Chapter Goals and Objectives

To: District Representative

Cc: District Advisor

Due: August 31

Chapter:Las Vegas #122

Submission Date:August 30, 2011

Completed By: Karen Brown – Wichman, President


Develop Chapter’s current year goals and objectives


Education ObjectiveDevelop/provide educational programs, which provide cost effective education to the chapter membership. Encourage and promote activities, which help improve professional development of chapter members.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Offer a minimum of nine education programs during the chapter year; offer CPE credits at cost plus 5% or a minimum of $35 for one credit hour; market and encourage chapter membership at local regional and international education programs.

Certification ObjectiveEncourage members to obtain IIA certification.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Provide marketing material of IIA certifications; market CIA study materials on our chapter website and offer products to members at a discount, if available.

Social Objective: Provide networking opportunities for members.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Allot time at monthly programs for networking amongst attendees; network with other professional organizations in the area to broaden the reach of the local IIA chapter; hold at least one social event during the year.


Membership Objective:Identify and implement techniques to increase our membership, promote regular meeting attendance, and promote involvement in chapter activities.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Identify organizations in the area with internal audit departments, who are not current members, and communicate with the CAE and staff to encourage participation and membership.

Professional Development Objective: Promote activities which further educate and strengthen the professional development of chapter members.

Current year Goals and Objectives:Provide relevant education programs; include articles and other newsworthy articles in the monthly newsletters.

Academic Relations Objective: Promote the internal audit profession and the chapter at colleges and universities in the chapter area.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Host an annual student night event to promote the profession and provide a networking opportunity for students and internal audit professionals; provide scholarships to students interested in the internal audit profession; actively communicate with student organizations about internal auditing as a profession.

Government Relations Objective: Provide an education program geared towards government auditors.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Plan one program annually specific to public sector auditing.


Leadership Development Objective: Provide leadership opportunities to chapter members by participating as committee chair, officer and/or in governor position.

Current year Goals and Objectives: Identify future chapter leaders and complete a three year succession plan. Hold chapter officer and governor elections no later than March 2012; sponsor the incoming chapter President, or appointed representative, to the IIA Leadership Conference; sponsor the Chapter President, or appointed representative, to the annual District Workshop.

Chapter Finance Objective: Maintain and promote the financial stability of the chapter.

Current year Goals and Objectives:Utilize QuickBooks to manage the chapter budget and financial reporting; ensure proof of cash is performed on a monthly basis.

Communication and Participation Objective: Interact with members, HQ, international committees, and the district representative.

Current year Goals and Objectives:Issue a monthly newsletter; submit reports to HQ by applicable due dates; include district representative and regional advisor on communications.

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Form Revised 08/30/2011