Date Proposal Presented to Curriculum Committee
Course Title
(Or Program) / (New course or program number and title. Use a course number that has never been used at Ozarka College. This stipulation applies to Course name changes as well.)
CIP Code
(Course or Program) / (2010 CIP Code and code detail from Code List xx.xxxx)
ACTS Code / (Yes or No? If yes, include ACTS course number.)
(1, 2, 3)
(Applies to Developmental Coursework only) / (The level is determined by what mastery level a student can possibly obtain when completing the ‘developmental education’ course. A Level 3 indicates the student could progress into the gatekeeper course (i.e. college level math or English composition) upon completion of the course.
Department Code / (2480 Division of Math, Science & Education; 2530-Division of Applied Science Technology;2610-Continuing Education; 2690-Division of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences; 2830-Division of Arts & Humanities; 3560-Mammoth Springs Off-Campus Site)
Contact Person(s) / (Instructor and Division Chair)
Effective date of proposal / (Semester and year that this course will be offered or program started)
Proposal Summary / (Provide a general description of the proposed curriculum change or development. If this is a proposal for a course, indicate if this course will transfer.)
Need for the proposal / (Provide data on student interest, job availability, corporate demands, and employment projections. Focus on need in North Central Arkansas: is there sufficient demand, etc.? Program Information needed: Student Interest, Job Availability, Corporate Demands, Employment Projections, Is there Sufficient demand in North Central Arkansas indicated by regional survey?)
Curriculum outline / (Include prerequisites, course description, syllabus, suggested textbook, etc.)
Faculty needed for proposal / (Will new faculty have to be hired?)
Description of resources / (Present library resources including relevant holdings; current instructional facilities including classrooms, instructional equipment and technology, and laboratories, etc.)
Costs associated with the activity / (New administrative costs; cost, if any, of additional faculty; new library resources and cost; new facilities and costs; distance delivery costs, if applicable; and any other costs associated with the proposal. If no new costs, explain.)
Source of funding (if needed)
Similar activities in colleges within a 50 mile range / (List colleges in region who have similar programs. Identify how the Ozarka College program is different)
Curriculum Committee / Chairperson Signature: Date:
Faculty Council / Chairperson Signature: Date:
Administrative Council / Chairperson Signature: Date:
Board of Trustees
(Programs only.) / Signature: Date:
Signed copy showing all required approvals must be scanned in and then sent back to curriculum committee chair for filing.
ADHE Submission / Date:
ADHE Letter of Notification / Date:
After all required approvals have been completed, proposed item may be added to catalog and course schedules


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