NOMINATED PERSONS - Use this Action Card as a checklist
Role: The role of the Divisional Silver Commanders are to develop tactical plans and coordinate Trust Bronze Responders dealing with the incident, whilst maintaining liaison with the Trust Gold Commander, Incident Response Teams and multi-agency partners, including NHS England, where appropriate.
Record Initial Information Using the SBAR/METHANE Report Form (Step 0)
If you have time complete the JDM process (Steps 1 – 5 incl)
If not, escalate to Major Incident Standby or Major Incident Declared (Step 6 onwards) then conduct the JDM (Steps 1-5 incl).
If the Gold Commander is not available you may need to make this decision locally.
  • Step 0 – Complete SBAR/METHANE Report Form
  • Step 1 - Gathering Information and Intelligence
  • Step 2 - Assessing Threat and Risk
  • Step 3 - Power and Policies
  • Step 4 - Identify Options and Contingencies
  • Step 5 - Action and Review
  • Step 6 – Activate the Internal Response
  • Step 7 - Activate the External Response
  • Step 8 - Activate the Incident Coordination Centre
  • Step 9 – Warning and Informing
  • Step 10 – Convene Meeting of IRT/CMT/RRT (where appropriate)
  • Step 11 – Further Considerations
  • Step 12 - At the End of the Incident

Step / Record Initial Information Using the METHANE Report Form / Tick When Done
0 / Major Incident Standby/Declared?
Exact Location?
Type of Incident (Hazards present/suspected)?
Hazards Present or Suspected
Access – Safe Routes?
Number – Type and Severity of Casualties?
Emergency Services on Scene/Route?
1 / Gathering Information and Intelligence / Tick When Done
What is happening/has happened?
What do you know so far?
What time did it begin?
Where is the incident?
Who has been informed already? Get their contact details
What are the immediate consequences?
Contact those Trust managers / staff already involved.
What is being done to mitigate / resolve the incident?
Outstanding problems?
2 / Assessing Threat and Risk / Tick When Done
Do you need to take action immediately?
Do you need to seek more information?
What could go wrong?
What could go well?
How probable is the risk of harm?
How serious would it be?
Is that level of risk acceptable?
Is this a situation for the Trust alone to deal with?
Are you the appropriate person to deal with this?
What are you trying to achieve?
Develop a working strategy to guide subsequent stages.
3 / Power and Policies / Tick When Done
What legislation applies?
Doe the Trust have the power to initiate action?
Is there any guidance covering this situation?
Do any NHS, LHRP or MRF plans or guidance apply?
4 / Identify Options and Contingencies / Tick When Done
What options are open to you?
Will the response be proportionate, legitimate and necessary?
Will the response be reasonable in the circumstances facing you at the time?
What will you do if things do not happen as anticipated?
5 / Action and Review / Tick When Done
Implement option selected.
Does anyone else need to know what you have decided?
Record what you did and why?
What happened as a result of your decision?
Was it what you wanted or expected to happen?
Review your decisions using the JDM.
What lessons can you take from how things turned out?
What might you do differently next time?
6 / Activate Internal Response (Where Appropriate) / Tick When Done
Identify appropriate structures and request call out via switchboard. This could include:
  • Trust Gold Commander
  • Staff Officer (Dependent upon Divisional arrangements)
  • ICCs
  • Loggist
  • Admin Support/
  • Media Communications
  • Divisional Bronze Commanders

Decide on location(s)to be used and by whom
8 / Activate External Responders (Where Appropriate) / Tick When Done
NHS England Area Team (1st on call/2nd on call)
Ministry of Justice
NHS England Communications
Merseyside Police
Public Health England
Other Health and Social Care Organisations
8 / Activate the Incident Coordination Centre / Tick When Done
Ensure Room set up with log books etc
Telephones laid out for team, including one dedicated incoming line.
When ready, declare that the ICC is open.
Record all telephone communications in and out
All staff to record all information received and cascaded chronologically in log books and on incident white boards.
9 / Warning and Informing – Staff, Patients, Visitors and Public / Tick When Done
Activate Trust Media Communications Representative(s)
Options to cascade warning and informing messages
What information needs to be and can be cascaded
Safety and welfare of public, patients and visitors
Media Engagement
Ensure key messages / communications are cascaded.
10 / Convene a meeting of the IRT/CMT/RRT as Appropriate / Tick When Done
Confirm details of incident
Agree on roles and initial tasks, ensure understanding and are able to execute their roles, check that staff have Action Cards.
Confirm Incident Room layout and operating procedure.
Establish a multiple enquires telephone call centre if appropriate.
Identify and brief staff to operate the enquiry service
Agree on next actions
11 / Further Considerations / Tick When Done
Staff – information, rotas, welfare, health and safety, overtime payments/time off in lieu
Stakeholders – Establish and maintain correct links (internal/external).
Identify normal operations to continue.
Agree local strategy and resources with NHS England on call.
Seek situation updates on a regular basis
Media liaison In office hours - The Executive Director of Governance & Communications; Out of hours - The Trust Gold Commander.
12 / At the end of the incident / Tick When Done
Authoriselocal ‘stand-down’
Activate local stand down procedure.
Cascade to all staff and key stakeholders
Conduct a hot debrief at the ICC
Close the ICC
Attend internal or external debriefs. Contribute to any reports
Compile the formal report on the incident, include lessons learnt.
All documentation to the Head of Risk and Emergency Planning
Log Book Record Notes – Ensure You Regularly Record
Situation – What, When, Where, Who, What Support
Hazards and Risks – To Patients, Visitors, Staff, Responders and Public
What Options are Available – Now and in the Future
Option Chosen and Reasons Why
Options Not Chosen and Reasons Why Not