Company Information Sheet – IFS Global Markets Food

Dear Customer,

this sheet is to ensure that we have the correct information about your company activities to draw up an adequate quotation and assign a qualified auditor.

Please fill out this form in detail (in BLOCK capitals). Feel free to contact us in case of questions or unclarities

1. Company data
Name of the company

Postal address

Visiting address
Name + addresses of other location (if applicable)

Company URL

Telephone no.

Telephone no.

Tax no.
Contact person
Position/Tel. Contact person

E-mail address

Name Managing Director
Legal representative

Where applicable, name of external QA person (consultant)

Pre-assessment needed? / Yes / No / When:
Preferred date for the initial audit:
Preferred language for the report: / Deutsch / English / Other:
Preferred language for the certification: / Deutsch / English / Other::
Is your company already certified? / Yes / No / Schemes:
IFS COID code (if applicable) / COID:
If you request more than 1 standard, are your management systems integrated (i.e. in one quality manual and one person responsible for the system)? / Yes / No
Product categories:
Meat Fish Egg Milk
ProduceBakery/Cereals Combined Products
Beverages Oil Pet Food
Dried Goods/Supplements
Technolgy scopes:
ASterilisation (in final packaging) with thepurpose to destroy pathogens
BPasteurisation with the purpose to reducefood safety hazards (and UHT process)
C Processed products: Treatment with purposeto modify product and/or extend the shelf
lifeand/or reduce food safety hazards by preservation techniques and other
DSystems, treatments to maintain productintegrity and or safety
ESystems, treatments to prevent productcontamination
FAny other manipulation, treatment, processing not being listed in A, B, C, D, E
Proposed scope on the assessment:
Required certification level:
Basic (Grundstufeacc. 5.3.1 IFS Global Markets Food Standards)
Basic plus (Grundstufe plus)
Intermediate Level (Mittelstufeacc. 5.3.2 IFS Global Markets Food Standards)
Total number of (permanent) employees:………………………………………………….
Number of seasonal employees: ……………………………………………………………
Number of employees in production:……………………………………………………….
Number of shifts: …………………………………………………………………………….
Constructed area (m2): ………………………………………………………………………
Year of the completion: ………………………………………………………………………
Last structuralmeasures: ……………………………………………………………………
No of HACCP studies: ………………………………………………………………………..
(A HACCP study corresponds to a family of products with similar hazards and similar production technology)
Correctness of data:
Undersigned declares that the data filled out in this form are correct and represent the current organisation and company situation.
Name: ……………………………………Function: …………………………………
Signature: ……………………………….Date: ……………………………………..

Please send this filled out application form to ISACert Austria (E-Mail: )
