Parish Family Ablaze 9-17-17
My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You!
I ask pardon of You for those who
do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You.
I. Fatima: The Living Faith of the Children of God the Father and of Mary, our Mother
A. Visions of the Three Shepherd Children in Fatima, Portugal
1. Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta
2. Apparitions: Of the Angel of Peace and of Our Lady of Fatima
B. First Apparition of the Angel of Peace at Cabeco, Spring 1916
1. Shepherd Children: Work, Lunch, Prayer (Rosary), Play
2. The Angel of Peace appeared as “a young man, about fourteen or fifteen years old, whiter than snow, transparent as crystal when the sun shines through it and of great beauty”(Lucia).
3. “Do not be afraid. I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me”(Angel).
4. Posture: Kneeling, bowing until his head touches the ground
5. The Pardon Prayer repeated three times
6. “Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplication”(Angel).
II. God, the Father of Mercies: His Faithful Children Participate in His Work and Mercy
A. God IS Holy Communion and DESIRES Holy Communion for His Children
1. Communion in Belief in God, in His Message, and in His Church (“I believe”)
2. Communion in Adoration of God in Spirit and in Truth (“I adore”)
3. Communion in Hope in our Heavenly Home (“I hope”)
4. Communion in Love (“I love”)
a. Immaculate Heart of Mary
b. Sacred Heart of Jesus
c. The Heart of each Christian
B. The End Time or Final Age: Cosmic and Worldwide Spiritual Battle Involving God, Angels, and Men
1. Belief versus Unbelief (Materialism/Communism/Atheism)
2. Adoration versus Profanation/Desecration
3. Hope versus Despair
4. Love versus Hatred
I.Out of the millions of people in the world in 1916, why does God send the Angel of Peace to these three poor shepherd children? What about them and their lives should we imitate?
II.Throughout history, why is conversion of enemies through prayer and Christian witness, rather than through war, a far more effective way to conquer enemies and to establish peace?
I.Morning Prayer: “The Apostles’ Creed” followed by “The Pardon Prayer” (3 times)
II.Mental Prayer during the day (15-30 minutes)
A. Meditatively read or write down The Apostles’ Creed.
B. Lift up your prayer to One of the Three Divine Persons.
C. Listen to this Divine Person speaking within your mind and heart.
III.Examination of Conscience
A. Did I remain faithful to God and trust in His presence and promises?
B. Did I adore God in prayer and offer Him every activity throughout the day?
C. Did my thoughts, words, and actions throughout the day keep me advancing toward my true home in Heaven and encourage others to join me in this journey?
D. Did I love and pray for my enemies and for those who offend God and my loved ones through ignorance, weakness, or malice?