BIOLOGY 112.040
Course Title: BIO 112 - General Anatomy and Physiology
Course Description: This course is a general introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Emphasis is on the organ systems of the human body and their relationships to one another.
Prerequisites: Eng 038, completion or concurrent enrollment in AHS 102 (medical terminology) is highly recommended
Required Materials:
· The Human Body in Health and Illness 2nd Ed., Herlihy & Maebius
· Study Guide for The Human Body in Health and Illness 2nd Ed., Herlihy
· ATC Bio 112 Workbook version 2, Black & Colley
Instructor: Ms. Amanda Garman
cell phone: (706) 589 – 6118
Office Hours: 2:00 – 3:45 p.m. MW Room 1302 (adjunct faculty office)
BIO 112.041
Lecture 3:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. W Room 302
Laboratory 3:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. M Room 1334
Credits 4
May 8 – 12
May 15 – 19
May 22 – 26
May 29 – June 2
June 5 – 9
June 12 – 16
June 19 – 23
June 26 – 30
July 3 – 7
July 10 – 14
July 17 – 21
Lab (Monday)
Intro to the Human Body
1) Metric System
4) Scopes
5) Cells
2) Organic Molecules
3) Enzymes
6) Tissues
8) Skeletal & Muscles
Practical 1
9) Nervous
10) Senses
Lecture: Cardiovascular System
11) Endocrine
12) Heart & Blood Vessels
14) Respiratory
15) Digestive
Lecture: Urinary System
13) Urinary
16) Reproductive
Practical 2
Lecture (Wednesday)
Basic Chemistry
Cell Structure
Cell Structure
Cell Metabolism
Exam 1 (Ch. 1-4)
Tissues & Membranes
Integumentary System
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Exam 2 (Ch. 6 – 9)
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Exam 3 (Ch. 10 – 13)
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic System
Immune System
Respiratory System
Exam 4 (Ch. 14 – 18)
Digestive System
Reproductive System
Exam 5 (Ch. 19 – 21 & 23)
A (90 – 100%)
B (80 – 89%)
C (70 – 79%)
D (60 – 69%)
F (0 – 59%)
The final grade for this class will be determined as follows:
5 Lecture Exams 120 pts each 600 pts
2 Practical Exams 100 pts each 200 pts
8 Lab Quizzes 25 pts each 200 pts
* The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the lecture or laboratory schedule, number and nature of exams / quizzes, and the contents of each exam or quiz as deemed necessary. Pop quizzes may be given at any time.
It is the policy of Aiken Technical College to encourage and support student academic achievement and progress by adopting and 80% minimum attendance policy for all classes. Tardiness is also strongly discouraged as it is a major disruption for both instructor and student. This class will meet for a total of 80 hours this semester. Each absence from lecture or lab will be worth 4 hours. Each tardy from lecture or lab will be worth 2 hours. If you accrue 16 hours or more (20% of combined lecture and laboratory class time) through absences and/or tardies you will be WITHDRAWN from the course by Ms. Garman. If withdrawn before the midpoint of the semester (June 8) the grade will be WF. If withdrawn after the midpoint of the semester the grade will be F.
Attendance is required for all lecture and laboratory quizzes and exams. NO MAKE – UP quizzes or exams will be given after the scheduled time. It is possible to schedule an exam early if you have a conflict of interest. It will be the prerogative of the instructor to allow any early exams. Quizzes and exams will be collected from tardy students when they are collected from students who were on time.
Please turn off all cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices before entering class EVERY CLASS PERIOD. If your cell phone or pager rings during class you will be asked to leave the class for the day. Any exams or quizzes will be collected and graded as they are. NO EXCEPTIONS. You will not be allowed back into the disrupted class and will be considered absent for the day.
I take cheating on ANY assignment personally and seriously. Any student caught cheating in BIO 112 will be forcibly dropped from this course regardless of semester performance to date. EXPULSION from Aiken Technical College may also be pursued.
· A major component of BIO 112 is learning the scientific terminology associated with the human body. Practice speaking all scientific terms out loud (sound them out) with help from your textbook and Ms. Garman. Pronunciation helps significantly in spelling and recall.
· Follow the course outline as we progress through the semester. Utilize your textbook by reading ahead of the lectures and then rereading after they have been discussed. Ms. Garman will present the highlights of major chapters, but you can gain valuable insight by thoroughly investigating your text.
· Often students are so worried about “getting the notes” during lecture, and do not think about the material as it is presented. Take the time to rewrite your notes. This process reinforces the material, any questions that develop can be answered quickly, and you have a clean copy to study from when exam time rolls around.
· Start your studying with the big picture. Understand the basic outline of the material, then begin filling in the details. Don’t lose “the forest for the trees.”
· Flash cards can be used to familiarize yourself with terms used in lecture and lab. Remember to study those cards from both directions.
· Diagrams presented in lecture (“biology cartoons”) are often useful to understand the gist, but your textbook has full-color, 3-dimensional images. Look at them for important details.
· Do not allow yourself to get behind during the semester. It will be too late to study if you wait until the last minute and try to cram for the tests.
· Dedicate time outside of lecture to Bio 112 every day. Just sitting in lecture will not be enough to be successful. It will be an effort to study and understand this material, but if you spend time studying you can do it.
· Keep a positive attitude and help other students. Organize study groups & quiz each other on the material. Teaching others is one of the best ways to understand difficult information.
· Biology tutoring is available during the semester. See Ms. Garman for details.
· Do not hesitate to ask questions regarding material which is unclear or poses difficulty in understanding. Ms. Garman is available for your assistance and is willing to explain material in more detail if needed.
Ø The laboratory experience is designed to supplement and correspond to the lectures. Material may be presented in greater detail than in lecture.
Ø Success in lab primarily involves individual effort.
To MAXIMIZE LEARNING AND TO MINIMIZE THE RISKS OF ACCIDENTS OR INJURY, the following policies and rules must be observed in science labs:
1.) No food or drinks allowed in the science laboratories! Throw it/ stow it PRIOR to entering the laboratory. All personal belongings must be stored in the cabinets immediately upon arrival (nothing should be on the floor at your feet)
2.) Students should read laboratory materials before coming to class in order to prepare for the activities and to review for weekly quizzes.
3.) You are required to bring your lab text with you to all lab periods.
4.) Laboratory exercises must be completed during the assigned lab period unless otherwise designated by the instructor.
5.) Do not disturb any equipment that has been set up until your instructor has told you how to proceed. Not everything out and available during the lab is for your class section.
6.) Follow directions carefully from both your instructor and your lab manual. Lack of attention to detail can and will result in the student having to redo certain experiments.
7) Students are required to wear safety goggles during lab activities where splashing of chemicals or biological substances is possible. Lab goggles will be available to students, but ATC CANNOT guarantee the sterilization and sanitation of these materials! It is recommended that students purchase personal safety goggles (ATC bookstore).
8) Occasionally chemicals or substances will be used in lab which may stain clothing. With this in mind, wear appropriate clothing to laboratory.
9) Report any injury (no matter how minor) to your lab instructor as soon as possible. Know where the fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, and showers are located in the lab. Report but DO NOT attempt to clean up broken glass. Your instructor will handle ALL glass clean up.
10) At the conclusion of every lab, you are REQUIRED to leave your work space in good order. This means throwing away trash, straightening and DISINFECTING your lab table, returning all materials to their proper place, and sliding your chair back into position under the table.