The Worship for the Lord’s Day

Bellinger Chapel

August 23, 2015

9:30 a.m.

Music for the Gathering of the Worshipers

Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service arr. Penny Rodriguez

Call to Worship

Where can I go from your spirit?

Where can I fleefrom your presenceO God?

(Psalm 139:7)


Be stilland aware of God’s presence

within and all around


No.320 The Church of Christ in Every Age Wareham

Opening Prayer and Thanksgiving

Let us pray as we gather together in God’s presence.

My Christ, my love,my encircler,

Each day, each night,

Each light, each dark,

Be near me, uphold me,

My treasure, my truth.

Let us share our thanks.

Free prayers of thanks

The Lord’s Prayer

*The Peace

Scripture Readings

Psalm 78:1-7

Sacred Song-Circle Jud Friedman & Cynthia Weil

(Kirstie Hanson, soloist)

Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16


“That They All May Be One”


No.767 Together We Serve San Anselmo


Reflect on the gospelandremember

that we belong to the wholecompany of saints

both past and present.


We pray together.

Safeguard your faithful people

in the sanctuary of your love O God.

Shelter them this day

in the shelter of the saints.

God to enfold them,

God to surround them.

God in their watching,

God in their hoping,

God in their sleeping,

God in their ever-living souls.

Let us bring our concerns to God’s loving care.

Free prayers for the coming day

and for the Church throughout the world..


A Gift of Music -The Prayer Carole Bayer Sage & David Foster

*Doxology - No. 609 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow LasstUnsErfreuen

*Prayer of Dedication


Congregational Choice

*Closing Prayer

As we depart, let us pray.

Grant to me, O Trinity of grace,

From whom all life freely flows

That no tie over-strict,no tie over-dear

May be between myselfand this world.

As it was.As it is.

As it shall be evermore,

With the ebb,

With the flow,

O trinity of grace.



Medley of Praise arr. Phillip Keveren

Prayers from:

Newell, J. Phillip. Celtic Prayers from Iona: The Heart of Celtic Spirituality.

New York: Paulist Press, 1997.


A HEARTFELT WELCOME is extended to all who are worshiping here this day and especially to those of you who are visiting. We appreciate your signing the fellowship pads, including your address and telephone number and, if you are new to First Presbyterian, introducing yourself to the pastor.

NURSERY CARE for infants and toddlers is available in the nursery located at the top of the hallway on the first floor. We provide nursery care for our youngest worshippers so that they may enjoy their “church time” in a developmentally appropriate space. Monitors are given to parents so that they may be notified should the need arise. Worship kits are available for our children and can be found in the hallway outside the chapel.

A TIME FOR FELLOWSHIP will be held following worship today in Fellowship Hall. Please stay and greet one another and enjoy the refreshments provided by the Hospitality Committee.

THANK YOU TO Peggy Ambrosefor thecolored mandala that is our bulletin cover this morning.

THE LITURGIST this morning isKaren Gould. THE USHERS AND GREETERS today are Becky Colburn, Betsy Shepherd and Rosie Hagel.

FLOWERS THIS MORNING are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Marguerite Frazier by Jane and Jerry Lockwood and Marty and Steve Davis and families.

YOUTH SWIMMING! The youth group will be having a swim party at the home of Jane and Jerry Lockwood today from 2:00 until 4:30 p.m. If you haven’t already made reservation, be sure to talk to Bob Hagel or Greg Kellogg this morning.


Monday: 6:00 p.m. Women’s Retreat Planning

7:00 p.m. Chautauqua Chamber Singers

Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. Barbershoppers

Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting

Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Society for Creative Anachronism

THE MISSION COMMITTEE SUMMER PROJECT. There are just a few more weeksto Help the House (Birdie Turner House). They are always in need of everyday items like toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, shower gel, cleaning supplies, laundry/dish detergent. Also needed are “motel-sized” shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, and other personal care items for “We’re Glad You’re Here” bags given to each new resident. Please drop donations off at the “house” in the Sandra J. Merwin Fellowship Hall. Thank you from the Mission Committee.

WOMEN’S RETREAT. Plans are being made for a Women’s Retreat September 25-27 at the Presbyterian House on the grounds of Chautauqua Institution. If you would like to be in on the planning, come to the church library on Monday, August 24 at 6:00 p.m. There are jobs that are short term commitments and some with longer time commitments. Your help will be most appreciated.

THE HEALTHY BONES class will be starting up on Wednesday, September 9 at 9:30 a.m. in SJM Fellowship Hall. All participants must register prior to the beginning of class with Joanne Nelson. You can call Joanne at 640-9598 or talk to her at church. This research-driven, osteoporosis prevention class fills up quickly so contact Joanne ASAP.

FOR YOUR CALENDAR: Sunday, September 6, we will be joining with First Covenant next door for worship (hopefully outside). We will worship at 10:00 a.m. More details to come.