Kentucky American Council on Education (ACE)
Network for Women in Higher Education
BYLAWS OF THE Kentucky American Council on Education (ACE)
Network for Women in Higher Education
Article I: Name
The name of this organization will be the Kentucky American Council on Education (ACE)
Network for Women in Higher Education
Article II: Purpose
- Mission Statement. As espoused by the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network, the Kentucky ACE Women’s Network facilitates the networking of women interested in pursuing leadership opportunities in higher education. A collaborative partnership with the Network Executive Council, state-based networks with state Chairs from throughout the U.S., presidential sponsors, and institutional representatives helps to facilitate connections, allow for the sharing of best practices, particularly at the State Chairs Annual Conference, and enables local leadership training within the state.
- Goals. The goals of the Network are as follows:
- Create a network for women who are interested in advancing higher education faculties or administration in Kentucky.
- Provide information, support, and encouragement to those who share an interest in advancement of women in higher education to:
- Enhance leadership potential in current positions and/or
- Build skills toward higher-level positions
- Secure nominations to open positions
- Assist in the leadership development of women who are or aspire to be in higher education by:
- Providing opportunities to gain experience and develop skills in leadership
- Encouraging the establishment of mentoring relationships with women
- Encouraging support of women already advanced in higher education
- Develop strategies to improve institutional climates for women in higher education.
Using the IDEALS Core Principles of the ACE Women’s Network, the Kentucky ACE Women’s Network will:
- Identify women leaders nationally in higher education through extensive networks.
- Develop women’s leadership abilities through state and national programs.
- Encouragewomen to use those abilities.
- Advancewomen into senior-level leadership positions by nominating them and working with search firms on placement.
- Linkwomen leaders to one another.
- Support the tenure of mid- and senior-level women administrators and presidents throughout their careers.
Article III: Membership
- Institutional membership will be open to all Kentucky colleges and universities.
- Individual memberships will be available for those individuals at institutions not institutional members.
- Membership year will run from July 1 to June 30.
- Annual dues (as required) are to be paid upon acceptance into the organization. Dues will be established by the Advisory Board.
- Each member institutional President will designate one institutional representative
Article IV: Governance Structure
- Officers
1.The officers will be a State Chair, State Chair-Elect, Immediate Past State Chair, , Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Chair, Publications Chair, Conference Chair, and Nominating Chair.
2. State Chair – The first State Chair will be appointed by the State Advisory Board. The State Chair will serve as the chair of the Advisory Board and as liaison with regional and national groups. The state Chair will serve a term of two years with one renewable term.
3. State Chair-Elect – The State Vice-Chair will be elected and serve in the absence of the state Chair and will serve as Vice-Chair/Chair Elect of the Advisory Board and assist with leadership. The state Vice-Chair/Chair Elect will serve a term of two years with one renewable term.
4. Immediate Past Chair – will perform any such duties designated by the Chair and Advisory Board. This position will be held for a term of two years.
5.The State Chair-Elect will serve as acting State Chair in the absence of the State Chair, and the Immediate Past State Chair will serve as acting State Chair in the absence of both the State Chair and State Chair Elect. If the State Chair is unable to complete a term, the position will remain vacant until such time as it is filled by the normal accession of the current State Chair. In the event that the State Chair-Elect, Secretary, or Treasurer is unable to complete a term of office, the Nominating Chair will reconvene a committee immediately by the State Chair to nominate candidates for the vacant position, and a ballot of the Advisory Board will be undertaken expeditiously. Elected candidates will assume office immediately.
6. Treasurer – The Treasurer will maintain financial records and be a member of the Advisory Board.
7. Secretary – The Secretary will maintain minutes of each meeting and the records of the organization and will be a member of the Advisory Board.
8. Membership Chair – The Membership Chair will chair the Membership Committee and will maintain a membership list, interact with the treasurer as necessary, will be responsible for promoting institutional and individual memberships, and be a member of the Advisory Board.
9. Publications Chair – The Publications Chair will edit newsletters, serve on the editorial Committee, develop relevant publications as requested, and be a member of the Advisory Board.
10. Conference Chair – The Conference Chair is a member of the Advisory Board and will chair the Conference Committee, which is responsible for planning and carrying out all conferences and receptions.
11. Nominating Chair – The Nominating Chair will chair the Nominating Committee of not less than three members from the Advisory Board and Advisory Council. This committee will provide an annual slate of officers and other Advisory Board membership for approval by the Advisory Board.
12.Social Media Chair – The Social Media Chair is a member of the Advisory Board and will chair the Social Media Committee, which is responsible for ensuring the Network has a social media presence in all current platforms.
- Advisory Board
- Membership – The Advisory Board (not to exceed a maximum of 16, including the 8 officers) will strive to have representation from all types of institutions (private, public, and community colleges) of higher education in Kentucky and will include at least 4 institutional representatives. The Advisory Board will strive to reflect the diversity of the institutions.
- Members will serve a staggered 3-year term, with ideally one-third of the membership being replaced each year. Members may be re-elected for one additional three year term.
- Attendance –Advisory Board members must attend a majority of meetings during two fiscal years to remain on the Committee.
- Vacancies –Vacancies in any office or on the Advisory Board may be filled by the appointment of the State Chair until the time of the next annual election. If a member leaves the Advisory Board for a temporary period during his/her term, an individual may be appointed for the duration of that temporary period at the discretion of the Chair.
- Committees – Standing committees of the organization include: Membership, Publications, Conferences, and Nomination. Other committees and task forces may be created as necessary by the Advisory Board.
- Responsibilities will include but not be limited be limited too:
- To work toward the goals of the organization
- To assess and respond to the needs of the members
- To plan and implement, on a regular basis, conferences and receptions which will further the professional development of women
- To prepare a newsletter or electronic communication for members
- To assess the general climate for women in Kentucky higher education
- Institutional Representatives
- Serve as their institution's official representative to the Kentucky ACE Network and Advisory Council
- Participate in local, regional, and statewide meetings, as appropriate.
- Assist the Advisory Boardin developing future plans and implement programs and activities generated by the Committee.
- Establish, as appropriate, linkages with other campus programs focusing on women.
- Form a committee of other women on their campus for support and assistance.
- Advisory Council
The Advisory Council consists of all of the institutional representatives and exists to provide a means of connection for the campus representatives, the Advisory Board, and the organization. The Advisory Council will meet with the Advisory Board at least once a year and will be invited to help staff conferences and receptions and serve on standing committees.
Article V: Decision-Making Process
Decisions of the Advisory Board and Advisory Council will be made by consensus unless that is impossible, in which case, a simple majority of those members present will prevail. A quorum is constituted when a majority of the members are present. A quorum can be obtained by electronic proxy and does not require physical presence for issues that the chair of the Advisory Board or Advisory Council deems appropriate.
Article VI: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Advisory Board. The amendment will have been proposed to the Advisory Board in writing at least 30 days prior to the time of voting.