27 JULY 2011
PRESENT: Crs C. Meddows-Taylor (Mayor), A. Constable, G. Lovett,
B. Rinaldi, I. Robertson & J. Smith
Chief Executive Officer
General Manager Corporate and Community Services
General Manager Technical Services
Manager Governance
Council noted the apology, having previously granted an enduring leave of absence to Cr Nixon.
The prayer was read by the Mayor.
Constable That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 29th June, 2011, and the In-Committee Meeting held on 29th June, 2011 be taken as read and confirmed.
Re Item 3.2.3 – Health Department Fees for 2012 – Cr Lovett declared that he has a direct interest in this matter in that his business is subject to the fees being discussed in the report, and intends to leave the Meeting whilst the matter is being discussed and voted upon.
The purpose of this report is to provide the record of any assembly of Councillors, which has been held since the last Council Meeting, so that it can be recorded in the Minutes of the formal Council Meeting.
Outlined below are the details of assemblies of Councillors for endorsement since the last meeting:
1. / Type of Assembly: / Council Workshop SessionDate of Assembly: / 29th June, 2011
Attendees: / Crs. Chris Meddows-Taylor, Barry Rinaldi, Ian Robertson, Geoff Lovett, Annie Constable, John Smith
Mark Johnston, Wayne Belcher, David Sutcliffe, Marita Turner
Apologies: / Cr. Paula Nixon
Items Discussed / · Ordinary Council Meeting 25/05/11 Agenda
· Establishment of a New Bank Account for Council’s Section 86 Committee – The RACV Energy Breakthrough
· Accessible Communities Funding
· Inquiry into the Operation of the Insurance Industry During Disaster Events
· Community Crime Prevention Program
· Maryborough Community House
· Locks Lane Construction
· History Books
· Roof and Chimney Repairs Shire Office
· Carisbrook Flood Mitigation Preliminary Investigation
· Community Development Projects
· Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation
· Storm Damage Repairs
· Operational Matters
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Item / - Nil
- Conflict of Interest / - Nil
- Name of person (leaving the Assembly ) / - Nil
2. / Type of Assembly: / Council Workshop Session
Date of Assembly: / 6th July, 2011
Attendees: / Crs. Chris Meddows-Taylor, Barry Rinaldi, Ian Robertson, Geoff Lovett, Annie Constable, John Smith
Wayne Belcher, Marita Turner
Apologies: / Cr. Paula Nixon, Mark Johnston and David Sutcliffe
Items Discussed / · MAV Rates Media Pack
· Central Goldfields Shire Garden Competition and Flower Show and Goldfields FM
· Community/Economic Development
· Library Funding Arrangements
· MAV Committees and Reference Groups
· Regional Growth Fund
· Operational Matters
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Item / - Nil
- Conflict of Interest / - Nil
- Name of person (leaving the Assembly ) / - Nil
3. / Type of Assembly: / Council Workshop Session
Date of Assembly: / 20th July, 2011
Attendees: / Crs. Chris Meddows-Taylor, Barry Rinaldi, Ian Robertson, Geoff Lovett, Annie Constable, John Smith
Wayne Belcher, David Sutcliffe, Marita Turner
Apologies: / Cr. Paula Nixon, Mark Johnston
Items Discussed / · Rural Land Capability Assessment Project Presentation
· Required Council Motion
· Review of the 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Responses
· Inquiry into the Operation of the Insurance Industry during Disaster Events
· Fire Services Property Levy Options Paper
· GoldBiz Review and Development Plan
· Reflections on recent Ministerial Announcements
· Goldfields Employment and Learning Centre
· Off Galloways Road Majoca
· Operational Matters
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
- Item / - Nil
- Conflict of Interest / - Nil
- Name of person (leaving the Assembly ) / - Nil
That Council endorse the record of assemblies of Councillors as outlined in this report.
Rinaldi That Council endorse the record of assemblies of Councillors as outlined in this report.
Council has received advice from the Minister for Regional and Rural Development that Council will receive $1,865,852 over four years from 2011-12 to 2014-15 under the Regional Growth Fund – Local Government Infrastructure initiative.
Funding allocations to Council are subject to an application process. Council is required to nominate projects from the existing Capital Works plans, consistent with the direction of their Asset Management Strategy including Lifecycle costing of Assets.
The projects will be reviewed annually to provide some flexibility within the program. Council will be required to submit nominations for projects to be funded under the program from Councils existing forward capital program by 30th September 2011.
A list of projects will be prepared for discussion at a future workshop.
This report provided for information of Council.
Rinaldi That Council note the report.
1. Council has previously considered the issues relating to the development of the Go Goldfields alliance at its Ordinary meetings of 23 June 2010; 15 December 2010 and 23 February, 2011. Copies of these previous reports are attached.
2. The report of 23 February, 2011 included the following:
“The State Government has committed $2.5 million over three years to make the new Go Goldfields plan a reality and work has already commenced with the Government to put these arrangements in place.”
3. In the recent visit to Maryborough by the Acting Premier and Minister for Regional Development the Hon Peter Ryan MP, this funding was formally announced.
4. Work is now taking place with the Department of Planning and Community Development to develop the funding agreements between the State Government and Council for the funding to commence.
5. Although Go Goldfields is a place based initiative and a genuine whole of community alliance, the funding is from the Regional Growth Fund and will be directed to Council who will in turn manage other service delivery and funding arrangements with the Go Goldfields alliance member organisations who will be responsible for delivering key parts of the Great Outcomes action plan which the Go Goldfields Executive has developed and which the Government has funded for the next three years. Council is also likely to play a key role in the important area of measurement, evaluation and review.
6. The co-ordination of this action plan and associated support to the Go Goldfields Executive will require a dedicated senior resource and this work will also need to be aligned with related Council initiatives in job creation, economic development and population growth as well as other associated programs such as Maryborough Neighbourhood Renewal. Provision for funding has been made within the budget of the Action Plan for the employment of a General Manager Go Goldfields who will have line management reporting to the CEO.
7. The relationship of the Go Goldfields Executive to Council also needs to be addressed. Although work is continuing in this area, it is likely that establishing the Go Goldfields Executive as a Committee of Council under Section 86 of the Local Government Act 1989 with an appropriate delegation to enable the Executive to continue to be a genuine whole of community place based partnership which it is and needs to continue to be, is the best way forward. This issue will be subject to further advice to Council.
8. The provision of this funding from the Victorian Government is a huge win for young people and their families in the Central Goldfields Shire. It will markedly assist Council in its activities in this important area and should be actively championed and promoted.
OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION:1. Council acknowledge, celebrate and champion the recent announcement by the Acting Premier the Hon Peter Ryan MP of $2.5 million to fund the Great Outcomes Action Plan developed by the Go Goldfields Alliance with an appropriate media release noting the real and positive impact this will have on the children and young people in our Shire and their families.
2. Council note that implementation arrangements are being progressed but endorse in principle that Council should accept responsibility for managing the funding agreement with the State Government and to establishing the Go Goldfields Executive as a Committee of Council with an appropriate delegation under Section 86 of the Local Government Act, 1989.
Meddows-Taylor 1. Council acknowledge, celebrate and champion the recent announcement by the Acting Premier the Hon Peter Ryan MP of $2.5 million to fund the Great Outcomes Action Plan developed by the Go Goldfields Alliance with an appropriate media release noting the real and positive impact this will have on the children and young people in our Shire and their families.
2. Council note that implementation arrangements are being progressed but endorse in principle that Council should accept responsibility for managing the funding agreement with the State Government and to establishing the Go Goldfields Executive as a Committee of Council with an appropriate delegation under Section 86 of the Local Government Act, 1989.
1. On Wednesday the 13th July 2011 the Acting Premier and Minister for Regional Development the Hon Peter Ryan MP made three very significant announcements for the Central Goldfields Shire:
a. True Foods commencing operations in the former Nestle factory- funding assistance
b. Go Goldfields Alliance - $2.5m to fund the Great Outcomes Action Plan over three years
c. Advancing Country Towns - a new program in which Clunes as the cluster town together with Creswick and Talbot will be supported over a three year period with $890,000 focused on economic development, population growth and provision of services and infrastructure.
2. These announcements create huge opportunities for Central Goldfields Shire and enable Council to progress its Council Plan and associated key strategies –Population Growth, Economic Development and Go-for-Gold with renewed commitment and added resources.
3. Council should have the opportunity to formally acknowledge the impact of these announcements and to support this with appropriate media releases.
4. It would also be opportune to write to Minister Ryan and let him know of Council’s appreciation of his visit and the benefits which these three grants will provide to the residents of Central Goldfields Shire and to enabling Council to continue its focused efforts to create sustainable wellbeing and prosperity for all its residents.
OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION:1. That the Mayor on behalf of Council acknowledge and thank Minister Ryan for his visit and the very positive impact of the funding announcements for residents of Central Goldfields Shire and the work of Council.
2 Appropriate media releases and other associated processes be utilised to ensure this message and the new opportunities the funding will provide are widely communicated.
Constable 1. That the Mayor on behalf of Council acknowledge and thank Minister Ryan for his visit and the very positive impact of the funding announcements for residents of Central Goldfields Shire and the work of Council.
2. Appropriate media releases and other associated processes be utilised to ensure this message and the new opportunities the funding will provide are widely communicated.
Work is progressing on Council’s annual financial report, with the VAGO audit due to commence on Monday 22 August 2011.
Council can expect to see a number of significant variations to budget and to previous financial reports this year. Council’s Finance Manager recently attended an Accounting for Natural Disasters Support Program, commissioned by Local Government Victoria, to ensure that we accurately account for what has resulted from the January Natural Disaster. The Finance Manager has provided that we can expect to see the following in this year’s annual financial report:
· Large capital expenditure as a result of infrastructure rehabilitation activities directly resulting from flood damage, which was not budgeted for;
· An increased level of maintenance activities as a result of flood clean-up activities;
· A number of grant incomes received as a result of the floods which were not budgeted for;
· Where allowable under the accounting standards, Council will ensure that incomes are accrued in relation to flood activities and/or disclosed in the financial report via “notes to the accounts” as either contingent assets or events subsequent to balance date i.e. in relation to Insurance Claims/Natural Disaster Claims which have been approved post 30 June 2011;
· Council’s infrastructure will be re valued at 30 June 2011 rather than 1 July 2010 (1 July has been the valuation date in prior years). This is due to the “impairment” of Council’s infrastructure assets. To allow a write-down in valuation against Council’s Asset Revaluation Reserve, this needs to occur on 30 June 2011.
· If a revaluation took place at 1 July 2010, the “impairment” would need to be booked as an “impairment expense” through Council’s Comprehensive Income Statement rather than below the line against Council’s Asset Valuation movement. This does not mean a change in Council’s valuation methodology, just a change in the date of valuation;
· Council’s flood affected buildings in Carisbrook will also need to be “impaired”, with this expense affecting Council’s Comprehensive Income Statement;
· An increased level of Contractual Commitments as a result of contracted flood recovery activities.
· There will also be an increased level of detail/disclosures within the accounts and in particular within Council’s Standard Statements to explain these variations to the Council’s original budget.
The key thing to note is that as a result of these items, Council’s financial position and financial ratios for the purpose of VAGO and LGV reporting will be significantly different to prior year ratios which have been relatively consistent. This will also be the case in the next annual financial report as flood recovery works will continue to have a financial impact upon Council in 2011/2012.