” experience is similar, or correlates, to how science is performed. You might decide to make reference to the terms on the front of this page as you write. Please submit your best writing, and only YOUR writing. I look forward to learning how you think.
The written portion of this lab is due on ______.
Scoring will be based on how well you followed directions and the quality of your thinking/writing on the follow-up portion.
Bonus: How does the Coelacanth relate to this activity?