Tim McArdle

24th January 2017

SUBJECT: Freedom of Information Request
Dear Mr McArdle,

I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request of 10 January 2017. Your request and the council’s response is as follows:

1. Have the Council ever considered the use by motorcycles of the A580 Bus Lanes from Ellenbrook to Manchester City Centre (and the return journey)?

There is a general restriction on the use of bus lanes by motorcycles across Greater Manchester and this has been carried across at this location.

2. If so, on what evidence was the decision based?

This was based on the necessity, as far as possible, to be consistent across the City and the wider Greater Manchester area to reduce confusion for users. Furthermore, these lengths of bus lane are relatively recent, and based on the information given elsewhere within this response; there is no clear disadvantage to motorcycles being prohibited from the bus lanes on the A580.

3. How many accidents have involved motorcycles on this stretch of road whilst filtering through traffic in the last five years?

There has been 1 reported collision involving a motorcycle as a result of changing lanes on the stretch of road in question (over a 5 year period)

4. How many accidents have been caused by the use of bus lanes by motorcyclists on this stretch of road?

There have been no reported collisions involving Motorcyclists as a result of utilising the bus lane (over a 5 year period)

5. How many prosecutions have their been for the unlawful use of bus lanes on this stretch

a) by motorcycles

b) by other vehicles

None by the Council

6. Are there any proposals to implement the use of motorcycles on the bus lane referred to?

None at present.

The council considers it has fulfilled your Freedom of Information request. If you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, or wish to appeal this decision, you may wish to reply direct to this email. Your appeal review will be overseen by a senior officer.

Further details of how to lodge an appeal can be found at https://www.salford.gov.uk

If you are still dissatisfied following any internal appeal, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF - www.ico.org.uk

Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745

Yours sincerely

Helen Speake

Information Governance Officer

Legal & Governance Division

Corporate Business

Salford City Council
Civic Centre, Chorley Road,

Swinton M27 5DA