JUNE, 2009

Dear Ironton Church Family and Friends,

Summer has come to Ironton and we are happy to see our “snowbirds” and resort friends returning. It was a long winter up here in the north country and we are really happy to see the birds returning and the boats on the lake. I understand some of our heartier friends have also been swimming in Lake Charlevoix.

We were blessed this year with new members joining our church. Agnes Christ and Patty Sitzema were baptized and joined our church and Violet Dinwiddie has also become a member. Others have been attending regularly and we welcome them to worship. When you attend the church please be sure to welcome our new members and friends.

A special birthday was celebrated for Grace Fairbanks. She is a very remarkable 99 years young. How blessed we are to have her with us in the summertime.

Bob and I are looking forward to attending the upcoming UCC Synod meeting in Grand Rapids as visitors. We thank the church for making our registration fees possible. The next newsletter will have a report from us and we will also do a program for the church to share our experiences. We are very fortunate that the meeting is so close to home as it travels all over the US every two years. If you are interested in attending some portion of the long weekend go to the UCC website for more information or check with Michael or myself.

We will have a special presence at the Synod meeting because we donated a candle cloth and a prayer for a booklet to be distributed. The beautiful candle cloth was made by Violet Dinwiddie and assisted by Patty Sitzema. We will be exchanging our cloth with another UCC Church. It was an exciting project.

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We have one project in the plans for summer. That is to build a ramp out the back door of the church to make the basement handicap accessible. If you have any ideas for the ramp or the backyard or want to help with the project please contact Mo Dixon or Bob Goodenough.

Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing everyone in church.

Love and Peace,

Carol Goodenough


Spring has sprung in northern Michigan or at least most of the snow is gone. Speaking of long winters a few weeks ago I found a list of “You might live in Michigan if…” You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit; you might live in Michigan if, you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction.

This spring marks the beginning of the end, the last year of my seminary classes at Bethel seminary in St. Paul Minnesota, it’s hard to believe that I’m in my fifth year of study… and they haven’t thrown me out yet. I currently have three courses: 1) Mentored leadership – this course encourages the student to take on a new ministry in some shape or form. I’ve been leading an early worship service at our sister church in downtown Charlevoix, the First Congregational Church of Charlevoix UCC. Pastor Neil Wilson of the for mentioned FCC and I collaborated on an Easter sunrise service at Depot beach, did I mention it’s still cold here, I played a song or two on the guitar… until I lost feeling in most of my fingers, it was a nice service and a great way to usher in the day worshiping our Risen Lord.

2) Hebrews to Revelation – working through part of the letter (Epistle) section of the Bible. An interesting piece that comes out of studying the disciple/apostle Peter who is credited with writing 1 & 2 Peter; as you might recall Peter is the one who denies Jesus three times and Jesus forgives him and welcomes his back, forgiven not forsaken. In studying Peter and his transformation from being impetuous “Lord I will die with you” into becoming a courageous church leader in the book of Acts there is a process that goes on, a process in his maturing faith that we might be able to share in. Before Peter denies Jesus in Luke 22:32 Jesus says that he has prayed for Peter and when “you come back to me strengthen the faithful.” Jesus believes in Peter before Peter believes in himself. Are we doing that with folks around us, with our children and grandchildren, with our spouses? A little belief can turn a life around, Peter is living proof.

(Continued on Page 3)

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Pastor Smith’s Letter Continued from Page 2

3) Counseling theory in Pastoral practice – this course begs the question am I as healthy as I can be? More than just spiritually, but in a wholistic way, not only does God want us to be holy, but “Wholly” people; question, are you eating right, exercising, taking time to be with God, taking time for yourself? I love Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine.” One final question do you take time to laugh? Can you laugh at yourself; I know sometimes I can take myself way to seriously, what have we got to be worried about our future is in our loving God’s hands so enjoy life for the best is yet to come. One of the greatest benedictions (closings) in the Bible is from the one chapter letter of Jude “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”

Your thoughts and concerns are always welcome.

Happy Father’s Day

Hope to see this spring (still winter) or summer (road construction)


Pastor Michael

Our English Cousins Have Always Had a Way With Words

The following sayings have come from some Church Signs in England

Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake, And the Snake didn’t have a leg to stand on.

There are some questions that can’t be answered by GOOGLE.

Down in the mouth? Come in for a faith lift.

God…You’re Great!

As you pass this little church, be sure to plan a visit, so when at last you’re carried in, God won’t ask “Who is it?”.

Can’t Sleep? Don’t count sheep, TALK to the Shepherd.

Speak Well of your enemies. After all. You made them.

Let us help you study for your final exams.

(Continued on Page 5)

Ironton Newsletter – June, 2009 Page 4

Ironton Congregational Church

Financial update May 2009

General Fund 5/2/09 $2,131.13

January Expenses$1,542.90

January Income$1,720.53

$ 177.63

February Expenses$1,573.61

February Income$1,594.88

$ 21.27

March Expenses$1,186.56

March Income $1,294.46

$ 107.90

April Expenses$2,467.26

April Income$1,591.78

-$ 875.48

Charitable giving to date $ 298.50 CCF Mel Angayen


Contingency Fund$13,619.37

Fuel acct$ 2,128.86

Chx. State Bank$ 9,978.14


Cornerstone $25,000.00

Submitted by Treasurer, Sue Kiteley.

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Women’s Fellowship – M & M’s (Mission and More)

The women of the church are invited to join together the 1st and 3d Monday of the month at 7 PM in the church basement to work on mission projects and fellowship. We are currently working on our tied fleece blankets that that will be given to the area Women’s Resource Center.

Soon we will be announcing a “kits” project that we will be doing for Church World Service and then we will plan our Advent projects.

Carol Goodenough


Throughout the summer I will be taking photos of all our church families and friends to assemble into a Pictorial Directory in the fall. Be sure to spend a few minutes after service to get your picture taken. You may want to submit your own family photo instead. I can scan photos or receive them by e-mail in JPEG format.

We will also want to add some photos of the activities of the church – from the past and recently. If you have any photos to share please get them to me as soon as possible.

I have also been busy putting together a CD-ROM of photos from recent activities of the church. I also want to add historical photos. If you have any of the church in the past and photos of the previous pastors I really would appreciate them.

Carol Goodenough

Our English Cousins Have Always Had a Way With Words Continued from Page 3

Almost 2000 years old and still under the maker’s guarantee.

God is Perfect…Only man makes Misteaks.

We are the SOUL Agents in this area!

The Meek…shall inherit the earth, If it’s alright with you.

Happy Easter to our Christian Friends, Happy Passover to our Jewish Friends, To our Atheist Friends, Good Luck.

From the Internet

Ironton Newsletter – June, 2009 Page 6

The Prayer Our Congregation Submitted with our Candle Cloth

By Pastor Michael Smith

“May God fill you with life and hope. As Christ was resurrected from the dead, may we rejoice ad live out our faith in the one and only living hope of the Son of God. May we as community serve the needs of others being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ; empowered by the Holy Spirit, sent out to do the will of God in love and truth. May joy be ours as we walk hand in hand with God and each other to face whatever may come knowing that in believing in our Risen Savior we have life ever after.

Glory be to Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever, Amen.”


0382 Washington Avenue

Charlevoix, Michigan 49720