February 13, 2008
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The Department of Administration issues this guide to municipalities as an aid in determining the charges for publishing facsimile ballots. The rates contained in this publication cover notices for the period January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009. The laws governing this process are contained in Chapters 10 and 985 Wisconsin Statutes. If you have any questions about this guide or the publication of facsimile ballots contact Gail Endres, State Bureau of Procurement, phone (608) 264-7658, email: or write to State Bureau of Procurement, P. O. Box 7867, Madison, WI53707-7867.
This information is distributed to all county clerks to share with the municipalities in their counties. A complete listing of all certified newspapers is available through our VendorNet website, State Contract 15-99955-601.
General Information: Facsimile ballots should be published per the copy furnished by county and municipal clerks.
Horizontal cut-off rules should be provided above and below the ballot if there is other news or advertising material in adjacent areas. The horizontal rules should be positioned a reasonable distance away from the ballot -- approximately one-fourth inch -- and are included as part of the area occupied by the ballot when calculating fees.
Introductory and descriptive text includes material, which accompanies the ballot but is not part of the actual ballot. Fees for such are not calculated as facsimile ballots. Unless directed otherwise by the election official, this material should be published using the appropriate legal notice typeface and line rate for each newspaper as certified by the State Bureau of Procurement. Municipalities may obtain current legal notice typeface and rate information by requesting a copy of the current Legal Notice Rate Certification (form DOA-3418) from the newspaper.
At their option, election officials may request publication of the introductory and descriptive text in a typeface other than that for which the newspaper is certified. The rate charged for such shall not exceed the regular commercial display-advertising rate of the publisher.
Size: Facsimile ballots may not be enlarged photographically. If appropriate to provide a proper fit for a newspaper's standard column width, ballots may be reduced in size photographically. If reduced, the fee calculations are based on the area covered by the ballot as published, i.e., after it is reduced.
Marksense ballots were developed after statutory requirements were established. The larger size of the marksense ballots presents a challenge to counties and municipalities trying to control budgets as well as to publishers trying to print legible notices. Ultimate responsibility for readability lies with the municipality placing the notice. Publishers who feel they are being required to publish unreadable ballots should contact the municipality to assure the publication instructions are correct. If the response from the municipality is unsatisfactory, the publisher may refer readability complaints to the election official who requested the notice.
Computing Rates: S. 985.08 (1), Wis. Stats., reads, "the charge for the publication of a facsimile ballot shall be computed as if the area occupied by the ballot were set in standard lines." The statutes also provide for increased rates for newspapers with higher paid circulation. The formula for calculating rates follows:
Use the following formula to calculate the fee for each insertion:
a. / Measure the width of the ballot in picas (1 inch = 6 picas): / ______b. / Measure the column inches (height) of the ballot in inches: / ______
c. / Multiply line a by line b: / ______
d. / Enter the appropriate rate factor: $
First insertion rate$.XXXX
Subsequent insertion rate$.XXXX / $______
e. / Multiply line c by line d: / $______
f. / Enter the appropriate circulation adjustment factor: / ______
Paid Circulation
up to 8,000
8,001 to 12,000
12,001 to 16,000
16,001 to 20,000
20,001 to 24,000
24,001 and up / Factor
1.00 (no adjustment)
g. / Multiply line e by line f: / TOTAL FEE: / $______
Insertion Rates: Use "First Insertion Rate" to calculate charges for the first time a ballot is published. "The First Insertion Rate" includes an allowance for typesetting and other preparatory work by the publisher. Use "Subsequent Insertion Rate" for additional publications of the same ballot, i.e., when no additional preparation is needed. In instances where the municipality supplies camera-ready copy, the second insertion rate may be used also for the first time the ballot is published. Camera-ready copy is defined as that which eliminates "…typesetting, enlargements or reductions, or other changes by the newspaper. (s. 985.08(2)(b)Wis. Stats.)