Minutes of Committee meeting held at The Castle, Earls Colne
on Thursday 8th July2010 at 7.30pm
Present:John Giles David McGlashamJan BennettTamsin Beaumont
Jean PrynnMatt Mackman Heidi FowlerJudith Wilkins Ian Smith
Apologies:Tracey Lunn
No shows: Mick Tracey Richard Grainger
1.Minutes of previous meeting
1.1 These were passed as an accurate record.
2.Matters Arising from minutes
2.1 No matters arising.
3.Treasurers Report
3.1 Judith to relinquish responsibilities, with hand-over to be confirmed. Committee thanked Judith for hard work to-date, especially through the busy set-up period.
3.2 Judith shared latest Treasurers report, all happy.
3.3 Expenses process - Petty Cash Slips to be used.
4. Public Liability
4.1 John Confirms we now have sufficient Public Liability cover.
5.Water supply
5.1. Price from Anglian Water @£900 to connect to mains and supply meter. All other work to be completed before this can take place – digging a trench and laying the pipe work etc.
5.2 Meeting between Parish Council and owner of neighbouring land still to take place. M Hobbs now planning to contact him directly.
5.3 Theft & trespass on other people’s plots! Consider revision of rules. But communicate urgently, and include in Newsletter.
6. Speeding on Newhouse Road.
6.1 Request made to Parish Council to ask Essex Highways Dept to change speed / put up warning signs.
7.Site Progress
7.1 Notice Board to be made by C McGlasham o/s
7.2 Concrete lintel under the side gate has been put in place. 5 people required to bury the one for the large gate.O/S (include on Offenders unpaid task list)
7.3 TL to order a “please close & lock ALL gates” sign up on all gates.
7.4 Weedkiller. ... see below
8.Site Maintenance:
8.1 Recommend that we have a nominated committee member (or volunteer from the PlotHolders) has responsibility for ensuring regularly maintenance is kept-up, and organising regular working parties.
Put in next newsletter.
8.2 Weed Problem: purchase a petrol strimmer (DM) @£230
8.2.1 Matt has suggested we get Offenders (via Probation service) to help with weed clearing. Need to provide supervision. Matt to get back to committee with more details and possible timings.
9.Bulk DiscountsNO UPDATE
9.1Kings seeds – catalogue will be available for 4th Sept.
10.1 Web link on Earls Colne website is completed. However, DM to chat to Daniel about setting up our own website. JB to do some searching (EssexInfo).
10.2 JB to forward contents for 4th Sept. All “official & permanent documentation” to be in .pdf format.
11.1 put a generic ECAA notice in parish notice boards & library (JB/TL), via Parish Clerk.
12.Social Events / Fundraising
12.2 Opening Event
12.2.1 Date of 4th Septemberhas been set for the opening event.
12.2.2 Letters/emails to be distributed to Plot holders this week. Invites to get to guests by Monday 12th July.RSVPs to go to Parish Clerk.
12.2.3 Agreed with M Hobbs that we can use the Airfield road for parking on the day.
12.3 Adopt a tree
12.3.1 TB reported that 12 people have come forward to sponsor a tree so far. Cheques should be made payable to Earls Colne Allotment Association. May suggest some people hold off, if their trees aren’t due to be planted until late Autumn. Tamsin to contact.
13. A.O.B.
13.1 Newsletter due... to cover things such as weeds and that plot holders need to sort their weeds out.
DM & JG to identify those plot numbers that need sorting! Letters to be sent on an individual basis. Agreed that we should issue another newsletter soon. TL/JB/DM & JG to meet 14th July at David’s house.
13.2 Jean to draft a letter asking Horticulture manufacturers about possible sponsorship, for next Event meeting 21st July.
13.3Scarecrow Competition - Agreed to enter the Four Colnes’ Show Scarecrow competition which is themed this year as “From around the world”. MM to arrange
13.4 Four Colnes’ Show - we will form part of the Parish Council presentation at the show. JB & MM to prepare content.
14. Diary Dates
14.1 Date of next meeting: 5thAugust 2010 7.30pm The Castle?
14.2 Opening Event Meeting21st July Tamsin’s house.
14.3 Four Colne Shows 14th August