How to access GP online services

The Surgery now offer patients the use of online services. These can be used to:

•Request repeat prescriptions

•Notify us about change of address, telephone number, or e-mail

•Send us a secure message

•Book appointments

•View your medical records online

•Pre-register with the Practice, which may be particularly useful to students

To access these facilities you must first register to do so. This is achieved in the following way:


  1. Go to Surgery Reception and tell the receptionist that you would like to register for patient access to GP online services.
  1. You will need to be a fully registered patient with the Surgery and you will need to show some photo ID, for example,your passport or driving licence.


  1. Fill out page 1 of the form given to you by the receptionist (see figures 1 and 2 below).
  1. If you don’t want to apply for online access to your medical records, the only

thing you have to do on page 2 is to sign and date the application.

  1. Return the completed form to the receptionist.


  1. The receptionist will check that the form has been completed correctly and

submit your details on to the system.

  1. The receptionist will print the Patient Access form (see figure 3 below) and this willautomatically generate all the required registration details, including your:
  • Account Linkage Key
  • Practice ODS Code
  • Account Id
  • NHS Number



  1. With the registration details from the Patient Access form, you can now register yourself online on the Patient Access system.

Steps 1-8 can all be done while you are in Reception.


Registering online is now a straightforward process carried out on your own computer or wherever you can gain access to the Internet.

  1. Detailed instructions are found on the Patient Access form itself. First, go to and follow the instructions.
  1. We have printed out the screens below (see figures 4 to 8) that you will see as you go through the process.

  1. Click on the green Register button.


Figure 4 – Screen 1

  1. Click the “Yes” circle

Figure 5 – Screen 2

3. Enter the details as requested from your registration letter

Figure 6 – Screen 3

4. Enter the details to complete the registration process

Figure 7 – Screen 4

5. The patient will then be asked to enter email and mobile details and to pick security questions and answers to help if they forget their password so a new password can be sent through via email or txt

6. The process is completed – you have registered! (Don’t forget to note your User ID.)

Figure 8 – Screen 5

When you sign in, this is what you will see.